Profession "criminalist": description, training, features and reviews

Profession "criminalist": description, training, features and reviews
Profession "criminalist": description, training, features and reviews

Criminal elements do not sleep, they are constantly doing their dirty deeds. And someone has to follow them! Especially for this, the profession of "criminalist" was created. A description of this complex case, as well as information about what a person who decides to fight crime has to study, can be found in this article.

Let's say a word about the name

profession criminologist
profession criminologist

A forensic expert is a specialist who collects and examines evidence at a crime scene. The name comes from a combination of two Latin words that mean "experienced" and "criminal". Important are the knowledge that collects the science of criminology. It explores the patterns, as well as the features of execution and the mechanism of committing a crime. In addition, the occurrence of offenses and ways of hiding their traces by participants are being studied. Special methods and means of collecting, researching and analyzing evidence are also being developed and used.

Specific profession

It is also important that the forensic specialist and the investigator go to the place where the crime was committed. He takes part in the inspection and seizure of evidence, which are: traces of blood,shoes, gloves, fingerprints, objects (which can be important physical evidence), and also examines the damage that is on the body of the injured or deceased. But still, most of the work is carried out in a laboratory specially created for this purpose. After all, only a preliminary analysis can be done at the scene.

Professional differences

forensic expert profession
forensic expert profession

Specialists can be generalist (which is rather inefficient), and they can also focus on certain areas. The most popular are:

- trace examinations;

- ballistic;

- fingerprint;

- phonoscopic;

- graphological;

- author's;

- examination of explosives;

- documents;

- examination of explosive devices.

They are carried out in order to recreate the picture of the crime and identify the offender, his victim and identify the weapon of crime. As an example, let's take a trace analysis examination. This is the name of the study of any traces that remained at the scene of the crime. As such, threads from clothes, prints of shoes, vehicle tires, teeth during a bite, and instruments of crime can act. Traces of hacking and features of the mechanism of trace formation are also analyzed. Using special techniques, the forensic tracer looks for special characteristics that will make it possible to judge the object that left them. Studied originalitystriking, what object it was made with and much more. It should be noted that criminalistics is constantly evolving. It is complemented by new methods and technologies that help in solving crimes. So, experts note that one of the most advanced is DNA research, thanks to which a person can be identified by organic traces.

About learning

profession criminologist training
profession criminologist training

We already have an idea of what the profession of "criminalist" is. It is not taught directly. First you need to learn to be a lawyer, and then you can already get the status of a forensic expert. As you can see, the choice is wide. After all, there are a lot of law faculties in our country. True, you can study in the speci alty "forensic examination" only in special universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which issue a diploma for it. What is the learning process? Professionals say that about 2/3 of it is practice. There is also shooting and hand-to-hand training. Well, of course, various types of forensic examinations are being studied, as well as the features of their application. After the training is completed, graduates are sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and given a job in their speci alty. If you are interested in the profession of "criminalist", then be careful: many universities graduate professionals who are engaged in technical expertise. Therefore, upon admission, it will be very useful to find out the qualifications that you will receive. For example, if you graduated from the Moscow State Lawacademy forensic expert, the profession of a given person can only be economic or speech science.

Where can one work with such an education?

profession criminologist salary
profession criminologist salary

It is clear that the possibilities are not limited to one Ministry of Internal Affairs, although state law enforcement agencies and centers of expertise are the most likely place to work. In addition to them, there is an opportunity to work in private forensic laboratories. Depending on the training, employment in the security service of a private company is possible, they may need specialists to search for evidence confirming the offenses. In this case, a forensic expert, whose profession is "sharpened" for identifying traces of unauthorized stay or economic abuse, is more in demand, a specialist in the field of ballistic research.

Also, many criminologists note that a number of requirements are put forward for a person in terms of the presence of certain personal qualities. So, curiosity, erudition, confidence, rationality, methodicalness and high intelligence are only welcome. It is also necessary to have a good memory, have a penchant for analysis and have the ability to long-term concentration on the object under study. With such requests, it would be nice to receive high wages. Is this true in practice?


Are you wondering how much income the forensic profession brings? The salary for her throughout the Russian Federation ranges from 25 to 40 thousandrubles. Agree, very solid! True, one should not forget what qualities a person who is engaged in such work should have.


profession criminologist description
profession criminologist description

Forensic experts are an important link in the law enforcement system, especially in cases where the attacker could not be detained in hot pursuit. They can describe the mechanism of the crime, the features of its preparation, the psychological portraits of the participants, and much more that will help in solving the case. At the same time, the employees of this service are valuable specialists, which can be seen from the level of their wages - this should not be overlooked either.
