Binary robot. How to make money on options?

Binary robot. How to make money on options?
Binary robot. How to make money on options?

Progress does not stand still, the popular binary options trading is taking significant steps towards automation. But the situation with programs that should reduce the work of a trader to a minimum level of participation is ambiguous. Therefore, it is worth delving a little into the essence of automated trading.

Binary option, what is it

Before paying attention to trading systems and automation of working with this tool, you need to figure out what options are that fall into the binary category.

binary robot
binary robot

Studying this terminology, you need to pay attention to the fact that an option is, first of all, a contract on the basis of which you can buy or sell the underlying asset. The period of time during which the transaction occurs is determined in advance.

Fixed returns may vary slightly between different brokers. But if you try to explain as simply as possible how to make money on options, then we can say that the outcome of the transaction depends on whether the trader correctly determined the direction of the quote movement or made a mistake. In other words, the main task of the player is to determine exactly where exactly the graph will move. There is no need to calculate the number of points here, only the direction. Exactlysuch terms of trade explain the word "binary" (binary). After all, a trader has only two options.

How to make money on options - key techniques

Such a task may seem quite simple, because you just need to correctly determine one of the two directions. It's actually not that easy to make consistent profits with options.

Initially, you should understand that on short timeframes, the direction of the quote can go in the most unpredictable direction. You can achieve a stable result only if you thoroughly study the assets that were chosen for trading and use auxiliary tools. We are talking about analytics, trading signals and other methods for determining the movement of the chart.

what is binary option
what is binary option

But initially, before you start trading, you need to study the information within the framework of the topic "binary option - what is it?" Attention should be paid to the terms of trade, the choice of a broker, to understand the features of various assets, and only then risk money. In other words, a novice trader should understand what he is doing and why, and not just press up and down.

By the way, almost all brokers offer the opportunity to test their strategy on a demo account. For those who had no experience in this area, it is better not to pass by such an offer.

How to choose a broker

A lot depends on the choice of a company that will provide an opportunity to trade. Even with a well-honed strategy anddeep understanding of the processes you have to deal with, you need to be sure that the money earned will be withdrawn without surprises, and there will be no unexpected anomalies in the schedule.

In the selection process, the following evaluation criteria should be taken into account:

- list of market makers who are the key liquidity providers for the selected broker;

- the number of types of trading operations, as well as instruments available to the trader;

- the company has a legal status, as well as a license for financial activities and permits;

- access to demo accounts;

- providing the trader with additional materials and analytical tools;

- the broker should also conduct webinars to improve the trader's skills and organize free training.

The process of evaluating a particular company must be approached strictly. It will not be superfluous to search for reviews on specialized forums about a particular broker.

Details you need to know for trading

Get consistent results with options signals provided by both brokers with an open account and third-party groups of traders.

how to make money with options
how to make money with options

In most cases brokerage signals are free. Such a kind gesture is due to the company's desire to attract new customers and maintain the loy alty of those who are already trading. As for signals from the outside, among paid and free there are always both accurate data and information that does not deserve attention. Alas, to knowwhat quality signals you have to deal with can only be done in practice, through trial and error.

Also, in the Internet space, you can find many proposals regarding the automation of the trading process. One of the most common is a trading robot for binary options, which independently reads data from various indicators and platforms, after which it determines the optimal solution that is relevant for a particular asset. It is these programs that will be discussed below.

What is a trading robot

If you carefully study the topic of binary options, it is not difficult to come to the obvious conclusion: for successful trading, a trader needs to constantly process certain information flows. Moreover, this must be done correctly, otherwise the analytics will be erroneous. Failure to meet this key condition will be a tangible obstacle to a stable income.

Thanks to the current technological progress, the execution of such tasks is automated, relieving the trader from numerous analysis processes. This program is called "binary robot". It should be noted that it can be used not only to determine the possible direction of the quote, but also to trade without personal participation. In other words, the trader can go about their business while the binary options robot trades on the broker's platform on their behalf.

Of course, such a prospect is very attractive, but before making a choice in favor of automation, it is worth exploring the features in more detailwork of similar programs.

Why it pays to use automation

An increasing number of traders who are focused on working with binary options are opting for such a trading automation tool as a binary robot. This decision can be explained by the tangible benefits offered by the use of such trading:

- Robots are a working algorithm that is not affected by emotions, fatigue and the need to sleep. This program works around the clock.

German binary robot
German binary robot

- For this type of trading, various algorithms are used, which have been previously tested and carefully selected.

- A binary robot designed for semi-automatic and automatic trading, it is able to select the most favorable conditions for opening a transaction among all available assets, various types of options and expiration dates.

- The use of robots implies a high level of protection, as they are directly connected to the trading server and thus are in the secure area of the site.

- Automated Expert Advisors are able to make deals very quickly, immediately after fixing favorable conditions. A trader cannot always react to market fluctuations quickly enough, especially on short timeframes.

Given the above advantages, it is not difficult to conclude that the use of automated trading will become more and more popular.

Types of robots

Regarding the use of automation in trading andespecially when working with binary options, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such programs may have some differences. If we take into account the features of the functionality, then we can distinguish several types of robots:

1. Advisors.

These are semi-automatic programs that are not designed for full-fledged independent trading. Their main task is to provide the most relevant solution for the trader. Thus, the player has full control over the trading process, but takes into account the data provided by the adviser.

binary robot reviews
binary robot reviews

2. Binary robot provided by the broker.

In this case, it is worth understanding that the effectiveness of such programs largely depends on the fact with which company you have to deal. If we are talking about the so-called kitchen, which is focused on earning money by draining the deposits of its customers, then it is hardly worth counting on a robot that can lead to stable earnings. In such a situation, the concept of "binary robot - divorce" will be more than relevant.

But in the case when the broker is proven and aimed not only at attracting new customers, but also at working with regular players, it makes sense to consider the proposal to automate the trading process.

3. Automatic robots.

This is a program that is able to independently control the entire trading process. This is the case when a trader can afford to run a purchased or free binary robot and go about his business. SimilarThe perspective is definitely bright. In fact, things are somewhat different. The fact is that the market can change, as a result of which the actions of the robot will need to be adjusted. Otherwise, entrusting the program with your deposit for a long time, you can successfully say goodbye to it.

4. Paid robots.

Programs for trading binary options can be purchased online without using the services of a broker. There are a lot of similar offers on the net, and all, of course, are accompanied by a bright presentation. But here it is also worth forgetting about naivety and turning on logic. If all the robots for sale on the Internet are as good as the sellers make them out to be, then many people would be fabulously rich. After all, binary options allow you to quickly increase capital, and with an accurate strategy, you can dynamically overcome new levels of financial growth. Therefore, among the whole mass of proposals, you need to look for the best binary robots. In such searches, independent specialized forums will be good helpers, where traders share their real experience with various programs. If you pay attention to the reviews, then some traders are advised to buy a German binary robot.

It is worth noting that if you wish, you can write a robot yourself. If necessary, there is always the opportunity to contact familiar programmers. But here it is important to consider that many platforms do not give access to programs of their own production.


In order to better understand the use of robots, it is worth giving a few examples of programs thatwhich have a certain popularity on the Internet:

  • MoneyBot.
  • AutoBinary.
  • Binary Option Robot.
  • U-BOT.
free binary robot
free binary robot

Let's start with AutoBinary. This is an automated trading system that is able to independently find trading signals and make deals. The trader does not even need to set the transaction parameters, everything will be done for him. Of course, if you analyze all the advantages that this binary robot has, the reviews will seem redundant, because it is obvious that a trader with such resources is doomed to success.

But there is still a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey. The trader is not provided with information about which algorithm is used in this program. That is, there is no way to find out exactly which signals AutoBinary uses and how it determines the best moment to open a position. If we are talking about a connection with a certain indicator, then at some point we should expect certain failures. That is, you cannot fully trust this robot.

MoneyBot - this program is also positioned as an automatic system that can both independently analyze and conclude transactions. There is actually no description of the principles of signal formation on the project website, which also leads the trader to a state of natural doubt. It's hard to be sure of something you don't understand.

To start using the program, you need to register on the resource where the robot is presented, after which a broker will be selected and trading will begin. Settingsallow you to change the amount of risk tolerance, as well as the number of trades during the day.

U-BOT - the situation with the algorithm here is the same as for the previous robots. The program features allow you to copy the actions of traders who have more than 60% of successful transactions in their statistics.

As far as BinaryOptionRobot is concerned, the first thing that attracts attention here is the service. The program itself has a Russian-language interface, and the company offering this product guarantees the possibility of feedback and assistance both in the process of setting up the robot and in trading.

The downside is that the number of brokers you can work with is limited.

How to earn money

When selecting binary robots for IQ Option or registering with other brokers, you need to understand that such programs do not give an absolute result.

binary robots for iq option
binary robots for iq option

Therefore, in order to have a positive result after using an adviser, you must choose options that allow you to understand the algorithm of the program and find out which Expert Advisors are used to receive trading signals. Indicators will also need to be tested for efficiency and performance.

It all seems a bit complicated, but it will also be difficult to set the optimal settings for trading in a different way. And an incorrectly configured robot or an adviser with a mysterious algorithm can cause a sudden loss of a deposit.

In other words, don't expect a binary robot to do everything on its own. Feedback is also not neededignore. This is one of the best ways to find a really worthwhile product and understand the peculiarities of trading with it.


It doesn't matter if the German binary robot was purchased by a trader or taken for free from unknown developers, the actions of the program will still have to be controlled. Only in this case it will be possible to earn stable money on binary options, and not be content with a rare and unpredictable profit.
