Oknomarket, Ukhta: review, assortment, contacts and reviews

Oknomarket, Ukhta: review, assortment, contacts and reviews
Oknomarket, Ukhta: review, assortment, contacts and reviews

Installation of plastic windows, glazing of balconies and loggias is one of the most popular and demanded services in today's market. Many companies located in various regions of Russia offer a wide range of window structures and a full range of glazing services.

balcony photo
balcony photo

One of the brightest representatives of the modern window business is a company with the intriguing name Oknomarket in Ukhta.

About company

The company started its activity in 2011. Today, the company is engaged in the production of plastic windows, as well as various components made of high-quality PVC and aluminum.

plastic windows windowmarket Ukhta
plastic windows windowmarket Ukhta

During its existence, the company managed to win not only the sympathy of the city residents, but also become one of the window production monopolists in the Komi Republic.

Thanks to its own production, high-quality and environmentally friendly materials, significant work experience and proven employees, Oknomarket (Ukhta) is confident inthe quality of their products and work performed.

Manufacturer Design Benefits

Plastic windows from the manufacturer are distinguished by several factors, namely:

  • high product quality: profiles of trusted Exprof and Proplex concerns are used in production;
  • attractive appearance: variety of shapes, sizes and colors;
  • reliability and durability of window structures;
  • affordable prices for Oknomarket windows (Ukhta) - the cost of standard configuration structures varies between 3800-4000 rubles (depending on configuration);
  • excellent thermal insulation performance;
  • high degree of soundproofing.

In addition, customers who have already used the services of Oknomarket, in their reviews note the following number of factors that encourage their friends and acquaintances to make a choice in favor of this particular manufacturer:

  • minimum window manufacturing time - only 1 day;
  • free measurements and installation of selected structures;
  • warranty for all products of the Oknomarket plant in Ukhta - 3 years;
  • a wide range of accessories: window sills, slopes, mosquito nets and more;
  • the possibility of buying products in installments or credit.

Oknomarket (Ukhta): phone numbers and addresses

For the convenience of customers, there are three sales offices in the city of Ukhta. By calling the specified phone number or visiting the office in person, any buyer can order a specialist visit to the house, installation or installation of window structures frommanufacturer.

contacts windowmarket
contacts windowmarket

Components of glass structures

As mentioned earlier, Oknomarket works with profiles from trusted Exprof and Proplex manufacturers. The products of these brands can withstand large temperature changes and dynamic loads. With proper operation, the structures do not break and do not fail. This is due to the presence of a strong reinforcing component inside the profile, which is made of high-quality galvanized steel.

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construction photo

This, in turn, affects the resistance to dynamic loads. It is also a good anti-corrosion protection.

At least three air chambers are provided in plastic windows from the manufacturer. After all, the more air chambers, the better the heat transfer coefficient, which means that your window will be much warmer.

Quality fittings are an important part of any window design

When it comes to plastic windows, such a concept as fittings is commonly understood as all the internal mechanisms that provide opening and closing of the window, shifting the frame, turning or exposing the sash for slot ventilation.

In addition to the main purpose, accessories can perform protective, anti-burglary functions or protect against accidental opening by young children.

All fittings used in the production of Oknomarket (Ukhta) products can be divided into several types according to their functional features.


The most common option is the turn-slide hardware, which provides several different ways to open the window.

Tilt&Turn fittings allow the sashes to rotate around a vertical or horizontal axis, or provide rotation around a vertical axis, and the sash tilts horizontally.

In the balcony and loggia structures of the Oknomarket company, where an increased degree of thermal insulation is not required, sliding fittings are most often used, which corresponds to a special type of window profile with a brush seal.

The most complex system is the tilt-slide hardware, which allows the window sashes to move, rotate or be set parallel to the frame, providing slot ventilation around the entire perimeter of the window. As a rule, this type of fitting is used when space is limited.

In reviews of Oknomarket (Ukhta), they often say that in special cases, when the height of the openings is too high for solid sashes, the company's specialists recommend using sliding fittings. It provides sliding and folding doors according to the accordion principle.

Also, accessories from the manufacturer are divided into separate types depending on the materials from which the windows or doors are made. Obviously, plastic or aluminum structures have different weights, respectively, such products have a different load on the fittings and the degree of wear.

Installation of PVC windows

balcony glazing
balcony glazing

Modern consumers pay not so much attention to the fact of purchasing plastic windows, but to the issue of its high-quality installation. And they do it right! After all, most problems with windows appear as a result of their poor installation.

What should be the correct installation of windows?

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window photo

The process of installing a PVC window, which is carried out by the Oknomarket team in Ukhta, begins with the measurer leaving your home and taking the dimensions of the window opening. Then, taking into account the type of house, the curvature of the opening and the floor, the specialist determines the complexity of installing the window structure. Proper window measurement is one of the most important parts of the job. The initial dimensions, of course, can be removed independently, but only a qualified specialist can evaluate the entire upcoming scope of work. Moreover, in order to order window measurements and get qualified advice, you just need to call Oknomarket in Ukhta at the numbers indicated above, or leave a request on the website.

After that, the customer needs to visit the company's office to conclude a contract and determine the terms for manufacturing the structure, the date and time of installation.


During the agreed period, new plastic windows will be brought to you and installed. Separately, it is worth noting that the company's specialists perform the work of dismantling old structures completely free of charge. Upon completion of all installation work, a work acceptance certificate is signed.
