Material consumption of products characterizes manufacturability of products

Material consumption of products characterizes manufacturability of products
Material consumption of products characterizes manufacturability of products

Development of a new product is a complex technical task that involves the implementation of a complex of research and development works. The peculiarity of the process under consideration lies in the need to ensure the required technical level of the product, as well as to give it certain properties. They should ensure the minimum labor intensity of manufacturing and subsequent operation of the product, as well as reduce the consumption of material and energy resources at all stages of the life cycle. The material intensity of production characterizes the costs that an enterprise incurs when developing and launching products into mass production.

Manufacturability of the product

The main goal of any product is to satisfy the needs of the customer. At the same time, on the one hand, it is necessary to strive for its maximum usefulness, and on the other hand, do not forget about its properties that are associated with the resource intensity of the product. A set of product properties that allow its design to be optimal in terms of manufacturing costsand operation (while ensuring the required level of quality and production volumes), is called the manufacturability of the design.

industrial production
industrial production

For manufacturability, a number of indicators are used, which include:

  • material consumption of products - characterizes the inherent costs of material resources (manufacturing, operation and repair);
  • energy intensity of the product - the volume of costs of fuel and energy resources;
  • specific material consumption - shows compliance with the beneficial effect of the product.

The specified parameters are universal for all produced objects. If it is necessary to compare different design options, in order to select the most appropriate, first of all, an analysis is made of the material consumption of products.

Characterization and calculation

Material consumption of products characterizes the amount of various resources that is necessary for the creation and subsequent use of objects (systems) in certain operating conditions. There are several varieties of this indicator. Some of them relate to the stages of production, others only to the areas of repair or maintenance.

In the practice of carrying out calculations, specific indicators of material consumption are often used, which help to trace the relationship with material consumption. In general, the specific production material consumption (Мud) is calculated as follows:

Mud =Mp/(RT)

Mp - this is the consumption of material in the manufacture; T - standard time inoperation; P is the maximum value of the main parameter (beneficial effect determined by scientific data).

Material consumption of foundry production
Material consumption of foundry production

The selected characteristics are closely correlated with the cost of the material. When the parameter is changed, the flow also changes. Examples of beneficial effects, depending on the technical system or object under consideration, can be mileage in kilometers (for cars, bicycles, trucks), power (for pumping stations), productivity (refrigerators), etc. As can be seen, the material consumption of products characterizes complex component when choosing new designs.

To specify the type of material that is combined used in repair technology or in manufacturing, it is possible to differentiate the indicator by type of material - metal consumption, plastic consumption, wood consumption. Analysis of specific indicators allows you to choose a general strategy and direction for improving the objects under development.

In addition to the characteristics presented, additional evaluations of the use of materials are recommended. The material consumption of products is characterized by the following indicators: applicability rate, material utilization rate, etc.

For example, the applicability factor is defined as:


Мні – consumption rate of specific (i) material; Mn – norms for the consumption of all materials for the manufacture of the product.

use of materials in construction
use of materials in construction

Specifiedcoefficient allows the use of promising grades of materials.

To analyze the degree of rational use of materials, you can apply the appropriate coefficient:

Кi.m.iні, where М ні – nominal value of the mass of material (i).

Determination methods

When analyzing the design of a product, it is necessary to ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • Expected operating conditions must be at the same organizational and technical level;
  • must use the most advanced technology at the time of design;
  • products should have almost the same level of labor intensity;
  • material consumption values are determined by one method for all structures.

The most common methods of determination include the calculation and the weighing method. The method of analogies, the method of accounting for masses, the method of specific rationing, etc. are also used. Among other things, they determine which indicator characterizes the material consumption of products.

Prospects for use

The results of the analysis of material consumption can be used to improve the design system and develop new products. Specifically for:

  • get new materials;
  • progressive manufacturing and repair technologies;
  • increasing the level of product reliability;
  • optimization of operating conditions;
  • using new quality control methods;
  • secondary feasibility analysisuse of materials.
Material consumption in production
Material consumption in production


Modern approaches to ensuring the manufacturability of products should be based on accurate methods for determining the properties of products. The material consumption of products characterizes not only the consumption of materials for a particular product, but also the optimal distribution of resources at all stages of use.
