What meat breed sheep are bred in Russia

What meat breed sheep are bred in Russia
What meat breed sheep are bred in Russia

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For a novice farmer who has chosen sheep breeding for his business, it will be useful to know that this type of farm animal provides a large variety of products. This meat, wool, milk, the latter is used for the production of popular dairy products: cheeses, cottage cheese. As with other types of animal husbandry, there is a specialization in this section of animal breeding. It is based on their selection according to their breed. Consider the meat direction of sheep breeding.

There are both purely meat and mixed (meat-fat and meat-wool) breed groups of animals. Breeds of sheep of the meat direction are distinguished by high productivity in terms of meat and fat. They are quite unpretentious to climatic conditions and require only adequate feeding for a good yield. For this, special feeding and fattening schemes have been developed. The first is pasture grazing and the second is a specialized feedlot feeding technique to build up meat and produce fat.

meat breed sheep
meat breed sheep

What are the most popular meat breeds of sheep inRussia?

  • Hissar;
  • romney march;
  • North Caucasian;
  • Romanovskaya;
  • Tajik;
  • texel;
  • Edilbaevskaya.

Brief description of them

Hissar - its representatives are large, their growth rate is high. They belong to animals of meat and greasy productivity, the weight of an adult male can reach 190 kg, and a fat tail fat - 45. Their fertility is average, the lambs develop and increase their live weight quickly.

meat breeds of sheep in Russia
meat breeds of sheep in Russia

Sheep of the Romney-March meat breed have pronounced body shapes, characteristic of the animal of this direction of sheep breeding. They also have good wool production (uniform crimped hair).

North Caucasian breed of sheep produces meat, lard and wool. They are characterized by precocity and excellent survival, and the mass of adult females can be up to 60 kg.

Romanovskaya is a breed with excellent reproductive performance: the female gives birth and feeds up to 6 lambs. At the same time, she comes to hunt 2-3 times a year. The weight of an adult male reaches 90 kg.

Sheep of the Tajik breed, like the North Caucasian, produce three types of products. The weight of the male reaches 160 kg in especially outstanding individuals.

Texel meat sheep are quite prolific animals, while the female has enough milk to feed two lambs. The yield of meat from the carcass is high.

meat sheep breeds
meat sheep breeds

Edilbaevskaya sheep is unpretentious, has good endurance, has a combinedproductivity with a slight bias towards wool. Sheep weight - up to 150-160 kg.

Why is meat breed sheep a good object for developing your agricultural business? There are several reasons for this:

  • animals are undemanding to the conditions of detention and withstand low ambient temperatures;
  • weight gain per day is 300 g and can reach up to 600;
  • animals become sexually mature very early (early) - at 5-6 months;
  • meat breed sheep usually have good reproductive ability, of course, this is beneficial;
  • meat products (mutton and lamb) are in demand among the population.
