Does anyone know how to plant grapes in the suburbs?

Does anyone know how to plant grapes in the suburbs?
Does anyone know how to plant grapes in the suburbs?

Even in the seventeenth century, at the latitude of Moscow, attempts were made to grow grapes. Then the beginning of the first vineyard was laid. Now in the suburbs, amateur gardeners grow tens of kilograms of amber berries. A large number of new grape varieties have already been developed. And if the shelter is excellent, then they winter wonderfully in

how to plant grapes in the suburbs
how to plant grapes in the suburbs

regions with harsh winters.

In addition, the new varieties are resistant to diseases and do not need to be sprayed. What grape varieties for the Moscow region recommend planting experienced gardeners? It is those that have excellent taste and excellent presentation, disease resistance and high yields.

What are these varieties called? As a rule, these are Rapture, Kodryanka, Laura, Tomaisky, Cardinal, Victoria, Zest and many others.

Amateur gardeners often ask themselves: "How to plant grapes in the suburbs?". Thanks to the work and enthusiasm of many breeders, vineyards

grape varieties for the suburbs
grape varieties for the suburbs

settle in new areas. This plant moves towards the north. Accordingly, experience is accumulating in its cultivation in"dangerous viticulture" strip.

What do experienced professionals advise and recommend for novice winegrowers on grape farming? How to plant grapes in the suburbs? Light-loving and heat-loving grapes are best planted on the south side of the fence, houses or outbuildings. Moreover, the distance should not be closer than half a meter from the walls. Single grape bushes are planted in pits 60x60x60 cm. And if it is necessary to plant several bushes, trenches are dug, the depth and width of which is 60 cm.

The most important roots of the plant are usually located at a depth of 40 cm. And the length of the trench depends on the number and expected size of vines. Gardeners recommend keeping a distance when planting between small varieties of 1 meter, and between varieties of medium size 1.5 meters. A distance of 2 meters is observed between vigorous varieties.

Not everyone knows how to plant grapes in the suburbs. Young gardeners should remember well: a trellis is installed along the trench. A wire or a nylon cord should be stretched horizontally on the trellis. The wire is stretched in one plane and in several levels. The first wire from the ground should be at a distance of 30 cm. Between

planting grape seedlings
planting grape seedlings

the first and second wires are kept at a distance of 40 cm. The second and third are fastened at a distance of 50 cm, the third and fourth - 60 cm, and the rest are the same.

As a rule, planting of grape seedlings begins in autumn. Consequently, in the autumn they begin to prepare the soil. At the bottom of the landing trench or pit, a layer of brokenbricks. The thickness of the layer is approximately 20 cm. The pit is filled with fertile soil, to which gravel, sand and compost, mineral and organic fertilizers are added in equal parts.

One can talk about how to plant grapes in the suburbs for a very long time. We add only one point: pipe sections are sometimes placed along the trench or along the edges of the landing pits. Through them it is very convenient to water and fertilize grape seedlings.
