What is a mineral fertilizer: main types, composition, application rate

What is a mineral fertilizer: main types, composition, application rate
What is a mineral fertilizer: main types, composition, application rate

Thought about what is mineral fertilizer? As a rule, this question is most often asked by novice farmers, since professionals are familiar not only with the terminology, but also with the method of their application at home. In our article, you will learn everything about what types of mineral dressings exist, what their composition is, how to determine the rate of fertilizer application in a particular case, and so on.

What is mineral fertilizer?

So, mineral supplements are a special group of inorganic elements that contain a number of useful substances necessary for the proper growth and development of plants. Such fertilizers allow you to achieve good soil fertility and grow a rich harvest. The most sought after mineral elements are:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • nitrogen.

Fertilizers containing such substances are actively used both in large farms and in private garden plots. However, it should be understood that the fertilization of the earth with mineral elements should be approached withgreat responsibility. With an excessive dosage, you can not only kill the plant, but also poison the soil, after which it will be impossible to plant crops on it for several years.

Nitrogen fertilizers

Among the main types of mineral fertilizers for growing plants, nitrogen supplements are most often used. Most often, the lack of this element in the soil is felt in the spring season, when the culture needs a lot of strength in order to put them on the growth of stems and leaves. Lack of nitrogen is manifested in a slowdown in growth or its cessation. Also, rather weak shoots and small pale foliage can speak of this problem.

Granular urea
Granular urea

Tomatoes, garden strawberries, potatoes, apple trees and cucumbers react most of all to a lack of nitrogen in the soil. If you find that the stems of a tomato bush begin to break under the weight of the brushes, then you should immediately water the culture with mineral fertilizers diluted in water that contain nitrogen. The best option for this is urea and calcium nitrate.

A novice gardener or gardener should also not forget that different types of nitrogenous fertilizers affect certain crops in different ways, so before applying top dressing to the soil, you should definitely read the instructions for using the purchased drug. For example, excess urea can lead to soil oxidation, which is detrimental to cauliflower, lettuce, onions, cucumbers, and many other crops.

Nitrogen fertilizer rate

Thought aboutthe rate of application of mineral fertilizers per 1 ha? Most manufacturers indicate in the instructions the number of grams per 1 square meter, but it will be quite simple to calculate the value: you just need to multiply the original figure by 10 to the fifth power. That is, if we need to apply 10 grams of urea per 1 square meter, then 1 ton of mineral fertilizers will need to be applied per 1 hectare. Here is a short list of nitrogen fertilization rates for a particular crop:

calcium nitrate
calcium nitrate
  • shrubs and trees - 10-20 grams per 1 square meter;
  • beets and tomatoes - 20 grams per 1 square meter;
  • vegetables - 5-12 grams per 1 square meter.

It should be remembered that nitrogenous fertilizers are the most dangerous for plants among all mineral fertilizers. With an excess of nutrients, the culture begins to deposit inside an excessive amount of all kinds of nitrates, which are dangerous for the human body. In addition, too much nitrogen is also detrimental to any green crop. For example, if a gardener thinks about using manure as a fertilizer, and puts too concentrated a composition under the root of a cucumber, the plant will literally burn out, especially when it comes to chicken manure.

How to feed?

Many novice farmers are interested in where to buy a fertilizer spreader. As a rule, we are talking about special equipment that is used to spread top dressing over large areas. Order a similar deviceYou can search the Internet or search in stores for gardeners and gardeners. However, be prepared for the fact that the spreader will cost quite a tidy sum, so you should buy a mineral fertilizer spreader only if we are talking about fertilizing large scale soils. Otherwise, top dressing can be done manually or with a spray bottle.

Girl spraying cucumbers with fertilizer
Girl spraying cucumbers with fertilizer

Many mineral fertilizers can be diluted in water, and then water the soil under the root with this composition or spray the leaves with a spray bottle. As for the first option, it is best suited for root crops and various crops with a developed root system (trees, shrubs, and so on). Plants with large leaves and powerful stems (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers) are best treated with mineral dressings using a spray gun, after making a solution of the desired concentration. Now you understand that a mineral fertilizer spreader is not always needed?

Phosphate fertilizers

Most phosphate fertilizers are mineral fertilizers containing approximately 20 percent phosphoric anhydride. The best option for fertilizing most types of crops is considered to be superphosphate, which is ideal for any type of soil that needs this chemical element. The application of phosphate fertilizers is carried out in the early stages of crop growth, when the soil is characterized by high humidity. That is, before applying top dressing to the root, it is necessarywater the soil for several days in a row.

Phosphate fertilizers
Phosphate fertilizers

Some professional gardeners use double superphosphate, the concentration of the active substance in which is several times higher than the dosage of a conventional preparation. It also does not contain useless CaSO4, which allows you to save quite a lot of money on the purchase of fertilizers. However, double superphosphate is very rarely sold in small quantities, and only large farms can afford to purchase a large package of mineral fertilizers, although such top dressing will be no less useful for a novice gardener.

Also, another type of phosphate fertilizer is phosphorite flour, which is most often used on acidic soils intended for growing vegetables, fruits and cereals. This element helps to fight pests, and also significantly increases the immunity of plants. That is why this top dressing is so often used for medicinal purposes to get rid of infectious diseases. Although it should be understood that the desired result can only be achieved with the correct dosage, which is individual for each drug and culture.

What is the danger of getting mineral fertilizers into water for irrigation? It all depends on the concentration of the drug that was inadvertently introduced into the soil, but in most cases you should not worry, since farmers in most cases complain about the lack of phosphorus in the soil than its excess. In addition, this chemical element decays very quickly at hightemperatures, which is why it is not recommended to apply it with manure. Therefore, if you are asking yourself the question of why it is dangerous to get mineral fertilizers into water, then in the case of phosphorus there is no reason to worry.

Potassium top dressing

If we are talking about the use of mineral fertilizers, then we simply cannot fail to mention various potash preparations designed to increase the level of potassium in the soil. These top dressings are recommended to be applied in late autumn during the digging of the site. As an exception, you can apply a small amount of diluted fertilizer at the stage of plant development, but only if absolutely necessary.

potash fertilizers
potash fertilizers

Root crops (potatoes, beets) and cereal crops need potassium supplements the most. The best options for fertilizer are:

  • potassium sulphate - suitable for top dressing during crop growth;
  • potassium sulfate - used during tillage in late autumn.

These compositions do not contain any chemical impurities (magnesium, sodium, chlorine), so their use in no way affects human he alth. According to mineral fertilizer manufacturers, various potash formulations are also suitable for feeding legumes, but peas or beans rarely need fertilizer, so the use of dressings will be justified only on the most infertile soils.

Potash application rates

Since potassium s alt contains two very dangerous chloride elements - chloridesodium and potassium chloride, then the dosage of the drug should be carefully monitored, otherwise the cultures may be seriously affected. Here are just the basic application rates that a novice farmer should follow:

Potash fertilizers for roses
Potash fertilizers for roses
  • potassium sulfate - from 25 to 30 grams per 1 square meter;
  • potassium chloride - from 20 to 25 grams per 1 square meter.

It should be understood that the composition of mineral fertilizers can adversely affect the presence of other chemical elements. For example, an excess of potassium in the soil leads to a deficiency of magnesium, which causes fruits to become ugly and have a bitter taste (hooked cucumbers are a prime example).

Although the lack of potash fertilizers also affects the he alth of green crops not in the most favorable way. Potassium takes an important part in the water balance of plants, therefore, with a lack of a chemical element, various diseases or wilting of leaves and stems can occur.

Complex mineral fertilizers

Many novice gardeners are wondering: "Are there mineral fertilizers of the nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium type?" Yes, there are. Moreover, such preparations are one of the most popular among modern gardeners and gardeners. Although it should be understood that mixed fertilizers are obtained by combining various chemical elements, so their cost leaves much to be desired. The list below will present the most popular complex preparations and their composition:

Complex mineral fertilizer
Complex mineral fertilizer
  1. "Ammophos" is a nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer, which contains phosphorus and nitrogen in the ratio of five to one. This mineral complex is very well absorbed by young crops, especially when it comes to potatoes or cucumbers.
  2. "Diammophos" is a nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer that contains 75% phosphorus and 25% nitrogen. The preparation is perfectly soluble in cold water and is suitable for tillage at any time of the year. Does not include various ballast elements.
  3. "Azofoska" is a very effective granular fertilizer, which incorporates three elements at once: potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. The substance is characterized by low toxicity, as well as a long shelf life. Suitable for most types of crops.

Many agro-industrial complexes prefer to use complex mineral fertilizers. GOST RF is the main indicator that you should pay attention to when choosing a preparation for feeding. If the fertilizer is not certified, then the farmer must understand that the use of top dressing is associated with great risks. Therefore, if you want to achieve a good result, then purchase only those products that have the GOST mark.

Differences between organic and mineral fertilizers

Thought about the difference between organic and mineral fertilizers? The information in this section will help you understand this. Despite the general purpose of the application, chemistry and organics are quite stronglydiffer from each other. The list below shows the main parameters by which differences can be classified:

  1. All mineral supplements are produced chemically or by extracting from an artificial base. Organics are created exclusively from the waste products of creatures and have only a natural basis.
  2. Most mineral fertilizers work much stronger and faster than any organic supplement. Organic gives a more lasting effect, which is achieved within a certain time.
  3. Synthetic additives are much more economical than the organic counterpart, so they are very often used on an industrial scale. However, mineral fertilizers can harm vegetables and fruits.
  4. Organic supplements have a narrow focus and help achieve several goals at once. Mineral fertilizers, as a rule, control only one single parameter.
  5. Mineral fertilizers very often contain only one component, but organic matter has a large number of various impurities that do not always benefit a particular crop.
  6. Organic top dressing can improve the condition of the soil several times, but mineral supplements, unfortunately, cannot boast of such a property.

We hope now you understand the difference between mineral and organic fertilizers. Each type of feeding has its pros and cons, so it’s not immediately possible to talk about the unconditional advantage of one or another type. Of course, mineral fertilizers can bringquite a big harm to human he alth, but they are much more efficient than organics, and much more economical, especially when it comes to large production scales. So everything is very ambiguous.

Video and conclusion

We hope this article has helped you figure out what a mineral fertilizer is. If you still have questions about this topic or you just want to know more information about this, we recommend that you watch a short video that talks about the types and benefits of mineral dressings. The author of this video has a very large audience on the channel, which allows you to be sure of the quality of the information that is presented to the viewer. Happy viewing!


Now you probably know what mineral fertilizers are, how best to use them. Of course, there is a fairly widespread belief that all chemical supplements are extremely harmful to the human body, but this is far from the case. Yes, there is some probability that mineral fertilizers can introduce nitrates and other harmful impurities into the product, but this is most often associated not with the fertilizer itself, but with its improper use. Therefore, if you decide to use urea or potassium sulfate in your garden, then you can safely carry out your plan, guided by the instructions that were presented in our article or come with the packaging for the drug.
