Marking of fluorescent lamps: designation, classification and interpretation

Marking of fluorescent lamps: designation, classification and interpretation
Marking of fluorescent lamps: designation, classification and interpretation

Fluorescent lamps have been around for a very long time. Initially, the companies that made them did not comply with almost any standards. This was due primarily to the simplicity of the design of such lamps. The freedom of choice regarding the size and configuration of such lighting equipment from manufacturers was not limited in any way. However, in the end, the process of assembling such lamps still became more manageable. The list of types of fluorescent lamps supplied to the market today is wide, but still limited. Such equipment is classified according to various signs displayed in the marking. For fluorescent lamps, it is usually applied directly to the bulb.

What types are there

All fluorescent lamps supplied to the market today can differ in the following ways:

  • spectrum of light;
  • flask diameter;
  • power;
  • number of socles and their characteristics;
  • presence or absence of launch equipment;
  • voltagenetworks;
  • flask shape.

Such lamps can also be classified according to the color of the glow and light temperature.

Marking of fluorescent lamps
Marking of fluorescent lamps

Of course, a consumer who decides to purchase a luminescent model must first of all be informed about all its technical characteristics. The latter are displayed, like any other equipment, in this case in the marking. For fluorescent lamps, it looks something like this:

LB T8 w8 FS G13 RS 220 V. 2U.

In some cases, the order of numbers may change. Also, in some cases, only part of the characteristics is displayed in the lamp code.

Spectrum differences

The first letter in the domestic marking of such lighting equipment is always the letter L. It is usually followed by B, D or U. These letters indicate the spectrum of light emitted by the lamp:

  • B - white.
  • D - daily.
  • U - universal lamp.

That is, in the marking at the very beginning there may be a combination of letters LB, LD or LU.

Differences in bulb diameter and length

This parameter for fluorescent lamps can vary quite widely. Many of its other technical characteristics directly depend on the diameter of the flask of such equipment:

  • spectrum;
  • luminosity;
  • service life.

It is believed that the thicker the fluorescent lamp, the longer itable to last.

The diameter in the marking of such equipment, according to international standards, is indicated by numbers following the beech T. Its unit is 1/8 inch. For example, the diameter of a flask marked T8 will be 26 mm. Such lamps are currently very common. Also, equipment of this type with a bulb diameter of 18 and 38 mm is very popular on the market.

Types of lamps
Types of lamps

Sometimes the dimensions of the lamps in the marking can be given simply as numbers. For example, such equipment may have the designation 26/604. In this case, the first number will indicate the diameter, and the second - the length of the bulb in millimeters.

What can be the power

This parameter in the marking is indicated by the letter W and the numbers following it. Knowing the power of a fluorescent lamp, you can determine the area of \u200b\u200bwhich area it can illuminate. For example, this indicator can be coded as 11 W, 15 W, 20 W.

With regard to power, the designations in the marking of fluorescent lamps correspond to certain codes of the same equipment with an incandescent filament. These ratios are indicated in special tables. The data presented in them can greatly facilitate the choice of the buyer. For example, the designation 11 W will correspond to the power of an incandescent lamp of 55 W, 15 W - 75 W, 20 W - 100 W.

Deciphering the marking of fluorescent lamps: characteristics of socles

There can be 1 or 2 such elements in the design of the lamp. In the first case, the marking will contain the designation FS, in the second -F. D. Sometimes on fluorescent lamps you can also see the code FB. This is how compact equipment with a built-in electronic ballast type base is marked.

The characteristics of this part of the design of fluorescent lamps are indicated by a letter and two numbers. Plinths can be marked, for example, as:

  • G - pin.
  • E - threaded.

The numbers following the letter in the marking indicate the outer diameter.

Plinth marking
Plinth marking

Launch equipment

Modern industry today produces two main types of fluorescent lamps:

  • in addition to which you need to purchase a starter;
  • with the possibility of inclusion in the circuit with ballast, without starting equipment;
  • universal.

The first type of equipment is marked as Phs, the second - RS, the third - US. Sometimes the letters characterizing the way the lamp is started may not be present in the cipher. This means that the starter for this equipment is a mandatory item.

Marking starters for fluorescent lamps

Such starting devices are small gas discharge lamps with a glow charge. The following codes may be applied to the starter bulb:

  • С - starter;
  • numbers before it - power (60, 90, 120);
  • numbers after it - voltage (220, 127).

Also, the marking of starters for fluorescent lamps can be Western. In this case, the flask equipment:

  • in 220 V with a voltage of 4-80 W, the code S10, FS-U or ST111 is applied;
  • at 127 V with power up to 20 W - S2, FS-2, ST151.


Most commercially available fluorescent lamps are designed to be used on a standard household electrical outlet. That is, most often such equipment operates at a voltage of 220 V.

However, fluorescent lamps for 127 and 75 V are also on sale today. The first type of such equipment, designed for low voltage, is used in the subway. 75 V lamps are usually installed in electric trains.

How are lamps labeled?
How are lamps labeled?

In the marking, the voltage required for such equipment is indicated directly. That is, exactly 220 V, 127 V or 75 V.

Shape of lamp bulb

There are also many types of luminescent equipment according to this parameter. In the marking of a lamp, the shape of its bulb can be indicated as:

  • U - horseshoe.
  • 4U - four-arc.
  • S - spiral.
  • С - candlestick.
  • R - reflex type.
  • G - spherical.
  • T - in tablet form.

The linear shape of the bulb in the marking of the lamp is not displayed in any way.

Flask shape
Flask shape

Additional information: color

Quite often, manufacturers in the marking of fluorescent lamps display their characteristics such as the color of the glow and the lighttemperature.

In this case, the cipher will contain three digits. The first one displays the color rendering index. This indicator should not be confused with the luminosity spectrum. Most often, the color rendering index is determined by the color of the lamp bulb. It denotes the degree of compliance, declared by the manufacturer, with a natural shade. In the marking of fluorescent lamps by color, it is indicated as 1x10 Ra. That is, for example, in the cipher 742 (number 7), the color rendering index of the equipment is displayed in 70 Ra.

The last two digits in the marking in this case indicate the color temperature of the light emitted by the lamp, measured in Kelvin. In our example, it will be equal to 4200 K. That is, a lamp with such a marking will emit cold light.

The numbers indicating the color rendering index and temperature are usually put down at the very end of the cipher on the lamp. Before their combination, there is the word Color.

What you should know

In some cases, the usual three-digit coding of the color characteristics of the lamp in the coding can be replaced by a two-digit one. For example:

  • number 33 corresponds to code 640 (60 Ra, 4000 K);
  • 54 - 765;
  • 29-530.

Such markings can usually only be seen on obsolete old-style lamps.

Color depending on index

Thus, in the marking of fluorescent lamps at the very end there are often three numbers that determine the shade of the light emitted by them.

Color rendering index in equipment from different manufacturers can vary between 60-90 andmore than Ra (6-9 in marking). The lower this indicator, the less the color of the light of the lamp corresponds to the natural one. Lamps with an index of 60-80 Ra give a slightly faded color, 81-90 and above - very bright and saturated.

Color temperature

This indicator for fluorescent lamps can vary between 5000-8000 K. The higher the temperature parameter of such equipment, the colder the light it emits. Lamps are believed to be:

  • with a temperature of 2700-3500 K give a warm white color;
  • 3500-4500K - neutral white;
  • 4500-6500 K and above - cold white.

Codes for lamps of other varieties

In addition to fluorescent, incandescent bulbs are, of course, very popular with domestic consumers. Also on the market in a wide range today are LED models. In this regard, the consumer may have a question about which marking does not apply to fluorescent lamps.

For example, for LED models, in addition to power (W), cap type, color indicators and voltage, codes may be present in the cipher:

  • maximum operating temperature (usually +40 to -40°C);
  • length of operation period (typically 50,000 hours).

The code for the type of bulb for LED lamps is different from the cipher for fluorescent ones. In this case, the designation comes after the letter A.

The code for an incandescent light bulb usually contains one or two Cyrillic letters and five numbers. Letters atthis means the type of model (V - vacuum, B - bispiral, Ш - spherical, BO - bispiral argon with an opal bulb, etc.). The first three digits in the marking of such equipment indicate the operating voltage, the last two indicate the power. Sometimes the code of such light bulbs also contains the date of their release.

Osram lamp color designations

The numbers after the word Color in the marking of luminescent equipment are one of the most important codes for the consumer. For example, popular Osram lamps may have the following color designations:

  • 765 (70…79 Ra, 6500 K);
  • 865 (80…89 Ra, 6500 K);
  • 965 (90…99 Ra, 6500 K);
  • 954 (over 90 Ra, 5400 K) etc.

Such colors as SKYWHITE and INTERNA are patented by this manufacturer. The first of them is indicated in the marking of Osram fluorescent lamps as 880 (80 … 89, 8000 K), the second - 827 (80 … 89, 2700 K).

Osram lamp markings
Osram lamp markings

Philips colors

Equipment of this brand also enjoys well-deserved popularity among domestic consumers. Philips fluorescent lamp markings are standard. The color rendering of this equipment can be indicated by numbers from 4 to 9. The temperature of the lamps of this brand is encrypted by numbers from 27 to 65. Also, their series (for example, TL-D) may be present in the marking of Philips models.

In addition to the usual, this manufacturer also produces fluorescent equipment designed for installation in aquariums - TLD AQUARELLE. These lamps are different fromstandard those that emit light with a high density in the blue spectrum. This shade not only emphasizes the beauty of the underwater world, but also contributes to:

  • creating optimal conditions for photosynthesis;
  • stimulating the formation of oxygen in the water, which is very beneficial for fish.

The diameter of the flasks of these lamps can be 16 mm or 28 mm (T5, T9). Also in the TLD AQUARELLE marking there are codes G5 and G13, which characterize the parameters of the socles. The power of these lamps can be 8-58W.

Marking lamps "Philips"
Marking lamps "Philips"

Old domestic markings

Currently, lamps supplied to the Russian market are marked according to international standards. The old equipment, produced in previous years, may also have a different code - domestic. Marking in this case includes Cyrillic letters:

  • L - lamp.
  • D - daylight.
  • B - white.
  • T - warm.
  • E - natural.
  • X is cold.

For example, the LHB cipher will be affixed to a lamp with white cold light. For compact equipment of this type, the letter K is also provided at the beginning of the code. For fluorescent lamps with improved color rendering, one or two letters C are additionally present in the marking.

Also, domestic ciphers may contain indications of the color of a narrow spectrum: red - K, yellow - F, etc. That is, the flask will have the code LK, LZh, etc.

AndInternational and Russian labeling of fluorescent lamps thus provides the buyer with comprehensive information about this particular model. Each letter or number printed on the flask, or a combination of them, means a certain characteristic of the equipment. Knowing the parameter codes, you can easily choose the lamp that is most suitable in this particular case.
