Which green manure for strawberries will provide the best harvest?

Which green manure for strawberries will provide the best harvest?
Which green manure for strawberries will provide the best harvest?

Some cultivated plants can grow in one place for many years, while other horticultural crops deplete the soil very quickly and significantly reduce the yield already in the 3rd year. These crops include strawberries, the berries of which are so eagerly awaited by both adults and children.

One of the methods to increase yields is to feed plants with mineral fertilizers, but oversaturation with them does not contribute to soil enrichment. A more productive way is to use natural organic fertilizers obtained from the cultivation of green manure.

green manure for strawberries
green manure for strawberries

Strawberry green manures are plant species that have a beneficial effect on the composition and air permeability of the soil, repel pests and prevent the appearance of certain diseases if used correctly

The answer to the question of when to sow green manure depends on the purpose of growing green manure. Plants are used as mulch or to protect young seedlings. Strawberry green manures are sown in spring, summer and autumn.

the bestgreen manure
the bestgreen manure

In spring, plants are planted around the holes prepared for planting strawberries. When rooting seedlings, you do not need to get rid of green manure, which will protect seedlings from recurrent frosts and the scorching sun.

when to sow green manure
when to sow green manure

It is important to prevent the seeds from ripening so as not to turn green helpers into weeds. As soon as the green manure for strawberries reaches the flowering phase, they must be cut and the tops used as mulch. Cut greens need oxygen to become fertiliser, so don't plant green manure deep into the ground.


In summer, green manure is sown on the site where young strawberry mustaches will be planted in August. Soil with green fertilizer application with a well-developed root system will be quickly restored.

If you want to plant strawberries in the spring, winter green manure is sown in the designated area in the autumn to prepare the soil. The best siderates for growing strawberries are mustard, rapeseed, peas, lupins, marigolds, dill, phacelia.

Mustard and rapeseed belong to the cruciferous family and enrich the soil with phosphorus and sulfur, and are used to loosen and structure the earth. Since cruciferous plants develop quickly and grow their vegetative part, they are convenient to use for growing mulch quickly.


Peas, lupins and other legumes are especially good because their nodules are inhabited by nitrogen-containing bacteria that enrich the soil with nitrogen - the best fertilizer for plants.


Marigolds or dill planted around the beds will protect strawberries from many types of pests. In addition, the vegetative mass of these plants is an excellent material for mulching and protects crop plants from weeds.


Phacelia is considered an ideal green manure, which quickly grows green mass, distracts parasites and pests, and has excellent decorative qualities.

Strawberry manures play an exceptional role in renewing and enriching the soil. By using the listed crops and knowing the characteristics of their growth, you can use your site as efficiently as possible.
