The cheapest real estate in the world: country ranking, top 10, country selection, exchange rates, personal preferences and convenience of living

The cheapest real estate in the world: country ranking, top 10, country selection, exchange rates, personal preferences and convenience of living
The cheapest real estate in the world: country ranking, top 10, country selection, exchange rates, personal preferences and convenience of living

Despite any crises, the demand for real estate in the world is quite high. But still, with a sufficiently large demand outside of Russia, you can find good housing with a fairly small budget. Although it should be understood that the worse the economic situation in the country, the lower the cost of housing.


Real Estate Zimbabwe
Real Estate Zimbabwe

Indeed, this country is the leader in the list of countries with the cheapest real estate in the world. In Zimbabwe, for 1 square meter they ask from 8 to 10 US dollars, that is, you can buy a whole house of 450 square meters for only 4 thousand dollars.

But don't be so happy. Even some 20 years ago, the country was economically stable, and in 2008 the inflation rate was a record for the whole world. And since the end of last year, the unemployment rate has been at around 80%. In light of this, the local population continues to leave the country, practically giving away their housing for next to nothing. Despite this,medical specialists are welcome here, although their salary level does not reach the European level.

Naturally, this country has cities with the cheapest real estate, but when you think about moving, you should understand that the country is quite aggressive towards people with white skin. Whether it will be comfortable there is a big question.

The country uses not only Zimbabwean dollars, but also American ones. The average rate is: 1 USD=362 ZWD.


Country Paraguay
Country Paraguay

Which country has the cheapest real estate? In Paraguay, where in the capital - the city of Asuncion, you can buy an apartment, paying no more than 300 US dollars for 1 square meter.

However, it should be understood that there are certain security problems in Paraguay: there are many violent crimes and kidnappings. In crowded places, petty theft is very common, and cars are also stolen a lot. The country itself is recognized as one of the most corrupt in the world.

The main economic sector is the agricultural business. Zimbabwe ranks sixth in the ranking of soybean producers. But the people live very poorly, about 52% of the total population are below the poverty line.

The country uses the Paraguayan guarani, whose exchange rate against 1 USD is 5695.18 PYG.

Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic

Where is the cheapest real estate in the world? In a country of beautiful beaches and total poverty of the local population, this is all about the Dominican Republic. For 1 squaremeter in the capital ask from 350 USD. In the republic, about 42% of residents are below the poverty line, although the unemployment rate is not very high - about 15%.

Safety there is quite high, but it is not recommended to wear huge gold jewelry. You should not walk along the unlit streets and wild beaches, there are many illegal Haitians in the country. By the way, even the locals do not go to areas where Haitians live.

There is little work in the country and relatively high food prices. For a loaf of bread you will have to pay 2 USD, and a bottle of rum costs 10 USD. Medicine is paid and free, but there is compulsory he alth insurance (40 USD per month). No hospital accepts without a policy, even a paid one.

The local currency is the Dominican peso, for 100 units they ask for 2 USD.


State of Egypt
State of Egypt

This tourist country is also listed as having the cheapest real estate in the world. For 1 square meter they ask 420 USD. Although there is no talk of stability in the country, and wages are quite low.

Persons employed in agriculture receive up to 100 USD, in the city a little more - up to 200 USD.

There is a large Russian diaspora in Egypt: only in Hurghada there are 3 schools where children can take the EGE and enter a Russian university.

The Egyptian pound is used in the country, for 100 EGP you can buy 5.60 USD.


beauty of Georgia
beauty of Georgia

Another beautiful mountainous country that has chosen a course for European integration, which is today in a transitional position. It is included in the ranking of states with the cheapest real estate in the world.

Today, about 580 USD are asked for 1 square meter. At the same time, the standard of living cannot be called high, the average salary is 317 USD, although many post-Soviet countries can envy such payment. For basic utilities, you will have to pay only 35 USD, and for a loaf of bread - about 0.35 cents. Public transport is also cheap - from 0.20 cents.

Currency - Georgian lari. 100 lari corresponds to 40 USD.


Houses in Tunisia
Houses in Tunisia

Here prices per square meter of residential real estate start from 550 USD, that is, this can also be included in the list of the cheapest real estate in the world. The standard of living in the country is quite high when compared with other African countries. The middle class makes up 60% of the total population.

Women in Tunisia are not recommended to wear too revealing robes, as they can face not only persecution, but also violent acts, because the country is still Muslim.

To get a job, you need to know English, although it is not the most popular - they communicate more in French and Arabic. The unemployment rate is quite high - about 15.5%. The average wage is between 150 and 200 euros.

The country's currency is the Tunisian dinar. For 100 dinars you can get 37 USD.


Bulgarian city streets
Bulgarian city streets

Not so long ago, Bulgaria was in the lead in the list of countries where the cheapest in the worldreal estate. But already at the beginning of this year, the minimum cost of 1 square meter is 715 USD. Despite the gradual decrease in inflation, the state still lives from summer to summer, since the main branch of the economy is tourism. During the rest of the year it is quite difficult to find a job.

The price of food is slightly lower than in Russia: for a loaf of bread you will have to pay from 31 to 37 Bulgarian levs, and 100 USD can be bought for 169 levs.


Today, this country is attractive not only for tourists, but also for emigrants. For 1 square meter they ask from 740 USD. Before the fall of the ruble, there was not much difference in the price of food, now in Russia they are about 1.5 times more expensive. The country has a rather high cost of fuel, so it is expensive to maintain a car. But utilities are cheap - you will have to pay no more than 5 thousand rubles for an apartment - this price includes lighting, gas and water.

The average salary is 2500 lira, which is about 545 US dollars, and the minimum wage is 500 lira.

Sri Lanka

This country is a freelancer's paradise, where it is always warm, although life is quite expensive. Sri Lanka has the highest cost for electricity in the world - for 1 kilowatt you will have to pay more than 35 cents. Gasoline is also expensive, and 1.5 liters of water costs $1.

The cost of housing largely depends on the location: the closer to the coast or the business part of the village, the more expensive. The minimum cost of housing is 740 USD per 1 square meter.

Localcurrency - Sri Lankan rupee. For 100 USD they give 15, 831 thousand rupees.


Beauty of Albania
Beauty of Albania

Where is the cheapest real estate? If we talk about the European continent, we can single out Albania, which for a long time was closed to tourists and emigrants. But what is most interesting is that the country has the cheapest housing on the entire Adriatic coast. You can find accommodation with a sea view for up to 1 thousand euros (about 1.17 thousand USD): the farther from the beaches, the lower the cost. Although this year has seen a significant increase in real estate, Albania has become quite attractive for investors.

In Albania, the economy is rather underdeveloped, so the best conditions are offered in the tourism sector, where knowledge of the Albanian language may not even be required. But food prices in the country are less than those in the Russian Federation by about 10%, and if we talk about fruits, then in general by 70%.

The criminal situation allows you not to worry about your safety. However, the provision of law enforcement agencies is at a rather low level, so they are often late for calls. Protests sometimes take place in the country, but, as a rule, they are all peaceful.

Currency - Albanian lek. The course is 1 thousand lek=9.2 USD.

In closing

If you don't plan to travel that far, then you can pay attention to Latvia, where you can find a one-room apartment for 25 thousand euros, and on the coast - for 33 thousand. Almost the same situation in Montenegro and Spain.
