When do you cut off the whiskers of strawberries to harvest a good harvest?

When do you cut off the whiskers of strawberries to harvest a good harvest?
When do you cut off the whiskers of strawberries to harvest a good harvest?

Despite the existing variety of types and varieties of strawberries, this berry is grown, as a rule, in the same way (except for industrial scale). In most cases, the bushes bear fruit from May to the end of June (depending on the weather and the climatic zone). True, there are also varieties of strawberries that are able to produce crops right up to the first frost, but this is rather an exception.

when to cut off the whiskers of strawberries
when to cut off the whiskers of strawberries

To obtain berries in winter or spring, they can be cultivated in greenhouse conditions. True, then strawberries will not be so tasty. Regardless of whether it grows in open ground or under a film, the bushes need constant care, and competent. For example, many do not know what to do with the strawberry mustache, which is constantly growing (it multiplies in this way). Experts strongly advise cutting them off so that newly formed plants do not take strength from the berries. Naturally, if you plan to propagate strawberries, then they should be left, and after rooting, separated from the mother plant and planted separately.

When to cut off the whiskers of strawberries so that they do not interfere with the full development of the fruit, you should find out in advance, even before the start of the active gardening season. Experts advise doing this in several stages throughout the spring-summer period. Moreover, some recommend the removal of shoots, regardless of the stage of ripening of berries as they appear. But there is another opinion: it is extremely important to meet the deadlines when the mustache is cut off from strawberries. And if this is not done on time, the mother plant itself may suffer. The laying of flower buds for the next year occurs immediately after harvest, that is, around the end of June. Adherents of the second point of view are strongly advised to rid the bushes of excess shoots during this period, since, in their opinion, the presence of a mustache can lead to a poor future harvest.

when to pluck mustaches from strawberries
when to pluck mustaches from strawberries

Now there are types of plants that propagate by seeds. These varieties of strawberries do not produce whiskers and therefore do not need to be removed. But in most cases, the problem still exists.

There is another version (not devoid of common sense), according to which it does not matter at all when the mustache is cut off from strawberries. The main thing is how exactly to do it. In particular, the procedure should be carried out with care, and the processes should not be torn off, but cut off with garden shears or a knife. In this case, the mother plant is appliedminimal harm, so you can do it even during the period of active ripening of berries.

Most strawberry species start to develop whiskers immediately after flowering. This means that in early spring, when the plants are just waking up after the cold, weakened, they will not sprout. During this period, you need to remove straw from the bushes (if they were insulated with it), remove weeds (if any) and start feeding. Deciding when to cut off the whiskers of strawberries, do not forget to cut dry leaves along with them so that they do not interfere with the plant.

what to do with strawberry whiskers
what to do with strawberry whiskers

When breeding plants, many try to touch them less in order to minimize injury. However, this is not entirely correct. In this case, the processes are also removed. Knowing when to pluck the whiskers from strawberries can make the plant more "prolific". And it is advisable to leave the very first process, because it will make the strongest plant. It is better to remove the rest so that they do not interfere.
