Correct content indoutok

Correct content indoutok
Correct content indoutok

Indo-ducks are called musky ducks, wild populations of which are found in South America and Mexico. This large duck species has been domesticated by humans and introduced to other parts of the world.

This bird mainly nests in trees. The conditions for keeping indoutok are quite simple, and care for them does not require

content indotok
content indotok

a lot of time. It is especially beneficial to feed several bird families at once. Then there will be two or three females per drake. One drake, as a rule, weighs five or six kilograms, and each female has a mass of three kilograms. Within a year, one Indian female can lay up to hundreds of large eggs. Moreover, each egg will weigh about 70 grams.

The meat of these wonderful birds is similar to chicken: it is not at all fatty and is considered dietary. When breeding indoutok only for meat, it is possible to cross this breed with any other breeds. Such offspring will, of course, be large, but barren.

They're great, those indo girls. Feeding and keeping them is an interesting question. In the diet of an Indianunpretentious and eats almost everything that will give. Wet mash is considered an impeccable food for her. Sometimes they feed ducks with finely chopped grass, beet tops or kitchen waste.

Indians feeding and maintenance
Indians feeding and maintenance

Indo-women also like corn kernels very much. If you feed the bird with barley, then it must be soaked in water beforehand. And there should be water next to the feeder. Indo-ducks consume much less food than ducks of any other breeds. Feeding chores will be reduced several times if you allow ducks to swim and bathe in a pond. They are very fond of eating duckweed, which floats in large numbers on the surface of the water.

But most of all Indian women love to eat various insects and worms. And if there is no reservoir nearby, then a special shallow pond can be dug for them.

In general, the maintenance of indo-outs is considered a very interesting and safe activity. This bird very often picks up and swallows various shiny things. These can be, for example, nails, pins or pieces of glass. Poultry farmers must ensure that duck runs are kept clean.

Indian women do not like traditional perches, but they are loyal to logs. Logs are always stacked in random order. To increase the comfort of birds in the forest, needles are collected. A litter is constructed from needles. This is how they prepare a room for wintering birds.

But the content of the indo is not without its negative points. They do not get along well with representatives of other bird breeds.

conditions of keeping indoutok
conditions of keeping indoutok

They are best grown in separate fences.

For a variety of reasons, keeping indoutok is considered beneficial. But the most important quality of Indo-women, which distinguishes them from the economic side and distinguishes them from other breeds, is too noticeable dimorphism in the sexual sphere on the basis of live weight. After all, the size of a drake is almost twice the size of a duck.

Drakes hatch from more than half of the eggs taken from one mother hen. It is this nuance that shows that keeping indoutok is a very profitable occupation. Of course, indochkas have a special egg-laying cycle and a long incubation period. They rush in spring and autumn.
