Housing loan from Sberbank of Russia: several special programs

Housing loan from Sberbank of Russia: several special programs
Housing loan from Sberbank of Russia: several special programs

Problems with housing in our country have persisted since the Soviet period. Today, everyone can buy an apartment or a house at their own expense. But the prices on the modern real estate market are too high, and most citizens cannot afford to accumulate such funds in a short time. Here, perhaps, the best option is to use a housing loan from Sberbank.

Sberbank home loan
Sberbank home loan

There are several programs for this loan product. Consider them in the tables below.

Loan product Down payment Credit term Annual rate in rubles, % Annual rate in foreign currency, % Short description
Housing construction From 15% max 30 years From 12, 5 From 10, 5 Issued for the construction of a house or other housing (on the security of this housing)
Purchase of finished housing From 10% max 30 years From 12 From 10 For the purchase of housing, which will be the pledge
Buying a home under construction From 10% max 30 years From 12 From 10 Issued for investment in construction secured by this housing

Sberbank housing loan. Special programs:

Loan product Down payment Loan term Annual rate in rubles, % Annual rate in foreign currency, % Brief description of the loan
Country real estate From 15% Maximum 30 years From 12 From 10 For the purchase of real estate outside the city (except for a residential building)
Mortgage + maternity capital From 10% Maximum 30 years From 12 From 10 The initial contribution can be made from maternity capital, which means that the loan size increases
Refinancing mortgages 0% Maximum 30 years From 12,25 Not issued Issued to pay off a mortgage received from another bank
Military mortgage From 10% Maximum 20 years 10, 5 Not issued For the purchase of housing, which will act as collateral
Garage From 10% Maximum 30 years From 12, 5 From 10, 5 For the construction or purchase of a garage for various security

Annual interest depends on the down payment, the total loan amount and the repayment period. In the agreement, the bank provides for a pledge of purchased housing until the borrower's loan obligations are fully fulfilled.

Who and where can a mortgage loan from Sberbank of Russia be granted?

You must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. You can get a mortgage at a branch of Sberbank, which can be located at the place of permanent residence of the borrower, at the location of the employer, the organization of the loan or at the location of the housing under which the Sberbank housing loan is taken.

Sberbank home loan young family
Sberbank home loan young family

Application for a loan will be studied during the working week. Repayment occurs in monthly equal installments. It is possible to make a large amount to repay the principal debt. This can be done on the payment days that are set by the schedule.payments.

There are special lending conditions for young people - this is a housing loan from Sberbank "Young Family". For a family with one or more children, the down payment can be 10%, for a childless family - from 15%.

mortgage loan from Sberbank of Russia
mortgage loan from Sberbank of Russia

There is a delay in the payment of the principal debt if a child is born. The deferment is available until your child is 3 years old. Please note that this service is provided only for the principal debt, interest payments should occur as usual.

There is one more additional opportunity if you use a housing loan from Sberbank. This is a tax deduction, its size is 13% of the amount of interest paid. Moreover, the value of the property tax deduction has increased. Previously, it was 1 million rubles, and now it is 2 million rubles, which means that you have the opportunity to return more than 250 thousand rubles.
