Tripinsurance insurance company: reviews, programs, insurance territories

Tripinsurance insurance company: reviews, programs, insurance territories
Tripinsurance insurance company: reviews, programs, insurance territories

It is impossible to predict everything that can happen to us, but when you travel abroad, you definitely need to think about insurance. This topic is always relevant. The issue of he alth and life insurance is especially acute for people who spend more than one month a year abroad. In this article, we will get acquainted with Tripinsurance. According to reviews, this service is very popular with tourists.

Several years ago, Russian insurers stopped cooperating with ISOS due to the increase in the cost of service. Today, investing in a profitable program at affordable rates is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, which is why, against the backdrop of the inactivity of the once popular companies, the topic of online travel insurance is interesting. In this case, as it was easy to guess, we will talk about the Tripinshurans service.

Who is Tripinsurance

If you pick up the insurancepolicy, it is easy to see that on this document the insurer does not indicate Tripinshurans, but Absolute Insurance LLC. Therefore, Tripinsurance is neither an assistance nor an insurance company. What is she doing?

Tripinsurance insurance is a creator of travel insurance products developed on the basis of an insurance company. The policies of this company are serviced by reputable assistance and have excellent online support. This offer is unique, since Absolute Insurance does not sell such policies.

A few words about assistance

This is the official service provider of Mondial Assistance Service Company. To evaluate any travel policy, a combination of two components is important: insurance and assistance. The latter is a kind of service company that provides direct assistance to customers in the event of an insured event. Assistance solves problems on the spot: addresses medical institutions, communicates with doctors, orders translation services, etc. If the assistance does not have agreements concluded with local medical institutions, the tourist will have to pay for his treatment on his own, while collecting all certificates, checks, receipts. The client will be able to reimburse the costs only at home, by contacting his insurance company with transfers of foreign payments.

tripinsurance one-time policies
tripinsurance one-time policies

The main advantage of Tripinsurance programs is cooperation with Mondial Assistance, which belongs to the Allianz Global Assistance (AGA International) group and has its owncall center. Today, the company, which has 34 representative offices around the world, is recognized as one of the best services in the field of travel insurance. It works on the same principles as ISOS. Insurance abroad with decent assistance is a guarantee of really prompt receipt of the necessary medical care as part of the reimbursement of the sum insured.

What makes it different from other service companies

Tripinshurans insurance is the best option for those who are planning a trip to Europe. Those who have had to deal with medical care in these countries know that doctors go home only in the most urgent cases. For example, in France, Italy or Germany, even with a fever of +39 ° C, you need to rely only on yourself and get to the medical facility on your own. However, Allianz has a number of agreements with hospitals in a predominant number of European regions. In addition, the treatment is fully covered by insurance, you do not have to pay for it out of your own pocket. Meanwhile, there are places in Europe where these rules do not apply (for example, the B altic countries, Finland, Sweden).

In which countries you can use insurance

There are no offers for specific territories in Tripinshurans. Even if a specific country is indicated in the policy, this does not mean that you can count on insurance only in this region. When choosing a product from Tripinsurance, consider the following:

  • "Schengen" - the action applies only to the Schengen countries.
  • "Thailand" - insurance will covercosts in any territory except Russia, Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia and the Caribbean.
  • "The whole world except Thailand" - the policy is suitable for traveling anywhere in the world, except for Thailand and areas that are within 90 km from the place of residence.
  • "Russia" is a special insurance product that can be used in Russia, CIS countries and Crimea, but not within a radius of 90 km from the city of registration.
  • "The whole world" - the policy will be valid on the territory of any state, except for the home region.
  • "Almost the whole world" - the ability to choose the territory of insurance coverage yourself, excluding certain countries.

Insurance is suitable for travelers who plan their trip in detail. But for those who need to insure formally, solely for obtaining a visa, it is better to look for other options, since Tripinshurans does not have such offers, and the existing ones are expensive.

medical insurance
medical insurance

Insurance policies have standard expiration dates. The document can be valid for a certain period specified by the buyer, or one calendar year. Such Tripinsurance insurance has a significant limitation: the maximum duration of one trip should not exceed three months, while the number of trips and tours is not limited.

Single trip insurance products

Annual and one-time Tripinsurance policies can only be purchased on the company's website. They cannot be found on the well-known portal for travelers "Turtle". Insurance is not sold in the offices of Absolute Insurance either. You can choose the program that suits you in one of two ways: on the official website or on third-party sites that link to the official one. The electronic service will allow you to choose one of three tariffs:

  • Base. Basic minimum fare with a minimum insurance coverage of 35,000 €. This package also includes the possibility of emergency dental care in the amount of 200 €. This is the best option for obtaining compulsory insurance, for example, in order to obtain a Schengen visa. But, as already noted, for formal insurance it is better to use cheaper options on the same Turtle service. For example, a policy from Tinkoff Insurance will cost almost half as much.
  • Standart. It implies the provision of expanded medical care and the provision of bonuses. The amount of coverage in the event of an insured event is 50,000 €, and as additional services it is worth noting legal support, payment for air tickets in case of early return home and reimbursement of expenses in case of a flight delay.
  • Million. The maximum amount of coverage is € 1 million. The Million package is the same Standard plus civil liability and luggage insurance.

Annual policies

These are ideal travel insurance plans for one year. They have a better value and are suitable for those who travel abroad more than twice a year.

All insurances calculatedper year can be divided into two groups - 365DAYS and Multitrip. In the first case, as already mentioned, there is a restriction - one trip should not exceed three months, in the second - you can stay abroad all year round, but the amount of insurance coverage will be much less, and the cost of the tariff will be much higher. Both rates are valid for a calendar year.

travel insurance online
travel insurance online

Many people interpret the 90 day limit in different ways. This does not mean at all that you can stay outside the Russian Federation for three months and no more. The limitation implies that the maximum number of days abroad can be 360 per year. This means that after 90 days the insurance ceases to be valid, and in order to activate it again, you need to return to the territory of Russia, then you can leave again. Thus, the “counter” is reset to zero, and the next 90 days begin to count down. If you just cross the border of another state, the Tripinsurance insurance company will consider this a continuation of the trip. Other insurers work on the same principle with respect to annual programs.

It is important that all tariffs calculated for a year include the same package of services. They differ only in the amount of insurance coverage.

Active rest under insurance from Tripinshurans

Cooperation with any insurance company, including Tripinsurance, has a number of features. For example, he alth insurance can be canceled without loss within three days from the date of purchase of the policy. There are otherssubtleties. They are clearly spelled out in the contract, but many citizens neglect the need to carefully read the document. Next, let's pay attention to the most important points.

The first thing that falls under any travel insurance contract is the protection of risks during outdoor activities. Few travelers know that basic policies cover water park, beach sports, tennis, golf, snorkeling, and cross-country skiing. By default, even bike insurance is included in any program. However, it implies the presence of the right category and a helmet on the head, as well as the absence of alcohol in the blood.

If the vacationer does not plan to go hunting or fishing, riding a jet ski or mountain skiing, surfing, snowboarding or other extreme sports, then there is no need for active recreation insurance. A tick in front of this item significantly increases the price of insurance, sometimes up to two times.

tripinsurance cost
tripinsurance cost

Other details

Tripinshurans medical insurance insures children and adults under 80 years of age. At the same time, few people know that the insurance coefficient increases by 2-3 times for babies under three years old and older people over 70 years old.

Citizenship does not play any role, since travel is insured, which involves traveling outside the country of citizenship. In this case, the permanent place of residence or stay does not matter. In addition, you can purchase a policy not only before the planneddeparture, but also directly on the journey. Most insurers do not provide the opportunity to purchase policies after departure. According to reviews, Tripinsurance is one of the few companies that do not prohibit taking out insurance abroad. The only thing to consider in the case of such a transaction is that the policy will become effective only six days after the purchase.

Public liability insurance is available in one-time Million and 365 DAYS packages. Tripinshurans will cover the damage if the insured person breaks an expensive item in the hotel or causes material damage to another person. In order to obtain compensation, a court decision must be in hand to find the client of the company guilty of what happened.

As for jellyfish burns, sea urchin injections and other "exotic" injuries, they are paid by the insurer only if they really threaten the life of the victim. Covered treatment abroad for dengue fever.

If there is a Doctor on Call service in a particular medical institution, Tripinshurans assistance always provides it to the insured person. In addition to this service, Doctor Online is popular among tourists. The application allows you to ask the doctor a question in real time and get recommendations.

tripinsurance programs
tripinsurance programs

Travel insurances not only cover the cost of emergency transportation, but also pay for a taxi to see a doctor. Even bipatrides (persons with dual citizenship) can use the services of the company, they make emergency vaccinations under insurance. It turns out that the contract also stipulates assistance in the event of a terrorist attack, which is not found in any insurance company.

What Tripinsurance does not cover

The insurance company does not insure against the risks of exacerbation of chronic and skin diseases, as well as sunburn. Just like other insurance companies, oncological pathologies and mental disorders do not fall under the contract. In the event of an exacerbation, which is a life-threatening condition, the patient will be assisted within 1000 c.u. e. He will have to deal with the rest of the consequences of a relapse on his own. This item is especially important for allergy sufferers who travel for the first time to exotic countries with an unusual climate and vegetation.

The policy from Tripinshurans will not be a profitable solution for pregnant women - it will cover the costs of medical services provided for up to 11 weeks. Then the woman will have to pay for everything herself.

Insurance does not pay for search and rescue work, so those who plan to go trekking, rock climbing or other types of entertainment in the forest or mountainous area should take this fact into account. As for the protection of the risks of damage or loss of personal belongings, they are included in the Million and 365 DAYS tariff plans. However, they do not apply to things for which they usually buy luggage insurance - fur and jewelry, laptops, camcorders, computers, mobile phones and other expensive items.

People's opinion

Intending to go abroad,You must purchase an insurance policy. Another question is which insurer? Judging by the reviews of Tripinsurance, this company is quite popular among Russians. It is also interesting that this insurance company has a constructive approach to the criticism that sounds against it. So, for example, on the forum of the official website, people sometimes leave negative reviews about assistance services. Company representatives regard the user's comment as a signal to action. In the near future, the administration understands the current situation and eliminates the problems.

insurance abroad
insurance abroad

First of all, it is worth noting why people turn to this company. If you believe the reviews about Tripinsurance, then most of all customers appreciate in the company:

  • prompt resolution of issues and difficulties associated with paperwork;
  • professionalism of consultants who always competently answer any questions asked about the products offered;
  • a decent service company.

The gap in the ratio of positive and negative responses is quite large, and positive comments win by the number. Thus, when choosing an insurance policy, one should be guided by the number of dissatisfied reviews - if there are too many, it is better to refuse the purchase in favor of a more profitable and reliable offer.

Among the customers who urge not to get involved in buying travel insurance online, mostly those who suffered due to their own negligence. Before buying, be sure to clarify all the terms of the contract.

Insurance payments and reimbursements

Most users recommend purchasing Tripinsurance insurance for traveling to Schengen countries. There is a wide package of services and proven assistance. The only downside is the relatively high price. In addition, it is always possible to take out a policy during the trip, but it should be taken into account that it will be valid on the sixth day, not earlier - in this way, the company prevents scams with the purchase of the program after the occurrence of an insured event in the coverage area.

The very principle of insurance is that in the event of an injury or dangerous illness, all medical costs are covered by the company. If the territory of insurance is limited, then in those countries where payment for services related to the occurrence of an insured event is technically impossible, the victim himself pays the money. Upon arrival in Russia, all expenses are compensated to him. But still the company strives to expand the territory of insurance coverage. Otherwise, why would you need a policy if you have to pay for all medical services from your wallet?

Tripinsurance works great in resort areas, European countries, USA, Latin America. According to the principle of self-payment and reimbursement, only tourists from distant countries and states that have a special political regime (Syria, North Korea, Iran, Iraq) are served.

In most countries, the insurance company works according to a standard mechanism: Tripinshurans sends a letter of guarantee to an assistance or directly to a medicalinstitution abroad. According to reviews of Tripinsurance, to receive medical care in a medical facility, you do not need to make a cash deposit or leave a passport as a deposit, and in China, most clinics accept it for free.

territory of insurance
territory of insurance

If you still had to pay for the treatment with your own money, it is not at all necessary to visit the Tripinsurance office. You can report the cost of service to company representatives by phone, and send scanned copies by e-mail as confirmation. If, after checking the documents, the company is satisfied with everything, it is necessary to send the original documents by registered mail. This is quite an important point, since other insurance companies require a personal presence in the office.

If an insured event occurred in one country, treatment was also started in it, but after some time the insured person left for the territory of another state, subsequent treatment with a valid policy will be covered under the same insured event. If the insurance period expired during the period of hospitalization, Tripinerance continues to pay for the stay in the clinic. If, after the expiration of the policy, the victim needs to be re-admitted without staying in the hospital, he will have to pay for medical services himself.

Customer Interaction

Based on traveler reviews of Tripinsurance, not everyone is happy with a remote customer support organization. Communication with the firm can be carried out by phone, e-mail or skype. You can only buy insuranceofficial website of the insurance company.

In real time, you can contact the Vinsky forum - the most popular platform for public discussions and customer requests. Representatives of Tripinshurans respond in detail to all comments. Some users write directly from the hospital or hotel.

To ensure that the purchase of medical policies for travelers does not become a heavy burden on the wallet, the company has a loyal discount program. Tripinsurance actively supports loyal customers, helping them save up to 20% on the cost of a particular offer.

In addition, the company carefully controls the quality of medical care in partner clinics. Thanks to the study of customer reviews and the current rating system, measures are taken in a timely manner to select medical institutions. If more than two negative comments are received about a particular clinic, Tripinshurans ceases to cooperate with it.
