How to find out the tax debt of individuals by TIN?

How to find out the tax debt of individuals by TIN?
How to find out the tax debt of individuals by TIN?
Tax debt of individuals by TIN
Tax debt of individuals by TIN

In the modern world, every citizen must make timely payment of taxes and all kinds of fees. Responsible residents of the state carry out this procedure on their own without any reminders from the relevant services. However, most may not realize that they have a certain amount of obligations. It should be remembered that even if the employer himself is engaged in the necessary procedures for deductions, this does not mean at all that you are insured against debt.

What to do?

In the event that you are not sure of the correctness of the above deductions, you can independently find out the debt of individuals, that is, ordinary citizens. This can be done by contacting the Federal Tax Service (FTS) or by visiting their official website. However, before you receive the data you are looking for, you need to know your TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number). After that, you will only have to enter the received digital code, as well as your full name - and the site resource will show all the required information. Thus, you can find out the tax debt of individuals by TIN quite simply and quickly.

Benefits of a personal account

TIN tax debt
TIN tax debt

In addition to all of the above, viewing obligations on the official website provides the user with the following additional features:

  1. A citizen can find out the tax debt by TIN.
  2. Control the status of your accounts and make calculations.
  3. Contact with the tax authorities without visiting the above services in person.
  4. Download declaration forms.
  5. You can print tax receipts and notices.
  6. Find out the verification status of previously submitted declarations.

In addition, if you want to pay the tax debt of individuals by TIN, then you can also carry out this procedure on the above electronic resource.

How to do it?

Debt of individuals
Debt of individuals

Earlier, the article discussed the benefits of using the official website of the Federal Tax Service and personal account in particular. However, many may not know how to apply what they have learned. For example, you need to find out the tax debt of individuals by TIN. How to do it? First you need to go to the site itself. After that, you will see the division into three categories of citizens: individuals and legal entities andindividual entrepreneurs. You must select the group to which you belong. In this case, the option of individuals is considered. Therefore, you need to select the appropriate tab.

After refreshing the page, you will see a friendly inscription "I'm interested" and a lot of answer options under it. For example, "find out your TIN", "get a tax deduction", "how to create an account abroad", "filing complaints to the relevant authorities" and much more. Of course, here you can find out the tax debt of individuals by TIN. Thus, you can visit just one site and learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things.
