The best courier services: rating, features and reviews

The best courier services: rating, features and reviews
The best courier services: rating, features and reviews

Modern people are almost constantly in an eternal rush, torn between several things at the same time. That is why courier services are popular. After all, they primarily allow you to save your own time by ordering delivery to a convenient address, rather than visiting the office in person. However, not all companies present on the market are trusted by users. Their opinion perfectly reflects the rating of courier services.

rating of courier services in russia
rating of courier services in russia


The services of such organizations are certainly useful for both individuals and legal entities. However, due to the low cost of organizing a courier business, unscrupulous companies seep into the market. Turning to such organizations, you can lose your own time and money. That's why users trust the rating of courier services. It includes companies that meet certainrequirements.


According to what parameters are selected companies that are presented in the rating of courier services:

  • Cost of services. For most clients, this factor remains almost decisive. After all, there are few who want to overpay for a similar service if a competitor company provides it cheaper.
  • Delivery speed. Customers give preference to organizations that are ready to execute the order and deliver the package to the addressee as soon as possible.
  • Coverage. The more cities the company has branches, the better.
  • Quality of service. Customers return with great pleasure to places where they receive quality service. This applies not only to the cost of services and speed of delivery, but also to polite communication on the part of the staff. This factor should be taken into account by those who wish to get into the rating of courier services.
  • Schedule of work. Companies that accept clients from eight to five become practically inaccessible to people who do not work in a similar mode. For this reason, the courier service can deprive an impressive part of potential customers, which is highly undesirable.
  • No queues. The speed of service is not only about the speed of delivery of parcels. Specialists must serve customers fairly quickly in order to avoid crowding of queues, thereby causing outrage from customers.
  • Convenience of payment. The rating of courier delivery services includes companies that can offer customers the most flexible conditions. For example, not everyone is comfortable with the prepayment option. Some customers want to first make sure the package is intact and safe, and then make payment.
courier delivery services in russia rating
courier delivery services in russia rating

Rating of Russian courier services

As a rule, the leading positions are occupied by large companies that have been on the market for a long time. They monitor the trends of modern business and quickly respond to them. This approach allows you not only to maintain your position in the market, but also to attract an increasing number of customers, ultimately increasing your own profits.

So, which companies are leading in the ranking of courier delivery services in Russia:

  1. Pony Express.
  2. "SPSR-Express".
  3. "Express. Ru".
  4. SDEC.

Pony Express

This company offers delivery of correspondence and various cargoes throughout Russia. The organization performs its duties daily, fulfilling thousands of orders and employing hundreds of vehicles.

Among the advantages are efficiency, large coverage of the territory, as well as well-coordinated work.


For more than ten years, this company has been present on the Russian delivery market. Over the years, she has managed to earn a reputation as a reliable operator. This is one of the reasons clients trust her.

courier delivery service rating
courier delivery service rating

Express. Ru

Among the main advantages of the company is prompt delivery. It operates throughout Russia. In the capital courierthe service does not stop its work even at night and weekends. However, the services cost users more than competitors.


A large courier service that operates throughout Russia and fulfills about two thousand orders daily. Offers its own customers a wide range of logistics services and payment methods, including cash on delivery. For the convenience of interacting with customers, there is a high-quality support service that allows you to quickly resolve emerging issues.

Rating of courier services in Moscow

There are hundreds of offers in the capital. However, their abundance confuses many potential customers. The basis for getting into this rating of the best courier services in Moscow was user reviews, as well as the conditions offered by the company:

rating of courier services in moscow
rating of courier services in moscow
  1. City Express.
  2. "Courier Service Express".
  3. "Bird".
  4. "Delivery".

City Express

This is one of the oldest metropolitan services that has been on the market for over twenty years. It is not surprising that such a long experience allows the company to occupy a leading position in the rankings.

Users note the convenient site, speed and cost of delivery, as well as polite couriers. In addition, for the convenience of users, the courier company provides additional options. For example, you can order tighter packaging for fragile goods or insure the shipment.

Courier ServiceExpress

It is curious that the cost of services in this courier service is slightly higher than that of competitors. However, this did not prevent her from getting into the rating. Customers are satisfied thanks to the quality organization of delivery. This is due to the fact that each employee is assigned to a certain area of the capital, which allows you to quickly fulfill orders.

Thanks to high-quality packaging, the courier service delivers all shipments safe and sound, which is certainly noted by customers.

best courier services in moscow rating
best courier services in moscow rating


It is curious that the company conducts all activities exclusively online. She does not have her own phone number and address. However, this does not prevent the courier service from providing quality services and leaving customers satisfied. In addition, by minimizing the cost of doing business, the courier service can reduce the cost of the services provided, thus attracting more customers who choose companies solely on price.


A relatively young company in the capital's courier market. However, this did not prevent her from taking a place in the ranking of the best. This became possible thanks to the timely execution of customer orders. In addition, users have the opportunity not only to receive SMS messages about the completion of the order, but also to track the movements of the courier using the card.

rating of courier services
rating of courier services


Eat to believe the opinions of users, they prefercompanies that not only offer the most favorable cost of services, but are also convenient to use. For example, some courier services are developing a user-friendly website and a special tariff calculator that allows you to calculate the cost of services.
