2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Hungarian company BabolnaTetra has been breeding birds for almost half a century. Among their achievements are tetra chickens. Representatives of the breed gain weight well, grow quickly, start laying eggs early.
Bird appearance
The new hybrid is rapidly gaining weight. Roosters weigh about three kilograms, and chickens - about 2.5. The body of the bird is slightly elongated, harmoniously folded. The head is small, with a yellow beak. The crest is red, leaf-shaped. The belly of laying hens is small, round.
Wings are of medium length, close to the body. Paws are not very long, proportional, yellow.
Tetra chickens are red-brown in color. Roosters are much brighter than laying hens.

The nature of the bird is calm, balanced. Laying hens get along well with representatives of other breeds. Tetra chickens are moderately active, slightly clumsy. Roosters are not pugnacious, although they can arrange fights for championship among themselves, but this happens extremely rarely. If males start fighting, they are culled.
Tetra loves to go for walks. Representatives of the breed explore new territories with great interest. Despiteout of curiosity, they won't fly over the fence.
According to farmers, tetra chickens are not shy, they easily make contact with people. They are very friendly, helpful.

Tetra can rightly be called a hard worker. For a year, a laying hen is capable of producing up to 300 large high-quality eggs. She starts laying eggs early: at 4.5 months, poultry farmers can already enjoy the first egg. At first, eggs weigh about 50 grams, and after a few weeks their weight reaches 70 grams. The shell is brown.
In rare cases, there is a delay in the development of the breed. This is due to malnutrition: too high-calorie and vitamin-poor food adversely affects egg production and bird development.

A feature of the tetra chicken breed is the lack of incubation instinct. When developing a new hydride, breeders were carried away by getting chicken with a high egg-laying rate, with good weight and tasty meat, and did not begin to think about instilling the instinct of incubation into the bird.
Hungarian chickens do not incubate eggs, therefore, having decided to breed this breed, you should immediately take care of the incubator or purchase chickens whose incubation is well developed. You can also put chicken eggs under the turkey.
Feeding the bird
According to the description, chicken tetra does not require special conditions for keeping. Usually they are kept in the same way as representatives of other meat and egg breeds. However, the tetra has its own characteristics, and the first thing you shouldPay attention - this is the diet of feeding. Laying hens, as already mentioned, give up to 300 eggs per year. For their formation, it is necessary to provide nutrition rich in vitamins and microelements.

Poultry farmers believe that the best food for this breed is compound feed. It is not cheap, and not everywhere you can find a really high-quality product. For this reason, many make their own food, taking into account the characteristics of laying hens.
Some growers are adding premixes to the menu to boost the growth of their entire livestock.
The diet of chickens should be varied. It includes:
- corn;
- millet;
- oats;
- wheat;
- cake;
- waste from the table;
- shiver;
- herbal, fish, meat and bone flour;
- bran.
Be sure to include vitamins and mineral feed in the diet. It is useful for chickens to give chalk, a shell. In each chicken coop they put a separate feeder with these feeds and make sure that they do not end. During the day, the bird will eat minerals.
The menu must have roots, fresh herbs. In the winter season, it is recommended to give the bird wet mash. They must be warm. Feed is given to the bird in such quantity that it is eaten in one feeding.
The characteristics of tetra chickens show that this bird has good immunity. However, with improper feeding, laying hens can get sick. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to provide the bird with access to clean water. If it is in a container, then the water is notchange less than twice a day, and wash the drinkers. Nipple drinkers can be used.
Some poultry farmers practice feeding eggshells to chickens. However, according to reviews, this often leads to subsequent pecking of the eggs.
The description of the tetra chicken breed says that this bird can eat a wide variety of foods. She is given a mash half of grain, and the other half is vegetables, herbs, flour, vitamins and various premixes.
An equally important component of the menu is dry grain. You can give ready-made grain mixtures, or you can make them yourself by mixing oats, millet, corn, barley. When mixing, the percentage of corn should not be large (10% is enough). This is due to the high content of starch, from which chickens develop obesity.
In the cold season, the portion is increased. During this period, you should take care of the grass. Usually, nettles, tree leaves, grass with leaves are harvested for chickens. Everything is crushed and dried under a canopy. Sprouted grain can be used.
For the normal functioning of the body, chickens are introduced into the diet of cottage cheese and other dairy products, meat waste. All this can be given separately from the main feeding, or can be added to the mash.

Hungarians are undemanding breeds. They tolerate heat and cold very well. This bird can live in an unheated chicken coop even in severe frosts, while laying hens will lay eggs.
Despite the frost resistance of the breed, in the chicken coop where the chickenswill be contained, high humidity is unacceptable. And the temperature should not fall below 1 degree Celsius. In order for the bird to keep warm, the dryness of the litter is monitored in the barn, periodically replacing it with fresh one.
A walker is needed at any time of the year. The bird loves to walk, dig in the ground, in the snow. The fence can be made low, as the bird flies very rarely.
Shedding season
The characteristics of tetra-n chickens and other breeds are similar only to the molting period. Usually a chicken changes its feather in autumn and spring. The molting period lasts about five weeks. At this time, the laying hen is provided with a diet with a high content of vitamins, fish oil is injected.
During the molt, the bird does not stop laying eggs. Because of this feature, the breed is highly valued. Productivity is maintained for three years, then it begins to decline. By this period, you should take care of the young generation by bringing it out in an incubator.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed
According to feedback from poultry farmers, Hungarian chickens have an ideal ratio of meat and eggs. They are unpretentious, inexpensive, and easy to care for.
Only lack of incubation instinct should be attributed to the disadvantages.
Tetras have good immunity. Because of this, they rarely get sick. If you break the diet and organize the contents incorrectly, the bird may become infected.
Most often the tetra suffers from parasitic diseases. When parasites are found, chickens are soldered with anthelmintic drugs, they are carried outperiodic inspection of chickens.
Sometimes chickens suffer from coccidiosis. This infection is associated with the consumption of poor-quality feed, stale water. Clinically, the infection is manifested by the appearance of brown droppings, the bird is disheveled, and the appetite disappears. Usually such chickens are not treated, but sent to the soup.
If young animals or chickens are infected with the disease, they are treated until the age when individuals can be sent for slaughter.
To prevent coccidiosis, it is necessary to monitor the quality of water, give chickens only high-quality feed. Prevention of infection is periodically carried out by introducing special preparations into the diet. They can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy.
According to poultry farmers, the tetra is one of the best poultry. Representatives of the breed have high-quality meat, excellent egg production. Laying hens have an attractive appearance and, importantly, good he alth. The breed is bred not only in a private backyard, but also in poultry farms to obtain eggs.
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