Reviews: insurance company "Ugoria", Khanty-Mansiysk. Addresses, list of services

Reviews: insurance company "Ugoria", Khanty-Mansiysk. Addresses, list of services
Reviews: insurance company "Ugoria", Khanty-Mansiysk. Addresses, list of services

Today we have to find out what kind of feedback the insurance company "Yugoriya" receives. What kind of organization is this? What pros and cons does it have? What should customers pay attention to? Numerous reviews will help to understand all this. Don't be surprised if they contradict each other. This is quite normal. For some, certain indicators are acceptable, but for others they are not. Always remember this.


GSK Yugoria is an insurance company based in Russia. It has branches in different cities. Even in the smallest city there are branches of the organization. The insurance company offers property and population insurance services. Just what everyone needs.

reviews insurance company yugaria
reviews insurance company yugaria

Here you can also use the services of obtaining a voluntary medical insurance policy. This makes the customers very happy. In principle, the corporation does not carry out any third-party activities. Everything is extremely simple and clear.


What exactly are the services provided by GSK "Yugoria"? What doesthis corporation? Answers to these questions are of interest to many citizens.

Today, Yugoria offers the following services:

  • life insurance;
  • accident insurance;
  • VHI policies;
  • property insurance;
  • CASCO;
  • OSAGO;
  • "Dealer Repair".

Accordingly, there is no third-party activity. All standard services of conventional insurance companies. But what should customers pay attention to? What are the pros and cons of this corporation?

Yugoria OSAGO
Yugoria OSAGO

Reliability Rating

Reviews of the insurance company "Ugoria" receives far from the best for its reliability rating. This is a very important indicator that customers often pay attention to.

The thing is that the so-called trust is at relatively high levels, but that's just it does not inspire much confidence among potential customers. At the moment, "Yugoriya" has an A rating. It stands for "Stable". This organization is rated B++ from time to time. It stands for "Acceptable Reliability Level".

Most conscientious corporations in Russia have an A+ or A++ reliability rating. These are the kind of reviews that attract customers. It follows that Ugoria may not be the best insurance company. But is it really?

Rating among UK

"Yugoriya Med" is not the best organization. Many come to this conclusionreferring to the reliability rating of the company. It should also be noted that the company is not among the top 10 insurance companies in Russia.

gsk yugaria
gsk yugaria

It turns out that we are talking about an association of average quality of service, which offers services for the insurance of the population. The exact place in the rating of the IC of Russia is unknown. All you need to know is that this firm is not in the top 10.

Accordingly, not everyone trusts the organization. Even the leaders of the insurance companies are not always fully prepared to trust. What are the pros and cons of Yugoria? Does the company deserve to receive far from the highest ratings in Russia?


For starters, you should pay attention to some of the features that Yugoria (Khanty-Mansiysk) has. The thing is that in each city their reviews are left about the organization. This factor has to be taken into account.

Where can I find Yugoria in Khanty-Mansiysk? To date, there are not so many branches of this organization. There are only 2 offices of the company in the city.

"Ugoria" offers the following addresses:

  • 51, Mira Street;
  • Komsomolskaya street, 59a.

There are no more branches in Khanty-Mansiysk. Not everyone likes this, but so far Yugoria does not offer offices in other places.

yugria insurance
yugria insurance

Contacts for communication

How can I contact this organization? It should be noted that the insurance company offers a variety ofcontacts for communication. Each branch in each locality has its own numbers. All potential clients should be aware of this.

In Khanty-Mansky "Ugoria" the phone number is 8 3467 363 838. This number allows you to contact the branch on Mira Street. Also, to contact this department, it is proposed to use the number - 357 166. Policies are drawn up for this combination, and they also consult on this issue.

To call the branch on Komsomolskaya, you can use the number - 357 160. No other combinations are provided. All residents of Khanty-Mansiysk should know about this.

Customer Service

Now you can pay attention to what "Yugoriya Med" is. For example, what feedback does the organization receive from residents of Khanty-Mansiysk. What do customers say about the service?

It's not too happy. The thing is that many point to some kind of neglect of customers. Some employees are not professional, some cannot answer questions about certain services. Every citizen should remember this. Some assure that Yugoria is far from being the most honest organization.

Also, some citizens say that Yugoria's customer service (insurance) is fast and high quality. Employees try to pay attention to all their visitors, they also answer questions quickly.

What to believe? There are more negative opinions, but there is no evidence of such behavior. Therefore, it is recommendedtake into account the negativity expressed against Yugoria, but at the same time hope for the best. There really are far from the most conscientious workers. But no one is immune from this.


Special attention is usually paid to car insurance. This is a common service offered by Yugoria. OSAGO and CASCO are far from happy here. The organization does offer auto insurance policies, but there are some drawbacks.

yugria honey
yugria honey

For example, some say that "Yugoriya" OSAGO and CASCO refuses to issue without additional services. In particular, without life insurance. In fact, the service is imposed on visitors. This does not please everyone.

Also, some say that many cases are not covered by insurance from Yugoria. Accordingly, it is very problematic to receive funds. Some customers say that Yugoria is simply trying to lure visitors to itself and does not fully interpret the terms of cooperation.

At the same time, some point out that OSAGO and CASCO are generally happy - payments are received in full and on time, car repairs are made quickly after one or another case. It is enough just to carefully study the terms of the contract. Then there will be no significant problems.

Reviews of the insurance company "Ugoria" gets different. Some say that the organization does not give out a CASCO agreement. And furtherservice leaves a lot to be desired.

There is no confirmation of these phenomena, but, nevertheless, some believe such negativity. Why? All due to the fact that the insurance company "Ugoria" has far from the best reliability rating indicators. So, there are reasons for that.

He alth insurance

Reviews of the insurance company "Ugoria" earns mixed. But you can see that there are more negative opinions, although not confirmed by anything. He alth insurance, like other services, if such claims are to be believed, also leaves much to be desired.

Some reviews indicate that payments from Yugoria are received in small amounts (less than originally promised), and even with delays. All this does not have the best effect on the rating of the organization. All trust is lost in her.

But sometimes you can see positive opinions about the work of "Ugoria". Part of the population points out that he alth insurance here is a good alternative to using a VHI policy. Payments on time, in full.

Yugoria addresses
Yugoria addresses

It is impossible to say exactly how conscientiously Yugoria actually provides assistance in the field of medical insurance. It remains only to assume that this company, taking into account all the negative comments and the relatively low rating of public confidence, is not the most conscientious. During cooperation, negative situations and various hitches can occur. However, as with other insurance companies.

Auto repair

"Ugoria-Insurance" often receives positive feedback for organizing car repairs under purchased insurance policies. In any case, in Khanty-Mansiysk.

And in this city, people point out that after accidents, all payments are received quickly, and cars are put in good condition as soon as possible. Many have been cooperating with Ugoria for many years and are satisfied. There are no significant complaints about the repair of vehicles. Of course, if you do not take into account all the previously mentioned disadvantages.

But in other cities, some customers complain that cars are either not repaired, or the process drags on for a long time. Sometimes you have to literally get the Yugoria insurance company to repair the vehicle under the purchased car policies. This is a common occurrence that hardly surprises anyone. However, most similar companies also have similar customer complaints.


Now it is clear what kind of feedback the insurance company "Yugoriya" receives. This is far from the best place in Russia, offering services for the insurance of the population and property. Many residents complain about certain shortcomings of the organization. They would be less credible were it not for the company's relatively low level of trust. It is because of him that people believe that the negativity expressed against Yugoria is true. Not all, but only partially, but there is some truth in it.

yugoriya khanty mansiysk
yugoriya khanty mansiysk

Accordingly,if you want to apply to an insurance company that will provide insurance services without any difficulty, Yugoria is clearly not suitable. Here, as already mentioned, there are drawbacks and claims. But if you just want to use any insurance services, at the same time insure both life and property, just for the sake of confidence in the future, then it is quite possible to apply to Yugoria. All the necessary paperwork will be processed there pretty quickly. Plus, they will offer a number of additional services for concluding a contract. Perhaps this is all the important information that everyone should know about. Now it remains only to draw independent conclusions about how Yugoria seems to be a bona fide corporation.
