"B altic Savings Fund": feedback from depositors and programs for clients

"B altic Savings Fund": feedback from depositors and programs for clients
"B altic Savings Fund": feedback from depositors and programs for clients

Credit unions have long been a significant part of the financial sector of our country. In these organizations, you can not only take money on credit, but also place deposits.

What is the "B altic Savings Fund"?

Reviews of investors about the company are positive. Of course, no one says that millions of people were clients of this organization, but it is extremely difficult to meet negative information about BFS.

The main advantage of the fund, which shareholders (depositors) like, is the optimal interest rates on deposits. The fact is that many people remember the 1990s, when MMM offered fabulous interest on investments. Now there are also some skeptics who do not believe in the honest work of credit unions, but these people cannot say anything bad about an organization like the B altic Savings Fund.

b altic savings fund depositor reviews
b altic savings fund depositor reviews

Reviews of depositors about the fund's deposit programs speak of the popularity of the "Pension" deposit. Of course, people are sometimes afraid, but, having learned about this organization from their acquaintances, they take their money there. The minimum investment amount under the terms of the agreement is30000 rubles. Clients absolutely never fail with investments, as they receive their money and income in the amount of 20.6% at the end of the term.

Customer reviews often mention that they like the opportunity to receive monthly interest. For example, if you save up and put 30,000 rubles into your account, then monthly additional income will be about 500 rubles. Many people use the "3x4" deposit. The contract says that the income is 20.6% per annum. This is a very good bet. The money is kept in the organization "B altic Savings Fund" (reviews of investors confirm this) and bring a good additional income to the shareholder.

Private lending

The Fund provides several types of loans to its clients. First, let's mention the most common product that people mark in their comments as beneficial. The loan is granted for 12 months at 43% per annum. Its amount can range from 15,000 to 99,999 rubles. Only citizens who work officially can count on receiving money. An income statement is required.

b altic savings fund st. petersburg
b altic savings fund st. petersburg

There is another interesting offer. Employees of budgetary organizations can get a loan in the amount of 30,000 to 150,000 rubles with a favorable interest rate of 40% per annum. A guarantor is required to obtain a positive decision.

Where is the foundation's office?

To open a deposit or receive a loan, those who wish to apply to the office of the CPC "B altic Savings Fund": St. Petersburg,Vladimirsky prospect, 17. Employees are happy to help all customers every day. From Monday to Friday, the fund is open from 9 am to 8 pm, on weekends from 10 am to 6 pm. There are also several more branches around the city.

Contact the "B altic Savings Fund" - the feedback of depositors speaks for itself!
