What happens if you don't pay taxes? Liability for non-payment of taxes

What happens if you don't pay taxes? Liability for non-payment of taxes
What happens if you don't pay taxes? Liability for non-payment of taxes

Today we have to find out what will happen if we don't pay taxes. In fact, this question interests many citizens. Also, the answer may seem useful to organizations and individual entrepreneurs. After all, if you know about responsibility, everyone will be able to avoid negative consequences. This should be remembered. So what should the residents of Russia pay attention to? Are there any pen alties for not paying taxes? And if so, which one? All this will be discussed later. In fact, understanding the question is easier than it seems. Especially if you have knowledge of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Is there any responsibility

The first thing you should pay attention to is the existence of liability for non-payment of taxes. Does it exist in Russia? If so, who exactly will carry it?

What happens if you don't pay taxes
What happens if you don't pay taxes

It's not that hard to answer. Responsibility for non-payment of taxes in Russia takes place. But the exact punishment will depend on many factors. For example:

  • from the type of taxpayer;
  • from the amount of non-payment;
  • from the payment delay period.

Accordingly, it is not so easy to say exactly what taxpayers are afraid of. The only thing that people in Russia say with certainty is that non-payment of taxes necessarily entails a number of negative consequences. Which ones? They will be discussed later.


What happens if you don't pay taxes? The first problem that all taxpayers face is pen alties. This is a monetary pen alty that increases the amount of tax paid by a certain amount. Charged daily. Accordingly, the longer a citizen or organization does not pay, the more they will eventually have to give to the state.

Pen alties begin to accrue from the moment the debt is formed. That is, if the tax is not paid before the deadline, the next day the payment will increase. This measure applies to all taxpayers. Therefore, it is recommended not to delay with the studied payments.


There are several types of taxpayers. They are subject to various pen alties for non-payment of taxes. What scenarios are taking place?

liability for non-payment of taxes
liability for non-payment of taxes

The first large group of taxpayers are individuals. For them, as a rule, there are income taxes, as well as property, transport and land taxes. What to expect if you ignore a payment order from the tax office?

What happens if you don't pay taxes? There are several options for punishment. What exactly? The Tax Code of the Russian Federation will help answer. According to him, one may encounter:

  1. With pen alties. Citizens who are late in paying taxes will have to cover the pen alty when paying. About thismeasure has already been said. The amount of additional expenses directly depends on how much the payment was delayed.
  2. With a fine in the prescribed amount. The most common measure of responsibility, which is only found in Russia. The pen alty for non-payment of taxes, according to the established rules, is set on an individual basis, but with some restrictions. Citizens pay 100-300 thousand rubles or lose their earnings for 12-24 months. It all depends on the decision of the court.
  3. With forced labor. Liability for non-payment of taxes in Russia by individuals is expressed (sometimes) in the form of forced labor. Its maximum duration is no more than a year.
  4. With imprisonment. The ultimate measure of responsibility that only a taxpayer can bear. Imprisonment is proposed for 1 year. Possible arrest for 6 months maximum.

All of the above punishments are the responsibility of individuals for non-payment of taxes due in accordance with established legislation. Similar pen alties are also provided for preparing false documents or failing to file a tax return by the due date.

pen alty for non-payment of taxes
pen alty for non-payment of taxes

Special sizes for individuals

Now it is clear what will happen if you do not pay taxes. Only all of these measures can not be called the only one of its kind. The liability of natural persons is sometimes expressed somewhat differently. What is it about?

On tax evasion on an especially large scale. Such a crime has more stringentpen alties for negligent taxpayers. Which ones?

The pen alty for non-payment of taxes in such a situation will increase. Now, for the perfect deed, you will have to pay from 200 to 500 thousand. As an alternative punishment, a payment is made in the form of a citizen's profit for 1.5-3 years. Forced labor also takes place. If taxes are not paid on a particularly large scale, the court may impose 36 months of forced labor. Or imprisonment for a similar period. But the arrest no longer takes place.

These are the measures provided for individuals, if there was tax evasion. Article 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation indicates such measures. But it has another interesting nuance. About him a little later. First you need to figure out what the non-payment of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs will result in.

Individuals and organizations

The difference is not too big in the established punishments. But for organizations and individual entrepreneurs, as a rule, the consequences of debts to tax authorities are more dangerous than it seems. During such events, the firm may cease operations.

Tax evasion of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Tax evasion of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Tax evasion (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, article 199) is punishable by:

  1. Fine. Like individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons pay from 100 to 300 thousand rubles. As an alternative amount, you can lose profits for 2 years maximum.
  2. Forced labor. A distinctive feature is that the organization is deprived of the right to conduct a particular activity. More precisely, the taboo is imposed on the violator. Most often - on the head of the organization. Maximumthe duration of the punishment is 2 years for work and 3 years for activity restrictions.
  3. Arrested for six months.
  4. Imprisonment. It is usually associated with a restriction in the conduct of a particular activity. The limits of punishment are exactly the same as with forced labor.

Everyone should know what will happen if they don't pay taxes. In addition to these pen alties, organizations face pen alties. Therefore, the increase in invoices still takes place.

Special occasions

But there is another scenario. What are the dangers of tax evasion? According to the established rules, if this act is committed by prior agreement or in large (especially large) amounts, the punishment is more severe. It is somewhat reminiscent of the responsibility of individuals for a similar act.

tax evasion article
tax evasion article

Accordingly, you may encounter:

  1. Cash payments. Fines are set up to half a million. You can also lose income for 3 years.
  2. Forced labor for a maximum of 5 years. Additionally, the head of an organization or entrepreneur may be deprived of the opportunity to conduct a particular activity, as well as to hold specific positions. Such a measure lasts no more than 3 years.
  3. Imprisonment. Along with it, a taboo is imposed on activity. The duration of punishments is up to 36 months inclusive.

It follows that taxpayers face roughly the same consequences. But with a small caveat. Which one?


The fact is that it is not always necessary to think about what will happen if you do not pay taxes. In Russia, criminal punishment can sometimes be avoided. This feature applies to all taxpayers.

According to the established rules, if an individual entrepreneur, organization or just a citizen independently closed the debt and paid the pen alty in full, you can not be afraid of responsibility. But such an indulgence applies only to cases when the violation is committed for the first time.


From now on, it is clear what threatens non-payment of taxes. In practice, most often citizens are faced with pen alties. But criminal responsibility does not occur so often. At least for individuals. And this is good news.

What are the dangers of tax evasion?
What are the dangers of tax evasion?

All citizens need to pay taxes. In some cases, bailiffs seize property for which they do not pay. Every taxpayer should remember this.

In 2017, a new measure of punishment for non-payment of taxes comes into force in Russia. Citizens who did not pay transport, property or land tax on time will be fined. The payment amount will be 20% of the invoiced tax.
