Growing parsley - tips

Growing parsley - tips
Growing parsley - tips

Parsley is divided into root and leaf. Both species are very popular with the only difference being that the root is used in pickles and vegetable soups, while the leaf is mainly added to salads, fish and meat dishes as a condiment. Leafy greens, in turn, are curly and ordinary. Curly is the most popular among summer residents - because of its beautiful appearance and a large amount of green mass. Growing parsley is possible both at home and in personal plots. Thanks to the content of vitamin C, essential oils and carotene in it, it has a beneficial effect on the body and improves appetite.

growing parsley
growing parsley

Time to sow

This type of greenery belongs to spicy plants, so its seeds are quite small and germinate in about 20 days. Essential oil prevents faster germination of seeds, which, in turn, preserves the possibility of their germination throughout the year. Greenery is a biennial plant, so the cultivation of parsley takes two years: the first year is spent on the formation of roots and rosettes of leaves, and in the second, stems with flowers develop. itthe plant is well resistant to low temperatures, so it can easily endure frosts down to -9 degrees C. Growing parsley in the winter season also does not cause any trouble. Even with snow cover, the plant will easily endure the winter, and with the advent of spring it will quickly release new leaves that germinate already at 3 degrees above zero. The important point is that the greens are very demanding on soil moisture and enough light, since when the soil is waterlogged, root disease will begin.

parsley growing from seed
parsley growing from seed

Germination and sowing

Growing parsley in the open field gives excellent results on clean, fertile and loose soils. Dense clay soils cause a change in the shape of the plant and a decrease in yield. Abundant green growth is provided by organic fertilizers, such as humus, manure or compost, which must be added during digging of the site, about 5 kilograms per 1 square meter. The timing of sowing also greatly affects the yield. Due to the fact that the seeds sprout very slowly and need high soil moisture, it is better to sow them early, at the very beginning of May or even April. If the sowing is delayed, the seeds will fall into dry soil and give weak and seedlings, and many of them will not sprout at all. This is such a capricious green - parsley.

Growing from seeds and planting can be done in spring and autumn. When sowing in autumn, it is better to choose such soil areas on which a dense crust does not form and there is no danger of the plant being washed away by melt water. Despite the risk, autumnsowing made before the immediate onset of cold weather will give an early harvest. Sow greens in rows, with a distance between them of about 20 centimeters, and in a row of about 4 centimeters. For faster germination, you can soak the seeds in water for several weeks before sowing. After the sprouts appear, they are placed in the soil to a depth of about 3 centimeters.

growing parsley outdoors
growing parsley outdoors

Seedling care

Proper cultivation of parsley also depends on timely weeding. If this procedure is not performed, the plants will stretch out a lot, and when weeds are removed, they will fall to the ground. Weeding and loosening the soil should be several times during the summer. It is necessary to produce and thin out too thick seedlings during weeding, and torn stems are usually used for food.
