Production of flat heating elements. Do-it-yourself heating flat element

Production of flat heating elements. Do-it-yourself heating flat element
Production of flat heating elements. Do-it-yourself heating flat element

The heating flat element is a heating element made of plates of different materials. They are made from a specific shape, each of which serves to heat flat parts. A flat heating element in its design resembles a rubber wire attached to a special housing. It can be made of metal, ceramic or micanite. This device is powered by a simple 220 V power supply. With the help of electricity, a rubber wire is heated. It then transfers its heat to the heating flat element. This scheme is used for the production of heating appliances.

Production of flat heating elements

In the manufacture of various equipment, it becomes necessary to heat water, air or solid metal elements. To do this, it is necessary to convert the thermalenergy into its other form, that is, into electrical, nuclear, energy from sound waves, etc.

heating flat element
heating flat element

For these purposes, various devices are used. It is best to use flat heating elements for surfaces. They are universal and capable of translating into all types of energy.

As mentioned earlier, a rubber wire or tape is used as a heating element. Such heaters are not enclosed in a sealed enclosure, but give off heat directly. Wire and tape are made from materials that have high resistance and low temperature coefficient.

In the production process, the electric current must interact well with the wire. To increase its conductivity, conductive paste is used. It is applied on a special substrate.

Today, many companies produce a flat heating element made of ceramics, metal, and film. They are made in a certain geometric shape. The flexible flat heating element should have a thickness between 0.1 and 0.5 mm. Products made of metal and ceramics have a thickness greater than the previous type, it ranges from 1 to 3 mm.

Conductive paste is applied to the substrate according to a special pattern.

flat heating element
flat heating element

It is located along the contour of the electrical circuit, which is reliably protected from the influence of various factors.

With the help of this technology it is possible to apply conductive paste on any surface. After that, a film with a thickness of 200 µm is formed on the surface of the plate. As a rule, designers make multilayer structures that are used in various heating devices. The radiated heat flux heats the room in a short time, while using less electricity compared to other devices. This is done by a conductive paste, which is applied to the flat heating element in several layers. Heat is distributed evenly thanks to the high-quality contour pattern.

Features of heating elements

Flat heating elements are capable of solving many technical problems. They are made in various sizes and geometric shapes, so that they can be easily installed on any surface. Despite the fact that this design has a small capacity, it is able to quickly and evenly provide heat transfer. During the production process, it is allowed to produce heating elements of the same geometric shape, but they must have different power, as well as the ability to distribute the load. Such devices are used when it is necessary to maintain specific temperature indicators of the working surface.

One of the features of this device is its low thermal mass, which results in a rapid temperature change. Setting the temperature regime, as well as changing its indicators, is carried out using a special switch.

flat ceramic heating element
flat ceramic heating element

When turning the toggle switchthe heating element reacts to the change and sets the desired temperature. It remains unchanged for a long time. The flat ceramic heating element transfers the generated heat to another surface without much obstruction. This technological feature has become popular, so the mass production of heaters has been launched.

In conventional heating appliances, heat is transferred using a special insulator. Some of the generated energy is absorbed. The consequence of this is a reduced efficiency of the heating device. Flat silicone heating elements do not interfere with the transfer of heat, that is, the process takes place directly. That is why energy is saved. Such heating devices are of low cost.

The element itself is small in size and light in weight, so it can be easily hidden in the main equipment.

flexible flat heating element
flexible flat heating element

Thus, the space becomes larger, and additional equipment can be placed in it.


Flat heating elements have the following characteristics:

  • supply voltage;
  • resistance of the surface resistive layer;
  • breakdown voltage;
  • changeable resistance during operation;
  • power;
  • working temperature.


Possible options:

  1. Flat heaters radiate uniform heat to another surface, with differencestemperatures are minimal.
  2. Low inertia is ensured by the absence of thermal insulation, that is, heat is transferred directly.
  3. During the manufacturing process, you can get a heating element with different power and geometric shape.
  4. Power dissipation reaches 40 W/cm2.
  5. The heating temperature on the metal reaches 450 ºС, and on the film - 90 ºС.
  6. The equipment is resistant to large temperature fluctuations.


Among the benefits are the following:

  • low power consumption;
  • small overall dimensions and weight;
  • the presence of an element that repeats the features of the heated surface, which significantly reduces heat loss;
  • with the same consumption of thermal energy, the device works both for industrial and domestic purposes.

What is the benefit?

First of all, this design pays for itself quickly, as the device consumes less electricity than standard appliances.

flat silicone heating elements
flat silicone heating elements

One heating element costs less to produce. It is worth noting that the finished equipment is of high quality.


Flat heating elements are used in the following industries:

  • for the manufacture of various appliances that provide fast and uniform heating;
  • in automotive production - for devices that heat windows, as well as those that operate with negativetemperature, etc.

Flat and flexible heaters meet all people's requirements.

Teapot heating element

In this instrument, it is an important device. The speed of boiling water, as well as the degree of noise, depends on it. Two types of devices are used here: an open spiral and a disk.

In models with an open heating element, water comes into contact with the coil. Such models almost do not make noise, but their cost is high. The main requirements during operation are that the water completely covers the spiral. Otherwise, the device will quickly fail. In addition, scale forms on the spiral, which must be periodically cleaned. Such models of devices are quite rare.

The flat heating element for the kettle is often located in its lower part. Such elements are in the form of a disk. Thus, a large area of contact with water is formed, and it boils faster. Unlike the spiral type, here you can adjust the volume of water yourself. Here it is not necessary that the kettle is filled to a certain point. Electricity is supplied through a special stand. The teapot on it can rotate 360 degrees.

Another positive quality is the ease of descaling. Since the heating element is disc-shaped, it can be easily wiped clean.


Many people use flat-heater appliances.

production of flat heating elements
production of flat heating elements

The simplest of them is the kettle. Products of such models are usedpopular as they heat water in a short amount of time. In addition, due to the convenient disc element, the element is easily cleaned of scale, which is much superior to its counterparts. The only negative point is the noise that is emitted during operation. However, at this point, many turn a blind eye.

How to make a flat heating element with your own hands

In a short period of time, you can make this device with your own hands. It can be used as a device for heating water. To do this, take two thin plates. Usually blades are used. It is not recommended to use copper plates, as they can poison the water. A match is placed between two blades. It is very important that they do not touch each other. Each of them is connected to a copper wire. You don't need to isolate it. When working with such a device, you should follow some rules:

  • before starting work, the device is first immersed in water, and then it is connected to the network;
  • don't heat s alt water as it could cause a short circuit;
  • Do not touch water while heating.

Such a device is most often used in dachas or soldiers in the army.


Flat heating elements are new equipment that meet all customer requirements.

DIY flat heating element
DIY flat heating element

First of all, this concerns power indicators, as well as uniformity of heat distribution over the surface. Suchelements have small overall dimensions and weight, which allows you to spend space on the placement of additional devices. Many users note resistance to vibration and large temperature changes. An important positive feature is low power consumption.

So, we found out what a flat heating element is, where it is used and how to make it yourself.
