White mustard as fertilizer for the soil

White mustard as fertilizer for the soil
White mustard as fertilizer for the soil

Gardeners are increasingly using fertilizers, as plants absorb useful substances from the fertile layer. The way out in the absence of humus is the use of green manure. White mustard as a fertilizer is an excellent green manure that fills the soil with humus and organic matter and suppresses the spread of weeds. Essential oils prevent the accumulation of pests, fungal infections.

white mustard as fertilizer
white mustard as fertilizer


Mustard is an annual plant of the Cruciferous family. This culture quickly germinates and builds up a large mass in a short period of time. Nitrogen (0.71%), phosphorus (0.92%), potassium (0.43%) and organic matter (22%) accumulate in the green mass. The flowers of the plant attract beneficial insects.

White mustard as a fertilizer can be used in conjunction with legumes. In this case, the nitrogen content will be much higher. This culture absorbs sparingly soluble nutrients and converts them intoeasily accessible forms.

Its root system in the form of a rod penetrates the soil to a depth of three meters. The plant protects the soil from wind and water erosion in autumn, spring, if not mowed, then in winter.

White mustard as a fertilizer is good because, after being embedded in the soil, it quickly decomposes, since it has the optimal ratio of nitrogen, carbon and coarse fiber.

Features of growth

mustard as fertilizer for the garden
mustard as fertilizer for the garden

The plant requires nutritious, cultivated, cohesive soils. It grows well on sod-podzolic, sandy, peaty soils. Clay, flooding acidic soils, s alt marshes are not suitable.

This culture is moisture-loving and light-loving, especially during the period of germination and budding. Grass mustard as a fertilizer is valued for its cold resistance. Seeds can sprout at a temperature of plus one degree, vegetation can take place at a temperature of plus three degrees, and seedlings can easily tolerate frosts down to minus five degrees. Seeds can be sown in autumn or spring. It is recommended to plant mustard after harvesting crops so that the soil does not dry out; after sowing, harrowing is carried out with a rake.

White mustard as a fertilizer is used in the following ratio - 200 g of seeds per 1 weave. The distance from one row to another is 15 cm. Seedlings are visible on the 4th day after sowing. After a month and a half, the grass grows to a height of 20 cm. It is mowed or cut with a flat cutter and spilled with a solution of EM preparations, which accelerate the fermentation processes and create good conditions for soil enrichment.trace elements and nutrients.

Crop rotation scheme

Mustard as a fertilizer for the garden requires some important points to be observed. It cannot be planted where cabbage or its relatives have grown or will grow. This is due to the fact that they have the same pests (cruciferous flea) and diseases (cabbage keel).

mustard herb as fertilizer
mustard herb as fertilizer

If the crop rotation is carried out correctly, the mustard roots prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria in the ground. The plant suppresses scab, late blight, fusarium, clears the ground of root rot. Optimum sowing is after potatoes and cereals. It is necessary to close up in the ground at the beginning of flowering. Otherwise, you can get a lot of randomly sown grass, which will become a weed in the area.

White mustard is a green fertilizer that is affordable. It heals the soil, protects against pests, diseases, leaching of nutrients. Cold resistance and fast emergence make this plant especially valuable for gardeners.
