How to store corn on the cob? Learn

How to store corn on the cob? Learn
How to store corn on the cob? Learn

Corn is a valuable and tasty crop. She is removed when she becomes mature. Late harvesting leads to grain damage by mold, diseases, and eating by birds. We've harvested, what's next? How to store corn on the cob? Let's find out.


how to store corn on the cob
how to store corn on the cob

In industry, crops are harvested by combines. At the same time, the cobs are separated from the stems and taken to the bunker. The crushed stems are loaded into trucks and transported to silos.

Storage of cobs takes place in sapettes and koshes of various designs, as well as in covered riots 2 meters wide. The riots are laid on the floor, and a ventilation duct is arranged in the middle. Corn on the cob is stored at 23% moisture, for seed purposes - at 15% moisture. Dried corn of commercial quality is placed in a well-ventilated area in bulk, one and a half meter layer.

Harvest for yourself

With industrial turnover, everything is clear. But what about gardeners who have received a high yield and want to save it? How to store corn on the cob at home? Forstorage, remove the husk from them and remove the brown fibers. Then they seal it in a bag with a zipper and put it in the refrigerator, but … not for long.

storing corn on the cob
storing corn on the cob

The fact is that after 3 days corn begins to lose sweetness, the only exception is sweet varieties (they retain their sweet qualities for 10 days). You can increase the shelf life of corn by freezing or canning it.

Some gardeners place cobs in a wide bowl of water, add ice, lemon juice, s alt and leave for 20 minutes. Grains after this procedure are well cleaned of stumps. Corn kernels are placed in sealed bags and put in the refrigerator. They are edible for 3 weeks.

Grains can be canned. To do this, they are placed in sterilized jars by 9/10, poured with cold s alted boiled water (one tsp of s alt is taken per liter of water). Banks are closed loosely with lids and left in a cool place for 3 weeks. Then they are topped up with boiled water, tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 months.

How to store corn on the cob in the freezer

shelf life of corn
shelf life of corn

Corn cobs can be frozen. To do this, they are cleaned of leaves and fibers, the spoiled grains are removed with a knife, and the unripe tip is cut off. Then water is boiled in a large saucepan, a basin with very cold water is prepared nearby. Corn cobs are alternately kept for 2 minutes in each container, then spread on a dry, clean towel and dried. Dried cobs are wrappedindividually wrapped in cling film and placed in the freezer.

How to store corn on the cob if there is too much of it and it won't fit in the chamber? There is an exit. In this case, you need to do all the procedures described above. Next, cut the grains from the stalks with a knife and place in a freezer in zip bags. Corn can be stored this way for 1.5 years, so it is better to write the date of freezing on each batch. Then the next year you can calculate the "shelf life" of the grains.

Many gardeners love corn but don't know how to prepare it for future use. It turns out it's quite easy. On the cob it is stored in the refrigerator, freezer. If there is not enough space, then the corn is divided into grains, which can also be frozen or canned.
