Cucumber powdery mildew disease and others: prevention and treatment

Cucumber powdery mildew disease and others: prevention and treatment
Cucumber powdery mildew disease and others: prevention and treatment

The most common cucumber disease is powdery mildew. In addition, these plants also infect infections such as mosaic and root rot. Each of them has its own methods of struggle, as well as preventive ones. Let's take a closer look at them.

cucumber disease
cucumber disease

Root rot is a dangerous disease caused by a fungus. Infected plants begin to rot at the root collar. As a result of this, the lashes die off. This cucumber disease, like most infections, is easier to prevent than to treat later. Most often, plants are affected as a result of waterlogged soil and air, for example, in greenhouses, as well as sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, do not water cucumbers too often. In addition, if a cold snap is expected in the spring, plants are covered with a film in the open field.

If such a cucumber disease as root rot nevertheless manifested itself, at the first signs of it, the stem is sprinkled with earth two internodes from the root. And, of course, you need to take care of such plants especially carefully: weed, loosen,feed. Strong cucumbers will resist disease better. This is one of the main preventive measures. In addition, do not leave last year's tops in the garden. It needs to be raked up and burned.

Another cucumber disease - powdery mildew - affects the leaves of plants.

diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse
diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse

At the first stage, a characteristic white coating appears on their surface. Then the leaf blades begin to darken and eventually die off. The disease is caused in the same way as in the first case, by a fungus of a special kind. The development of this infection is facilitated by high humidity and insufficient care for plants.

To fight powdery mildew, a 0.10% suspension of "Figon" or "Karatan" is used. Processing is carried out as plaque appears. However, you can spray the bushes no more than once a week. Diseases of cucumbers in a greenhouse can manifest themselves more acutely than in open ground, since the microclimate that is most favorable for this is created here. Therefore, with this method of growing plants, they need to pay more attention.

diseases of cucumbers in pictures
diseases of cucumbers in pictures

Such a disease of cucumbers as a mosaic also occurs quite often. It refers to the virus. This is also an unpleasant phenomenon that can lead to a significant reduction in yield. Most often, plants are infected with three types of this infection: yellow, white and green. Characteristic spots appear on the leaves and fruits of the plant, after which the tissues begin to rot. At the first sign of infection, water the soil0.1% potassium permanganate. It is also a good idea to spray cucumbers with formalin (5%).

Diseases of cucumbers in pictures you can see on this page. In addition to the above, there are other, no less unpleasant infections. In order to minimize the risk of infection, it is necessary to observe agricultural practices: feed, weed, loosen the plants in time, and also prevent thickening. In this case, the cucumbers will remain he althy, and you will get just a great harvest both in the greenhouse and in the open field.
