Logistician: duties and features of the profession

Logistician: duties and features of the profession
Logistician: duties and features of the profession

Logistics is the management of the flow of information and material assets in the process of trade. There are several areas of logistics, which are divided depending on the functional duties of specialists. There are transport, marketing, warehouse, purchasing and production logistics.

Logist duties
Logist duties

A specialist who controls all supply flows - this is the logistician. The duties of such employees include a full range of services, from optimizing the stock of goods to delivering them to the end consumer.

Recently, logistics as a line of business has undergone significant changes both in importance for business and in its structure. Modern companies need qualified and experienced professionals. Their duties are not limited to the supply of goods and their transportation. Today, logistics has become a separate division or department.

Logistics manager: duties and education

Responsibilities logistics manager
Responsibilities logistics manager

Speci alty logistics now you canget in state universities as a second higher education or master the basics of this profession immediately after graduation. The speci alty logistics was first introduced in 2000, and now it is already represented in many educational institutions, including the State University of Management HSE (State University of Management) and the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute.

In addition, many non-state educational centers, business schools and so on train logistics specialists. At the same time, theoretical knowledge is not the most important thing that logisticians should know. Their duties require a certain experience, which is more valuable. For this reason, a young specialist with a diploma may receive a lower salary than a more experienced professional without an appropriate education. In a logistics career, professional experience is fundamental.

Logistics manager: duties

Dispatcher logistics duties
Dispatcher logistics duties

The job responsibilities of a logistician are extensive and largely unpredictable. This is not only the formation of an enterprise logistics scheme, but also the optimization of transport and warehouse operation. He must also be able to manage the interaction of the main departments that are relevant to the supply chain.

Logistician: duties and specifics of the profession

The duties of a logistician largely depend on the characteristics of the workplace. But the following typical functionals can be distinguished:

1. Monitoring the work of suppliers and customers (optimization of the processes of delivery, storage and transportation of goods).

2. Preparation andsystematization of primary documentation, as well as the formation of registers.

3. Order formation and placement.

4. Submission of documents to the licensing authorities.

5. Establishing relationships with customs authorities.

6. Coordination of warehouse and transport service.

7. Cargo routing.

8. Forecasting necessary purchases.

Logistician: duties and skills

First of all, a logistician must be able to negotiate and equally confidently find a common language with contractors and truck drivers. It is clear that the requirements for the corporate style of communications depend on the specific company. In addition, a specialist must actively use information technologies in his work, professionally use the required software tools.
