"Your Staff": employee reviews about the employer, working conditions

"Your Staff": employee reviews about the employer, working conditions
"Your Staff": employee reviews about the employer, working conditions

Recently, outsourcing of personnel has come into fashion in Russia. Indeed, why keep your own staff when you can conclude an agreement with a third-party company, and it will provide as many workers as you need and at any convenient time.

Your Personnel LLC supplies labor to large chain retailers. According to information on the official website of the company, 7000 vacancies are currently open throughout Russia. Among them are brands such as Dixy, Lenta and others.

Working conditions at Vash Personnel LLC

Company promises fair wages, formal employment from day one, fair and open leadership.

For the time of work, non-residents are provided with housing and food. The rate is hourly and depends on the chosen vacancy. Full and part-time opportunities available.

You can call the hotline or talk to the director in person.

Looks good. But what really?

Employee reviews

Reviews have been carefully analyzedemployees "your staff". See the results below.

search results
search results

For maximum objectivity, the first 4 sites in the top of Yandex search results were studied.

Reviews on site 1

We can immediately see that the company's rating is very low - only 1.5 stars out of 5 possible.

rating of the company "Your staff"
rating of the company "Your staff"

Let's move on to the reviews. Of the 25 reviews by Vash Personnel employees about the company, only 7 are positive or neutral. The rest are strongly negative. Below are a couple of examples in the screenshot.

reviews of employees "Your staff"
reviews of employees "Your staff"

What is the dissatisfaction of the staff?

First of all, these are low wages and delays in their payment. Feedback from employees of Vash Personnel LLC suggests that you can expect a salary here within 1, 5-2 months.

Another problem is the system of fines. Nobody cares about your problems here. Late for work - pay a fine. You read and voluntarily signed the contract. And now no one cares that it is inconvenient for you to get to your workplace.

Here is such an "attentive" and "kind" attitude towards employees. As evidence, below is a review of a former employee and a comment from the company's management.

Review with management comment
Review with management comment

However, it would be unfair to ignore the opinion of people who are still satisfied with their work. They are much smaller, but they exist. Here are some positive reviewsleave employees of "your staff".

Positive feedback about the company
Positive feedback about the company

Mostly satisfied employees note the courtesy and friendly attitude of the management, timely payment.

So where is the truth? Some say that management is constantly rude, treats staff badly and does not pay salaries for months. Others claim the exact opposite…

Most likely, there is a notorious human factor. Some are lucky with managers, some are not.

There are more negative reviews. This is understandable. When a person is satisfied with everything, he will rarely waste his time on reviews. But when he was deceived, he will “ring all the bells.”

Reviews on the second site

Rating indicators are also not encouraging. Staff turnover - 50%, unreliability - 10.

Indicators of the company "Your staff"
Indicators of the company "Your staff"

In total, 16 reviews have been left on the site, 7 of them are positive. Not bad, especially compared to the previous resource.

But should they be trusted? Let's take a closer look. Almost all of the positive reviews are very similar to those on the previous site.

Let's get to the logic. Typically, these companies have a crazy turnover of staff. Having earned a little, people leave to find a more worthy option. Judging by the reviews, 90% of the employees of "Your Staff" consider their work temporary.

It is unlikely that such a person, even if everything suits him, will take care of the company's image and write positive reviews about it.

Believe thata satisfied employee left a review on one resource, it is still possible. But for him to spend his time and leave a review on several sites at once - this is from the realm of fantasy.

And then 7 people did this at once. What does it say? The motivation was more than simple gratitude.

Now let's look at the reviews themselves.

Company reviews
Company reviews

There are 2 positive reviews in the screenshot above. One of them is written on behalf of a man, the second - a woman. But take a closer look at the style and structure of the text. In both cases, the authors seem to “shoot” short sentences, as if from a machine gun.

There are other reviews that are written in a similar style. This usually happens when a non-professional writes them to order.

All this suggests that they were written by the same person.

It is also embarrassing that most of the positive reviews about "your staff" were left by employees from Moscow. And on the previous site, on the contrary, Muscovites were dissatisfied with the work in this company.

There is no clarity with the regions either. On one site, employees of "Your Personnel" from Yekaterinburg leave positive reviews, on the other - they speak sharply negatively about the company.

The same situation with other cities. For example, in Novosibirsk, the reviews of the employees of "Your Personnel" also report salary delays. Employees complain about management's rudeness.

But the reviews of the employees of "Your personnel" in Nizhny Novgorod, on the contrary, praise the company for the stable payment of wagesfees.

Of course, this could all just be a coincidence. However, whether to trust such recommendations, everyone decides for himself.

Third site

Sharply negative reviews also prevail here. People complain about:

  • salary delays;
  • violations of labor laws;
  • boorish attitude of management.

These points are the same as what the employees of the company "Your Personnel" and other sites are talking about.

But what if these reviews are written by competitors? Such an option is also possible. Although this is unlikely. If the company works honestly, then custom-made black PR will not be able to cause significant damage to it, which means that there is no point in paying for it. Why?

It's simple. A satisfied employee is unlikely to leave reviews on the Internet. But I will definitely recommend the company to my friends or acquaintances. And the credibility of such a recommendation will be much higher than an anonymous message on the network.

Accordingly, the company will never have problems with staff. Especially in conditions of rampant unemployment. But if there really are problems, then word of mouth begins to work against a dishonest employer.

This site still has a positive review of the company "Your Staff". All others are neutral or negative. And there is no particular reason not to trust them. You should think hard before applying for a job in a company like this.

Employee reviews on site 4

Immediately look at the rating: 3 stars out of 5 possible. This is higher than in the previous examples. However, this is not allsimple.

Company rating
Company rating

This site has 14 reviews. And all the reviews for 2018 are positive. But everything before is sharply negative. Interesting pattern, isn't it?

Suggests that fresh negative reviews are simply deleted. It is theoretically possible that since April 2018 the situation in the company has improved dramatically and people simply have no reason to complain. But for some reason, the information on other sites does not confirm this. The very likelihood of such a sharp improvement also tends to zero.

Then is it worth trusting the positive reviews about this company at all? You can check it out only by getting a job there. But whether it is worth checking, everyone decides for himself.

What conclusions can we draw?

After studying the reviews about the company "Your Personnel" in the top "Yandex", the following conclusions were made:

  1. The company has problems with delayed wages. Money is delayed from several days to 1, 5-2 months, depending on the specific situation.
  2. The staff turnover is very high. 90% of workers consider their employment as temporary.
  3. The management treats the staff like slaves. Your problems here will not bother anyone. You either agree to the terms and conditions offered "as is" and ask no questions, or you simply do not work here.
  4. There is a strict system of fines. You can always be deprived of what you have earned at any time, it is not difficult to come up with a reason.
  5. Wages are gray and below market level.

So notless money can be made here. In a situation where there is no choice, this company can become a haven for 2-3 months. You will be provided with accommodation and food. You can also count on a small advance.

Beautiful promises of managers are not true. You shouldn't believe them. To be convinced of this, it is enough to carefully read the contract.

What should you be prepared for?

As a rule, you will be offered to work 14-16 hours a day, often seven days a week. At the same time, they will officially apply for ½ rates with a salary of 6,000 rubles.

You can immediately forget about paying sick leave and other social guarantees. No one will pay you for lunch either. You will have to get to work at your own expense.

But you will be fined for any wrongdoing. As a result, you will work 1.5-2 months before the first money, and the amount of the promised salary will be approximately halved due to advances and fines.

Ready for these conditions? This is really what awaits you, judging by the feedback from employees. Before you get a job at "Your Staff", you need to keep this in mind.

And the "fairy tales" that you will be told at the interview, immediately pass over your ears. Companies like this are cashing in on people who find themselves in dire financial straits and have nowhere else to go.

This is a last resort option. Sometimes this kind of work is still better than nothing. But in another situation, it is worth looking for a more worthy employer.
