The best manufacturers of gas boilers: an overview

The best manufacturers of gas boilers: an overview
The best manufacturers of gas boilers: an overview

The choice of a heating gas boiler for a private house should be approached with all responsibility. The installation of low-quality equipment of this type, produced by an unknown manufacturer, is unlikely to create a pleasant microclimate in a residential building. In addition, a bad boiler will become a constant source of expenses for home owners, since it will have to be repaired often. Yes, and such equipment is unlikely to be safe in operation. Therefore, when choosing a gas boiler, it is imperative to look at the brand of the manufacturer of the gas boiler.

Types of heating units

When buying a gas boiler, first of all, you should pay attention to its brand. There are two main types of such heating equipment on the modern market: single and double circuit. The first type of boilers among consumers is more popular. Models of this variety are mounted in country houses along with boilers. That is, if the boiler breaks down, the building will still be provided with hot water.

Double-circuit boilers in the house are also responsible forheating, and for the supply of hot water. Such equipment is complex and often expensive to repair. In addition, if a unit of this type breaks down in the house, it not only becomes cold, but hot water also disappears. But nevertheless, double-circuit boilers enjoy a certain popularity among consumers. The installation of such a unit is quite simple. After all, the strapping of the boiler in this case is not necessary. In addition, boilers of this type are cheaper for owners of private houses than separate purchase of heating equipment for heating and hot water.

Boiler manufacturers
Boiler manufacturers

Rating of gas boiler manufacturers

Owners of private houses today have the opportunity to purchase both domestic and foreign-made boilers. At the same time, most companies are engaged in the assembly of both two- and single-circuit heating units. Some firms produce only one of these types of equipment.

In any case, the ranking of the best manufacturers of dual-circuit gas boilers for 2018 looks something like this:

  1. Vaillant.
  2. Baxi.
  3. Bosch.
  4. AKGV Zhukovsky.
  5. Conord.
  6. Navien DELUXE.

All these models are characterized by long service life, relatively low cost and performance.

The rating of manufacturers of single-circuit gas boilers looks like this in Russia:

  1. Vaillant.
  2. Baxi.
  3. Neva.
  4. Lemax Premium.
  5. Protherm Panther.
  6. Viessmann Vitogas.
  7. Ariston CLAS.

Vaillant double-circuit boilers

This manufacturer has been selling its heating equipment on the domestic market for over 20 years. Vaillant delivers very high quality gas boilers to Russia. The country of origin of these models is Germany. Accordingly, the assembly they differ is simply excellent. It was the Vaillant specialists who once developed the first compact boiler suitable for installation in small private buildings.

This manufacturer produces both wall-mounted gas boilers and floor models. Dual-circuit models from this manufacturer are labeled as VUW. The main advantage of Vaillant heating units of this type is, according to consumers, their relatively low cost with excellent quality.

Vaillant boiler
Vaillant boiler

If desired, owners of private houses can purchase a gas boiler manufactured by this manufacturer with both an open and a closed version of the combustion chamber. Smoke exhaust for Vaillant models can be coaxial or traditional atmospheric. The efficiency of heating equipment of this brand reaches 93%.

There are practically no shortcomings in boilers from this manufacturer. Their only disadvantage, according to consumers, is the high cost. Also, the owner of a private house may have problems if it is necessary to repair such a boiler. Spare parts for it, most likely, will have to be issued throughthe Internet. In addition, the components and parts of the units of this brand are also very expensive.

Single-circuit boilers Vaillant

Such models of this brand also deserve very good reviews from consumers. The most popular boilers from this manufacturer in Russia at the moment are:

  • atmospheric AtmoTEC PRO VUW240/5-3 with power in the range of 9-24 kW;
  • turbocharged TurboTEC PRO VUW 242/5-3 with forced exhaust of combustion products.

Except for the method of chimney, the characteristics of both these models are the same. Among other things, the manufacturer gives them a guarantee of 10 years of work.

Double-circuit boilers Baxi

This Italian company supplies wall-mounted gas boilers and floor-standing boilers to the Russian market. The manufacturer produces units that are complemented by membrane expansion tanks and a reliable safety group.

Also, the functionality of these models includes control of the temperature of the DHW circuit, flame and draft. In addition, the boiler design includes a protective system that prevents the coolant from freezing and blocking the circulation pump.

Single-circuit boilers "Baksi"

Heating units of this variety from Baxi are especially popular with consumers. This company is one of the best manufacturers of gas boilers. It produces models designed for operation even in the most difficult climatic conditions. The efficiency of single-circuit boilers "Baksi" can reach up to 92%.

Gas boiler "Baksi"
Gas boiler "Baksi"

The manufacturer gives a guarantee for its products of this type for a period of 2 years. Baxi produces, among other things, boilers with built-in boilers.

Navien DELUXE models

Double-circuit units of this brand are made in Korea. Navien DELUXE equipment is designed for heating houses ranging from 30 to 400 m22. This Korean manufacturer is engaged in the production of double-circuit gas boilers exclusively. Units of this brand can operate both on natural and liquefied gas.

Both heat exchangers of these boilers - both heating and designed for hot water - are made of stainless steel. A feature of this manufacturer, among other things, is that it manufactures all the structural elements of the equipment it supplies to the market on its own. Third-party units are not used in Navien DELUXE boilers.

The advantages of this brand of heating units, many consumers include the presence in their design of a chip to protect against power surges. For houses in the Russian outback, such equipment (despite the fact that the manufacturer still recommends using it in combination with a stabilizer), therefore, can be very suitable.

Dual-circuit German boilers "Bosch"

On the domestic market today there is such equipment with a capacity of 12, 18 and 24 kW. Boilers from this manufacturer can be marked, for example, as follows: Bosch Gaz WBN 6000-24 C. The last digit in this case indicates the power. The letter "C" means that the boiler isnamely dual circuit. That is, it can be used in the house both for heating and for heating hot water.

The hydraulic part of double-circuit boilers from this manufacturer is made of high quality copper. An 8-liter expansion tank is also supplied with the units. In addition, such equipment is complemented by Wilo brand circulation pumps. Among other things, boilers from this manufacturer have a "winter / summer" function, which allows homeowners to save on blue fuel.

It is Bosch dual-circuit models that are especially popular among consumers. But this manufacturer also produces fairly high-quality single-circuit units. The power of such Bosch boilers can be 12 or 18 kW. They are marked with the letter "H".

Bosch boiler
Bosch boiler

Double-circuit models of Zhukovsky AKGV

Heating units from this domestic manufacturer are presented on the market in three lines:

  • economy - with Russian automation, tubular heat exchanger, temperature sensor;
  • standard - equipped with imported automation unit, with burner power modulation mode and liquid overheating sensor;
  • comfort - additionally equipped with a remote control, a system for maintaining a given temperature regime and an overheating sensor.

In addition to double-circuit gas boilers, the manufacturer also produces single-circuit ones, marked as AOGV. Such units are designed for installation in heating systems with antifreeze. Double-circuit models of AKGV are designed for water heating networks.

Boiler of the enterprise Zhukovsky
Boiler of the enterprise Zhukovsky

Konord boilers

Heating equipment of this brand is produced in Russia in the city of Rostov-on-Don. This plant has been supplying such units to the market for more than half a century. According to consumers, at a not too high cost, in terms of efficiency, gas boilers produced by this manufacturer are not inferior to imported counterparts.

The company "Conord" produces exclusively floor-standing models of heating units for the heating system. The efficiency of double-circuit boilers of this brand is usually 90%. Among other things, models from this manufacturer are equipped with several levels of protection:

  • smoke detector;
  • flame presence sensor on the main burner;
  • temperature control device in the circuit.

Among other things, floor-standing gas boilers produced by this manufacturer are adapted to work at low pressure. The marking of the most popular double-circuit models "Conord" contains the letters "GV".

Single-circuit boilers "Neva"

This company has also been on the market for more than half a century. Units of this brand are manufactured in Russia. The manufacturer of gas boilers "Neva" was originally called "Gazapparat". The main factory facilities of this company are located in St. Petersburg. In particular, wall-mounted single-circuit boilers from this manufacturer are very popular with consumers. Burner in such modelsmodulation with automatically changing modes is provided.

The main advantages of this type of equipment, consumers consider low cost and simplicity of design. Also, the advantage of single-circuit gas boilers from the Neva manufacturing plant, judging by the reviews of home owners, is the absence of volatile automation in the design that is difficult to maintain. The manufacturer produces several lines of single-circuit boilers of this brand. Consumers, if desired, can purchase, for example, the Neva 8518 or Lux 8618 model with reduced gas consumption.

In addition to single-circuit, this manufacturer produces double-circuit gas heating boilers. Such models are marked as 7218 or Lux 8224 and are equipped with an additional function for controlling the temperature of the coolant and hot water. All equipment produced by this company has an efficiency of 90%.

Boiler "Neva"
Boiler "Neva"

Single-circuit boilers "Lemax Premium"

Equipment of this brand is also produced by a domestic manufacturer. The power of Lemax Premium boilers can vary between 7.5-60 kW. The service life of these units, according to the manufacturer, can be at least 14 years. The equipment of this brand is covered with a specially developed anti-corrosion enamel CERTA. The body of the heating gas boilers produced by this manufacturer is made of 2 mm steel.

The advantages of this brand of heating units are primarily energy independence, a multi-level protection system with overheating and reverse thrust sensors,easy care.

Boilers of this brand have an expanded heat exchange surface and are equipped with a new generation turbulator. The jets in the Lemax Premium units are easily reconfigured to liquefied gas. Among other things, the manufacturer gives a guarantee for its equipment for 36 months.

Single-circuit boilers "Protherm Panther"

These models are produced by a subsidiary of the German manufacturer Vaillant. The power of Proterm Panther boilers can vary between 12-25 kW. The manufacturer produces both turbine and atmospheric single-circuit heating units of this type. If desired, owners of country houses can purchase a model with an open combustion chamber or a closed one.

One of the distinguishing features of single-circuit boilers of this brand is that the indirect heating boiler connected to them can be controlled directly from their panel. Among the advantages of the Panther boilers, many owners of country houses, among other things, include compactness. Despite the excellent performance and fairly wide functionality, these models do not take up much space and are great for installation even in the smallest rooms.

Single-circuit boilers Ariston CLAS

Heating equipment of this brand can be used for heating houses up to 150 m22. If necessary, for such a boiler, both natural gas and liquefied gas can be used as fuel. In these units, among other things, a control board is provided, for the operation of which a voltage of 220 V is required.

The manufacturer recommends installing single-circuit gas heating boilers from the manufacturer Ariston CLAS both in houses and in apartments in combination with a voltage stabilizer. The most popular among consumers are wall-mounted single-circuit models from this company. For example, the heating unit Ariston CLAS X SYSTEM 15 CF NG (RU) deserved very good reviews from the owners of country houses. This model differs, among other things, in that it has an open combustion chamber.

Single-circuit boilers Viessmann Vitogas

Heating units of this brand are assembled in Turkey. For example, equipment from this manufacturer Viessmann Vitogas 100-F GS1D871 is very popular with owners of private houses in Russia. This single-circuit boiler is designed for heating buildings up to 320 m22. The advantages of this floor model, consumers attribute primarily its high performance. In operation, in any case, this boiler can be considered very convenient.

Boiler Viessmann Vitogas
Boiler Viessmann Vitogas

The combustion chamber in this model is atmospheric. Despite this, the Viessmann Vitogas 100-F boiler is very quiet. The advantages of this equipment, many consumers also include the fact that its design provides for a pre-mixing burner. Due to this, the boiler emits less harmful substances into the environment, that is, it is, among other things, also environmentally friendly.

Thanks to the automation of all processes, this model is very easy tooperation. Also, the owners of country houses attribute the advantages of this boiler to the fact that due to the presence of cast-iron parts in its design, it can operate at low temperatures and is not at all afraid of condensate.
