2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Innovative activity, especially in today's conditions of fierce competition, is a necessary factor for the successful development of economic, technological, scientific and other structures. This applies to aspects of production, management and service in a variety of areas. In a broad sense, innovative development is a tool that improves individual indicators and characteristics of the target object of modernization, but it can also be used in systemic transformation to obtain various positive effects of the main activity.
Innovation Overview
The entire history of mankind is inextricably linked with the discovery and development of new technologies, thanks to which scientific and technological progress has not stood still and today is at an unprecedented high level. Moreover, nowadaysinnovations fundamentally affect the economic and economic activities of society. And innovative development plays a key role in shaping the nature of this influence. This is a conditional innovation that can take place in the field of technology, labor organization, management or in a niche of technological development. The basis for new discoveries is a combination of the achievements of scientific knowledge and accumulated experience, but the introduction of new products takes an increasing place in innovation.
At the same time, innovations cannot be considered as a scientific and technical tool that operates only in one direction. We will also feel the principle of the reverse influence of the economy and commercial structures as a whole on the quality of scientific research, the emergence and dissemination of new developments. We cannot exclude the creative potential, thanks to which new ideas are generated, even regardless of material and technical factors. Thus, the concept of infrastructure for innovative development arises - this is a whole complex of factors and systems that, in principle, create favorable conditions for scientific and technological progress. The main elements of this infrastructure include:
- Progressive legal and regulatory framework.
- Institutions that provide a high quality of life.
- Venture and scientific business.
- Developed platform of fundamental science.
- High level of education.
- Efficient system for the production of high-tech products based on modern knowledge.
Infrastructure for innovation may lie within the operating system of a particular company, region or state. In accordance with the characteristics of the object of its application, a corresponding list of its functional components is also formulated. In addition to the conditions for innovation activity itself, one can single out the real objects of its production, which are usually understood as technoparks, technocenters, expert groups, incubators, etc.
Basic concepts
In the scientific community, when considering the essence of innovation, a number of concepts are distinguished that reveal this term from different points of view. The main ones include:
- Innovative activity. It is supposed to create an improved or new product (technological process) sold within a certain production and commercial system.
- Innovation process. Means a natural, from a technological point of view, the transformation of old or obsolete solutions into new forms with new content, which ultimately contributes to improved performance.
- Innovation policy. Usually applied to the development strategy pursued by the authorities within the country at the political level. in a narrower sense determines the direction and nature of the innovative development of enterprises in the socio-economic sphere.
- Innovative activity. Indicates the speed of the transition of production to an innovative model, reflects the level of readiness for this process and the desire for change.
- Innovative receptivity. Object's initial abilitymaster innovative solutions.
Types of innovation in development contexts
Innovations can be applied in different environments with different specifics and implementation conditions, which determines the variety of classification features. The main signs of such a division include:
- Fields of application. New developments find their place in management, organizational and production processes, ecology, logistics systems, etc.
- Causes. Scientific and technological progress, as a rule, is determined by certain demands of society. At the current stage of scientific and innovative development, strategic and reactive factors are identified that determine the need for new ideas and solutions. Strategic innovations are proactive, aiming to provide competitive advantages with a future in mind. Reactive factors, in turn, are dictated by the response to already existing requests.
- Direction of impact. Again, depending on the scope of application, the mechanism of action of innovations may differ. Thus, innovations can contribute to the expansion of enterprises, improve the implementation and modernization of technologies, optimize certain processes, etc.
- Conditions for the introduction of innovations. In this case, supportive and disruptive factors of modernization are distinguished. Supportive innovation development is a process aimed at stimulating production in order to increase its competitiveness, adjusted forperforming basic or scheduled tasks. In the second case, we are talking about the transition to a fundamentally new qualitative level, for example, to capture new markets.
- Place in the target impact process. Innovations can be used both as the main tool for improving one or another indicator, and as an additional means of improving the efficiency of the facility.
Innovative development strategy
Effective application of innovations is impossible without a clear understanding of their tasks and the mission that the target object implements. Initially, key goals are set for the development, implementation and organization of ways to use innovations, taking into account the factors of instability of the external environment. An important role is also played by the tactics of managing innovative development, which is understood as a continuous process of generating and implementing the set strategic tasks. The definition of this tactic is based on taking into account current problems and expert opinions that allow building a development model in given conditions.
In itself, the strategy of applying innovations is formulated as a set of goals and objectives that allow you to transfer the target object or its individual characteristics from the current position to a more profitable one. The characteristics can be understood as the management structure, technological support, properties of the financial and economic model, etc. An important component of the innovation development strategy is the rules by which the developed project will be implemented. Both the rules andthe principles of strategic development ultimately determine the nature of innovation stimulation. For example, an enterprise in line with such development may passively follow the market or use a policy of aggressive capture of new market areas, in both cases using similar innovative tools.
Innovation Cycle
A specific technological product cannot be considered as a full-fledged derivative of the innovation process, since after the appearance of a conditional innovation, a lot of resources are required to integrate it. For this reason, many companies developing high-tech products cannot compete even with more attractive offers. For example, Dell has been winning the competition for a long time precisely due to secondary factors in the use of innovative infrastructure, which included efficient logistics, new sales methods, a high-quality service support system, etc. Comprehensive consideration of all factors in the development of new solutions forms a complete innovation cycle. It is calculated on the basis of market forecasts, which largely reflect the activity of competitors. In the field of development of innovative technologies, at the initial stage of project implementation, additional scientific research is often required. Only on the basis of a ready-made experimental design analysis can a decision be made on the choice of a further development strategy within a given cycle.
Stages of the innovation cycle
Product creation processinnovation activity is almost always multi-stage and staged. At each stage of the cycle, certain manipulations are performed with the product, which make it possible to evaluate its characteristics, including in the conditions of practical operation. And this is not counting the period of direct product development. So, a typical cycle of an innovative development system may include the following stages:
- Research activities. Data is collected on the product's application environment, conditions of use, and performance requirements.
- Direct development.
- Production of a product in a small series.
- Shift to mass production.
At each stage, a small cycle is also implemented, mainly of a test nature. It can be represented by the concept of “plan-do-check”. Depending on the results of the small cycle, either an adjustment or further movement of the product is performed at each stage. During the testing process, the result obtained at the current stage is checked for compliance with the requirements of the project intent. If it does not comply with the instructions, then revision is in progress. By the way, many modern projects in strategic planning are initially developed taking into account the possibility of deviation from the original plan, as well as changes in individual requirements. This is precisely due to the dynamic competitive environment in the market and the constantly changing conditions of technological development.
Innovative development of Russia
The current stage of Russia's development inIn the context of innovation activity, it is characterized by a general rise in various directions, which is facilitated by support from the state. Thus, in recent years, several advanced projects have been implemented to create business incubators, technology transfer centers and technology-innovative economic zones. Innovative economic development in the Russian Federation is still largely dependent on the energy industry, where new developments are also emerging. Among the main areas of innovation in this area are:
- Upgrading the infrastructure of mining and oil refineries.
- Mastering new energy saving concepts.
- Engineering solutions and technologies in nuclear reactions.
The strategy of innovative development of Russia is also being implemented today, designed for the period up to 2020. Its description includes 30 sections that comprehensively affect programs of socio-economic development. From the point of view of coverage of different areas, it is possible to distinguish the concepts of development of education, science and technology, innovative economy and other programs aimed at the development of high-tech sectors of industry and the national economy as a whole. The most advanced sectors with priority development tasks include the nuclear power industry, space and aviation.
Efficiency of innovation action
The meaning of innovation can be different depending on the principles of their application and characteristics. In particular, they highlightradical, modifying and combinatorial innovations. Features of these categories should be considered separately:
- Radical. They are characterized by high costs, aggressive implementation policy, a large number of risks and threats. As a result, they can expect to receive a product with a high level of novelty, which gives a corresponding positive effect in the competition.
- Modifying. A carefully calculated and somewhat insured development model characterized by a low level of risks, a defensive strategy and a high degree of predictability. The modifying development of innovation activity is capable of providing a balanced increase in productivity and product improvement with little effort and investment, but without a serious breakthrough with a change in market positions. This is a common concept of development, which, in terms of technological improvement, is more of a cosmetic effect.
- Combinatorial. Also a relatively predictable approach with high risks. A feature of combinatorial innovations is a high degree of foresight of expected market reactions, as well as the possibility of expanding market areas and attracting new consumer groups with little investment.
Problems of innovation
As world experience shows, innovations give not only positive, but also negative effects, which largely determines the problems of their application. To a large extent, all the risks of innovation activity are associated with the need for constant support of logistical and scientificresearch base, in which you can count on the payback of the same progressive business projects. In Russia, however, a whole layer of problems of innovative development is associated with a shortage of personnel employed in advanced research and development. We are talking about qualified personnel capable of fruitful active work on a par with the leaders of the global intellectual environment.
Without innovative developments, today no state can develop, claiming a worthy representation in the world's technological and economic processes. The program of innovative development of the Russian Federation currently being implemented just reflects the ambitious goals of the Ministry of Economic Development to achieve high results in the advancement of the state in several directions. This applies not only to domestic economic and social blocs, but also to competition on the world stage. An example of this is the Skolkovo Center, which has every chance of becoming one of the largest innovative generators of ideas and developments in the 21st century.
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