Delegate is efficient and profitable

Delegate is efficient and profitable
Delegate is efficient and profitable

According to statistical surveys, more than 90% of managers answered positively to the question: "Do you delegate your authority?" However, few of them were able to expand the answer and say how they do it and, most importantly, why. What is delegate? Is it really necessary?

delegate it
delegate it


First, let's try to formulate a clear definition of this action: to delegate is to transfer part of the manager's powers to subordinates with all the ensuing consequences. What does it give the leader? Firstly, it frees up his time to solve issues and tasks that cannot be shifted to anyone, and time, as you know, is the most valuable thing a business person has. Secondly, it allows the lower-level personnel to gain experience, to study professionally without interrupting their direct activities, so to speak, "to work in the field." And thirdly, to delegate means to monitor personnel in order to identify initiative and intelligent employees who can make up a powerful and productive team that does not need constant monitoring. The whole curation process consists in issuingassignment and acceptance of a report on its implementation.

delegate responsibilities
delegate responsibilities

Reverse side

If everything is so rosy, why is the top management in no hurry to delegate responsibilities, preferring to drown in a sea of routine on their own? Here our “wisdom” can play a role, saying that a good result can only be done by yourself. Someone is afraid of losing control over the team, dropping his supreme status, discovering that he himself can be replaced by someone, and also the motive may be ignorance of who and what to entrust. All these reasons originate in the low qualification of the management. The ability to delegate is a litmus test for a person who occupies a chair of any rank. Such a position a priori implies the ability to manage the entrusted team.

Impossible and possible

Let's try to figure out which tasks are to be distributed and which remain the boss's priority. Since any managerial position implies a wide range of activities, it will be easiest to identify those functions that the manager needs to keep.

  1. Motivation is definitely not subject to delegation. The distribution of bonuses, various bonuses, salaries, promotion of employees in positions - all this is decided at the management level.
  2. Setting strategically important goals for any period also belongs only to the leader. The captain always sets the course, he also has the maximum information necessary for such a task.
  3. The same category includes tasks that require a narrowchief's specializations.
  4. Of course, this includes tasks associated with risk. Since it is not always possible to evaluate the results of such actions, only the manager should be responsible for them. It happens that he himself does not always have an idea, due to objective reasons, about the consequences of the decision, so you should not entrust such moments to subordinates.
delegate rights
delegate rights

Everything that is not included in this list can be safely "lowered" down. Rights and responsibilities should be delegated to proactive and responsible employees who have the necessary knowledge and qualifications or are able to learn. The first time you experience this method of working, you might think that delegation is an unreliable tool, as it takes a lot of time and effort. However, after a while everything will “get on wheels”, and the car will drive by itself, and the boss will be able to appreciate how much easier the role of a leader can be with a competent approach.
