"Binbank": reviews of company employees

"Binbank": reviews of company employees
"Binbank": reviews of company employees

Finding a job in financial services is not easy these days. Dozens of banks lost their licenses and ceased operations. Many specialists take all possible steps to find a job in a stable organization, such as, for example, PJSC "Binbank". Feedback from employees about the company, however, does not sound too rosy. Based on the information they provide, let's try to figure out what to expect from cooperation with the bank.

Binbank employee reviews
Binbank employee reviews

About organization

The name "Binbank" is on everyone's lips. The loan organization was established 23 years ago. Since then, the bank has changed significantly and increased the volume of activities. Currently, 125 company offices are open in 30 regions of Russia. The central branch is located in Moscow. PJSC "Binbank" is one of the 25 banks in the country that are in the best position to survive the financial crisis. Despite difficult market conditions, hebrings a stable profit. How does a private financial institution manage to do this? PJSC "Binbank" offers customers premium service and very favorable conditions for deposits - with an interest rate of up to 10% per annum. The joint-stock company receives the largest part of its profit from mortgage and consumer loans. Gross income for 2015 amounted to almost 75 billion rubles.

"Binbank" during its existence several times acquired and included in a single group of other loan organizations. Among them:

  • Bashinvestbank CJSC,
  • CJSC MCB Moskomprivatbank.

The owners of the BIN group of companies also own a controlling stake in OJSC MDM-Bank.


The maximum stake in the bank's capital (59.4%) belongs to the chairman of the board, Mikhail Osmanovich Shishkhanov, a native of Grozny. The financier currently owns the BIN group of pension organizations, which includes:

  • LLC "SAMFAR pension",
  • NPF "European Pension Fund",
  • NPF "Trust",
  • NPF "Education and Science",
  • NPF "Regionfund",
  • NPF Raiffeisen (acquired in October 2015).

The banker also owns the Europlan leasing company and several construction corporations. Shishkhanov owns significant shares of INTECO CJSC, Patriot CJSC, Mospromstroy PJSC. His fortune today is estimated at 1.6 billion dollars. The banker is ranked 46th in the Russian Forbes list.

work in binbank reviewsemployees
work in binbank reviewsemployees

The second major shareholder (39.35%) is Shishkhanov's uncle, Mikhail Safarbekovich Gutseriev. He is the founder of a banking business owned by the family. Born in Ingushetia, Gutseriev made his fortune from scratch. Now Mikhail Safarbekovich is the owner of the oil producing company JSC NK RussNeft, the coal mining corporation JSC Russian Coal, PJSC Mopromstroy (a company that builds skyscrapers in the capital). The famous oligarch Gutseriev is a creative person. He has been writing poetry for songs since childhood and is a member of the Writers' Union.

Less than 1.23% of shares distributed among small shareholders of PJSC Binbank.

Reviews from employees already working under Shishkhanov and Gutseriev provide a lot of valuable information to applicants.

About HR interview

Both experienced professionals and university graduates are sincerely happy when they read ads that there are jobs at Binbank. Feedback from employees, however, makes it clear that it is quite difficult to get a position in a financial institution. First, the "entrance examination" includes many stages. Secondly, interviewers are not being very tactful towards candidates.

Binbank employee reviews Ufa
Binbank employee reviews Ufa

Let's tell you a little more about how the selection of future members of the team of PJSC "Binbank" takes place. Feedback from employees (Moscow - the city where the central office of the organization is located) contains the opinion that interviews are conducted unprofessionally. Job postings attract many job seekers because hiringwill happen within 1-2 hours after the interview. However, this promise is not true.

In fact, it turns out that HR specialists who conduct the first stage of the interview do not know what positions they select applicants for, and what duties they will have to perform. The personnel officers are also silent about the terms of the employment contract: salary, working hours. The representative of the HR service voices only the information that is already spelled out in the text of the vacancy announcement.

The job of Human Resources seems to be to get an overall impression of the applicant. For this purpose, questions are asked:

  • Why do you want to work for our organization?
  • What interests you about this position?
  • Where do you see yourself in the future?

Many candidates are embarrassed by the free uniform of interviewers at PJSC Binbank. Employee reviews report that the applicant for the interview should be dressed in accordance with the company's dress code "white top - black bottom". HR professionals dress up in faded jeans and colored T-shirts or sweaters. This creates discomfort in communication, as well as the fact that interviews, according to reviews, are most often conducted in very cramped rooms.

Many people report bad interview experiences even though they really needed a job at Binbank. Feedback from employees gives the impression that the candidate, before sending a resume to the company, should familiarize himself with the rules for passing a stress interview.

The first stage of the interview ends with the applicant being askedfill out a security questionnaire.

Interview with Security Representative

In the application form, the candidate must indicate not only work experience, but also detailed information about the biography:

  • date and place of birth;
  • presence or absence of a criminal record;
  • bank loans, loans;
  • property owned;
  • Full name all family members and their places of work.

Many applicants are outraged because they want to know exactly what position they are being considered for and what the terms of cooperation are before disclosing full information about themselves.

After filling out the application form, the candidate for the position is invited to an interview with a security representative. At this interview, as reported in the reviews, they ask not only about family members, but also about friends and acquaintances with whom the applicant communicates closely: what are their names, surnames, where do they study, work, what positions do they occupy? Many job seekers do not understand why the employer needs this information.

Polygraph test

An interview with the security service is a necessary step in getting a job at any bank. Experienced applicants are used to it. However, Binbank does not limit itself to standard verification. The next step here is a polygraph test (lie detector). Ultra-sensitive sensors are connected to the subject's body, after which questions are asked one after another:

  • Has the applicant been in jail?
  • Was convicted?
  • Does he have outstanding debts?

A lot of questions interviewers ask abouthe alth conditions that candidates do not like.

Binbank collection department reviews
Binbank collection department reviews

Reviews report that the machine often gives a "false" result if the applicant is telling the truth, but is very worried. Those who have been tested on a polygraph say that this procedure is very humiliating. Applicants were openly accused of lying and denied further interviews.

Intelligence test

According to reviews, it is quite complicated. The test includes questions both for solving problems in mathematics and for checking encyclopedic knowledge. The purpose of the test is to check the level of intellectual development of the applicant and his ingenuity. For example, the question may be: which poet wrote the lines of poetry given in the test?

Interview with boss

Only at the last stages of selection is an interview with the head of the relevant department. During this interview, the conditions of work are discussed. Often, individual points of the applicant are not satisfied, and he is annoyed that a lot of time has been wasted.

Getting a job

Reviews often contain information that HR specialists do not directly talk about the refusal of a job. There are also cases when the applicant was given a positive answer and accepted for a position. Getting ready to sign the contract. The applicant was removed from the register at the labor exchange. But a few days later, the position was reduced in PJSC Binbank. The new employee was once again out of work and already without the benefits and allowances provided for by law.


Currently, a very small salary is set at Binbank. Employee feedback confirms this. The income of a specialist consists of the minimum salary and a bonus, the amount of which depends on the level of performance of the business plan indicators. At present, the target ratios are set very high, which gives the management the right to cut employees' salaries. If a personal business plan is not fulfilled in at least one block of indicators, the bonus is not paid.

It is curious to study the feedback from employees on this topic about PJSC "Binbank". St. Petersburg is a city where a very large and developed branch of the company has been opened. Managers working in this department receive a fixed salary of 20 thousand rubles. Income tax is deducted from this amount. The premium is not more than 300 rubles. per month

In the event that an employee fulfilled the plan, but quit before he received a well-deserved bonus, he is no longer paid remuneration in excess of the salary.

As the reviews say, wages are transferred on time. But you can receive regularly good bonuses and move up the career ladder only if you devote yourself entirely to work, relegating family affairs to the background.

The social package at Bibank is not too generous. The organization does not pay for voluntary medical insurance. Lending benefits for employees are minimal - the level of interest rates is the same as for clients on payroll projects. In the descriptions of some of the vacancies at Binbank, free lunches and snacks for coffee breaks are reported. In reality, these pleasant little thingsmissing.

Working hours

As reported in the reviews, the work schedule is very busy. The volume of work is large, it is impossible to have time to complete the necessary tasks within the framework of an 8-hour day. Almost every evening you need to linger. In most Moscow branches, you cannot leave the workplace until you report on what has been done during the day. At the same time, many managers are ready to listen to their subordinates no earlier than at seven or eight in the evening.

Almost all bank employees work unofficially on weekends. There are no extra charges for processing. The city in which they often leave indignant comments on this topic about PJSC "Binbank" is Ulyanovsk. Employee feedback indicates that employees want to have free Saturdays and Sundays, as well as timely annual leave.

Workplace, working conditions

The equipment of the offices in Binbank is good. Reviews confirm this. In general, employees are satisfied with the interior of the working premises and their equipment. There are all necessary office equipment and stationery. Individual employees of Moscow offices express dissatisfaction with the fact that there are no parking facilities near the bank's buildings. This is a great challenge for both the employee and his clients.

Binbank Samara employee reviews
Binbank Samara employee reviews

Note that in different branches managers express different opinions about working conditions. One of the cities in which positive opinions are expressed about how the workflow is built in PJSC Binbank is Samara. Employee reviews report that dissatisfaction causes onlysoftware imperfection. But they do not consider this a significant disadvantage.

But there are also very negative reviews of employees about the work in the branches of PJSC "Binbank". Yekaterinburg is a city where several branches of the organization are located. Many employees express the opinion that the document flow is very poorly organized in this branch. Papers are often lost.

Communication with management

As employees say, a career at PJSC "Binbank" is more dependent on personal relationships with the manager than directly on the professional qualities of the employee.

Individual employees have a strong internal resistance in response to the demands of superiors. For example, call center employees claim that it doesn’t matter to management whether a specialist answers customer questions. The main indicator of the quality of work is the number of insurances sold to callers. The city in which they also speak negatively about the management of PJSC "Binbank" is Kazan. Employee reviews are bad. The head of the department does not consider employees, humiliates them.

salary in binbank employee reviews
salary in binbank employee reviews

Such comments alarm many who want to get a job at PJSC Binbank. The collection department (reviews confirm this fact) is another division in which vacancies often open. But former employees do not recommend getting a job there. The mistakes and shortcomings of colleagues can “hang” on new, not yet proven specialists.


There are quite a lot of positive reviews about the team in variousbranches and divisions of the bank. One gets the impression that employees working side by side are united, ready to help each other. Most employees develop good friendships with colleagues.

Corporate culture

Most of the bank's employees positively assess the corporate culture of the company. The reviews report that there are a lot of activities aimed at team building. Holidays are often celebrated together. Employees are usually congratulated on their birthday.

There are also many trainings and seminars aimed at improving the skills of employees. Therefore, many careerists appreciate Binbank, considering it as a good school where you can gain useful knowledge, skills and experience.

Dress code

Almost all positions have a black bottom - white top uniform. Many job descriptions state that employees are provided with free suits to work in the office. This, however, is not true. For new employees, they often cannot find clothes of the right size.

Reviews about the work of cashiers

Many people are curious to know how the reviews of cashier employees sound about PJSC "Binbank". After all, it is this vacancy that is most often opened in the organization. The turnover among the cash desk workers, apparently, is quite large. Reviews report that there are frequent cases of simultaneous dismissal of three or more operational workers at their own request. What is it connected with? There is an opinion that with unbearable working conditions in PJSC "Binbank". Employee reviews(Ufa is another city where bank branches are located) it is reported that cashiers actually have no lunch. Meals are allowed only fast, during 10-15-minute technical breaks.

Cash managers are regularly tested for new instructions. To pass professional tests, you must arrive 2 hours earlier. These overtimes are also not paid and are not reimbursed by free time. In emergency cases, ticket office employees are called to work at night. Audits are carried out without warning and much more often than it should be according to the instructions of the Central Bank.

binbank reviews of cashier employees
binbank reviews of cashier employees

What other reviews of cashier employees are there about PJSC "Binbank"? Specialists responsible for working with cash receive small salaries - 13-15 thousand rubles. It is unprofitable for them to participate in "pooling" for corporate events. Cashiers are of the opinion that such spending should be voluntary. However, in Binbank it is still impossible to refuse to contribute funds to the general budget.

There are also positive reviews. Many cashiers fondly recall years of work in a financial institution. They not only improved their own professional level, but also trained new employees from scratch.

Reviews on the work of freelance agents

Binbank has a number of vacancies that do not involve the inclusion of an employee in the state. You can work from home, selling financial products over the phone, and receive an agency fee for this. True, when applying for such a job, one should be extremelycareful. Sometimes acting bank agents can communicate with you under the guise of HR specialists on the Internet. They are fraudulently trying to sell applicants some kind of banking service.

binbank staff reviews st. petersburg
binbank staff reviews st. petersburg


Now you know how the feedback from employees sounds about PJSC "Binbank". Most of them contain a lot of criticism of the organization. However, one should not make an unambiguous conclusion that it is better not to get a job in this company. Disgruntled employees tend to be loud and open about what they don't like. The same employees who are completely satisfied with the working conditions leave reviews online much less frequently.
