Where and how to find out the cadastral value of a land plot?

Where and how to find out the cadastral value of a land plot?
Where and how to find out the cadastral value of a land plot?

Each of us faced with the housing issue. However, not everyone understands the intricacies of pricing and terminology. Therefore, these issues need to be carefully considered. How to find out the cadastral value and what is it for?

how to find out the cadastral value of land
how to find out the cadastral value of land


The cadastral value is calculated on the basis of the evaluation of the land plot according to certain rules. The initiative for such a study may be regional authorities. The market value of the object is constantly fluctuating, while the cadastral value remains fairly stable. However, this figure also tends to change over time. That is why real estate experts recommend revaluation at least once every five years.

The information obtained during the revaluation of the cadastral value is in the public domain. Anyone can get them if he has a cadastral number of the owner of a particular plot. How to find out the cadastralland value? First things first.

Why is the calculation of the cadastral value required

The grounds for using the data of the cadastral valuation of an object are considered to be:

  • calculation of tax deductions;
  • identifying rational rent for the plot;
  • calculation of the measure of payments when using the object for public purposes;
  • support for the information market.
where to find the cadastral value of the land
where to find the cadastral value of the land

Circumstances governing cadastral value

The following circumstances are distinguished that can affect the cadastral valuation:

  • current market price;
  • true purpose of the object;
  • presence of official prohibitions and restrictions;
  • official permission to use the object;
  • territorial characteristics - ecology, geographic location.

Calculation of the cadastral value of a land plot

Determining the price of an object is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. According to the Constitution, this procedure must be carried out without fail and with a certain frequency. The fact is that over time, the object can change due to external influences, which will significantly reduce its cost. Or the development of infrastructure in the area of the site will significantly increase its true value. However, the cadastral value is not monitored very often, and there are data in the statistics about plots that have not been subject to revaluation for 10-15 years. Before the cadastralassessments, special lists are compiled, on the basis of which further research is carried out. How to find out the cadastral value of a land plot? Let's turn to the calculation scheme.

calculation of the cadastral value of a land plot
calculation of the cadastral value of a land plot

Calculation scheme

The cost analysis is based on a classification that contains the main purpose of the object and other subject characteristics. The classification is defined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and contains 17 types of permitted use of land. The measure is the specific indicator per square meter. Moreover, this dependence is determined by analyzing some additional characteristics of the object. Plots, originally prepared for development, have a high price. If an object belongs to several categories, then preference is given to the variety that has the largest footage. Variants are quite acceptable when the classification is built like the existing sites in a particular area. If the site does not have buildings on its territory at all, then absolutely any of the 17 types of land use can be assigned to it. It is also necessary to take into account the buildings existing in the selected territory, because each of them will be taxed.

Where to find out the cadastral value of a land plot

The easiest way to find out the cadastral price of an object is to go to the official website of Rosreestr. To do this, you will need to: go to the organization's website and find a public cadastral map. After that, it is entered into a special windowindividual cadastral number of the owner and a search is carried out, which as a result will provide all the necessary data about the object.

How to find out the cadastral value of a land plot in other ways? This can be done by contacting directly one of the departments of Rosreestr. Specialists of the service for the personal cadastral number of the owner will provide data on the cadastral value of the object, and, if necessary, explain the calculation scheme. Do not neglect another way to find out the required information - a call to the Rosreestr hotline.

find out the cadastral value
find out the cadastral value

How to find out the cadastral value of a land plot? To do this, you must have an individual cadastral number of the owner. You can also find it out through the Rosreestr service, by searching by the location of the object or by receiving an extract from the USRR.
