How to change the pin code on a Sberbank card: tips and tricks

How to change the pin code on a Sberbank card: tips and tricks
How to change the pin code on a Sberbank card: tips and tricks

Modern people are increasingly using non-cash payment for goods and services. To do this, there are plastic cards - debit or credit. To work with them, you need to come up with a pin code. Only the owner of the card should know this combination. Without it, account transactions will not be available.

But sometimes you have to think about how to change the pin code on the Sberbank card. There are different scenarios for the development of events. And every owner of banking plastic should know about them. Later in the article we will try to answer this question.

Change the pin code from the card in Sberbank
Change the pin code from the card in Sberbank

Possibility of operation

Can I change the pin code of a Sberbank card? As already mentioned, we are talking about a secret combination that is known only to the owner of the plastic. With its help, a person confirms that he is the owner of the card and the account from which funds will be debited for transactions.

The main problem is that not all banks allow you to change PIN from plastic. Fortunately, Sberbank is not among them. The cardholder canproblems to cope with the task. The main thing is to know how to act.

Methods for changing data

There are different options for how to change the pin code on a Sberbank card. True, there are not as many of them as customers would like.

At the moment, a person can change the PIN at the bank plastic:

  • through self-service services;
  • by direct contact with the bank branch.

No more tricks. Next, we will get acquainted with the listed layouts in more detail. Step-by-step instructions will help you change your PIN from bank plastic.

Changing the PIN from the card through an ATM
Changing the PIN from the card through an ATM

"Sberbank Online" and data changes

Almost every client sooner or later gets acquainted with the Internet banking service called "Sberbank Online". This system allows you to manage accounts, deposits and cards through the World Wide Web. Is it possible to change the pin code of a Sberbank card online? There is currently no such feature. The owner of the plastic can block it or order a new card, but nothing more.

What you need to replace

To answer the question of how to change the pin code on a Sberbank card, the user has to prepare. Especially if he decided to take advantage of a visit to the office of a financial institution to receive a PIN replacement service.

In general, the client will be required to:

  • card with which further work is planned;
  • passport or other ID;
  • mobile phone (preferred).

That will be enough. If a person decides to use self-service terminals, you can get by with only bank plastic and a mobile phone.

Choosing an option at an ATM
Choosing an option at an ATM

Office Visit

You can change the pin code on the Sberbank card by visiting the company's office. This is a rather long, but reliable method, although at the moment it is not in great demand among the population.

Instructions for changing the PIN will look like this:

  1. Prepare the documents necessary to bring the idea to life. We have already talked about them.
  2. Apply to any Sberbank office.
  3. Inform employees of your intentions. They will help you get a ticket for further service.
  4. Submit an application to change your PIN. It is important that the old secret combination is not forgotten by the client.
  5. Submit request for processing.
  6. Wait a while.

If everything is done correctly, Sberbank employees will change the data to confirm work with bank plastic. This trick works with both debit cards and credit cards.

Self-service and data correction

The next scenario on how to change the pin code on a Sberbank card is an appeal to self-service systems. We are talking about the use of terminals and ATMs of Sberbank. With their help, everyone will be able to cope with the task in a few minutes.

Guidance for changing the PIN under such circumstances would look something like this:

  1. Insert plastic into ATM and enter pin fromcards.
  2. Enter the main menu of the machine.
  3. Go to the "My Account" block.
  4. Open the "Information and Service" section.
  5. Touch "Change PIN".
  6. Indicate a new secret combination.
  7. Confirm action.

Perhaps that's all. Now the client will be able to use the new data to work with a bank card.

Important: the described algorithm of actions only works with Sberbank ATMs and terminals equipped with the appropriate function. Therefore, sometimes you have to purposefully look for a suitable ATM machine to change your PIN.

If there is no access to the old PIN

Sometimes it happens that the owner of plastic does not use cashless payments for a long time, and then he needs to restore access to plastic. In this case, the above tips will not help.

Is it possible to change the pin code from a Sberbank card
Is it possible to change the pin code from a Sberbank card

How to change the PIN code on a Sberbank card if the original PIN is forgotten? Only one solution will help here - blocking the old plastic and re-issuing it.

All operations can be carried out at any branch of Sberbank. It is enough to contact the company's employees and inform about the intentions to block the old card with its further reissue. The procedures take some time, but in the end the person will use the old bank account and the new plastic PIN.
