2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Today, almost every owner of a personal plot is engaged in breeding a household. The Kuban red breed of chickens, reviews of experienced farmers about it will be presented at the end of the article, refers to hybrids that are quite high in productivity. Breeders bred it taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian climate, so breeding is possible in almost all regions. A distinctive feature of the bird is good egg production, which remains approximately at the same level, regardless of seasonal factors. Let's take a closer look at what these chickens are, what advantages and disadvantages they have compared to other breeds, and how to properly care for them.
A bit of history

If you believe the description of the Kuban red breed of chickens, then they belong to the egg direction. Were bred by domestic breeders by crossing Leggorn and Rhode Island relatively recently, but today a large numberfarmers choose this particular bird. As you might guess from the name, the birthplace of the breed is the city of Kuban, which is located in the Krasnodar Territory. To date, chicken breeding enterprises are operating at full speed, and work is continuously ongoing to improve their characteristics.
Advantages and disadvantages
Let's take a closer look at this aspect. According to numerous reviews, the breed of Kuban red chickens has both certain pluses and minuses.
Strengths include the following:
- good he alth;
- precocity;
- easy care and maintenance;
- fast weight gain;
- excellent ROI;
- good adaptation to almost any climatic conditions;
- excellent juvenile survival;
- calm and friendly disposition;
- high stress tolerance;
- may go a long way without free range;
- quickly get used to new types of feed;
- large egg size;
- great tasting meat.
As for the minuses, although there are not many of them, they do exist. Among the main ones, only two can be distinguished:
- relatively short laying period;
- gradual decline in productivity.
Given all the advantages and disadvantages listed above, it is safe to say that the Kuban red chicken breed, the breeders' reviews of it are mostly positive, is one of the best for breeding in order toeggs. According to experts, today it ranks first in terms of productivity.
Breed standards
The main task of breeding when breeding new breeds of egg chickens is to achieve maximum productivity with minimal financial costs. As for poultry farming, it is one of the most profitable niches in agriculture. Initially, it was planned to use 4 lines at once to receive new layers, but in the end it was decided to reduce it to three.
When selecting breeds, the following criteria were taken into account:
- density and color of the shell;
- size and marketability of eggs;
- protein consistency;
- size and shade of yolk;
- nutrition of eggs;
- meat quality;
- carcass presentation;
- hardiness;
- resistance to stressful situations;
- value for money and productivity.
If you look at the characteristics of the Kuban red chicken, you can see that it is superior to many other breeds that exist today. The poultry farming business is highly profitable and fully pays for itself in a relatively short period of time.

After reading the description of the Kuban red breed of chickens, you can find some resemblance to Loman Brown. The head is small with a large leafy crest, and the plumage is very dense and may be red, brown, or rufous. Paws are strong andstrong. Among the distinguishing features, it is worth highlighting rather large carcasses. The bird is noticeably larger than other breeds of laying hens, which makes it possible to breed it not only for the purpose of obtaining eggs, but also to send it for subsequent slaughter. The average weight of a chicken is 2, and a rooster is 3 kilograms. It is worth noting that the Kuban red meat is distinguished by its excellent taste, delicate texture and high nutritional value.
As for the character and behavioral characteristics, individuals belong to the category of phlegmatic. They are very calm, however, they are happy to learn about the world around them. But even this is not the main thing. Kuban Reds are characterized by high stress resistance, thanks to which good productivity is maintained regardless of adverse external factors.
Is it profitable to keep them?

The main advantage of this breed of chickens is egg production. It is for her that many farmers partially or completely switch to breeding Kuban laying hens. One bird, on average, brings up to 250 eggs per year weighing about 65 grams, and with quality content, good nutrition and careful care, you can get up to 340 eggs from each chicken. According to many experts, today no other breed is capable of demonstrating such results.
The opportunity for fertilization occurs at the age of 4 months and the hens immediately begin to actively rush. However, the first quality eggs with well-formed shells are obtained only after 14 days. And at 6 months of life, they reach their largest size. egg productionchickens remains at a high level for two years. The meat has an excellent taste, but a little harsh. What is typical for a representative of all egg breeds. Carcasses have a good presentation, so they are well sold out at an average market value.
Baby survival rates can be as high as 95 percent. Young individuals quickly grow and gain weight. The breed breeds well, and to achieve good results, it will be enough to have one rooster for 10 females. Here, probably, many will have a question about how many years chickens live. It is difficult to give exact figures, since everything depends on many factors, among which the main ones are the content and climatic conditions. But according to many experts, the average life expectancy is about 10-12 years. However, no one keeps so many of them, and after 3-4 years they are sent for slaughter. The live weight of chickens is from 2 to 3 kilograms.
As noted earlier, the Kuban Red is one of the best breeds, combining excellent productivity and relatively low maintenance costs. The bird has good he alth and very rarely gets sick, and is also highly resistant to negative environmental factors.
Content Features
Let's take a closer look at this. In order to regularly receive a large number of products, it is necessary to provide the bird with good conditions, as well as equip the chicken coop accordingly. Features of the content of the Kuban red chicken do not differ in any special delights, but much attention should be paid to temperatureregime. According to experts, laying hens feel best at a constant air temperature of 17 degrees Celsius. The main difficulty with this is that it is almost impossible to maintain it in winter. Therefore, the farmer must carefully consider and adjust the heating system. It is also necessary to insulate the room well to minimize heat loss and remove drafts.
It is undesirable to allow the temperature in the house to drop to two degrees below zero. In this case, there is a risk of frostbite on the comb. This is not fatal, but egg production may decrease markedly or the chickens will stop laying altogether. In extreme heat, from 25 degrees and above, the eggs will have a very thin shell, which will negatively affect their quality and ability to be transported. Therefore, before you start a breed, you need to think carefully, prepare the room and make good nests for laying hens, in which they will be warm and comfortable. If it is not possible to adjust the temperature regime, then you should think about buying other breeds.
Features of care

Creating ideal conditions for raising chickens is not all that is needed to achieve high productivity. Any pets and birds need proper care, which most beginner farmers do not take into account. As for the Kuban red layers, they are more demanding than other breeds. Even small mistakes can cause egg production to drop dramatically.
Worth leavingadhere to the following guidelines:
- complete cleaning of the chicken coop at least twice a year;
- whitewash the walls with lime every 2-3 years;
- in winter, the floor should be covered with bedding of dry sawdust or hay at least 20 centimeters thick;
- nests for laying hens of the Kuban red breed should be above the floor at a height of 80 centimeters and have soft bedding;
- eggs should be collected regularly and at the same time, otherwise the bird may start pecking at them;
- cup drinkers with fresh water should be placed in the house for chickens;
- In order to reduce the risk of developing diseases, the rooms in which the birds are kept are regularly ventilated.
By adhering to the above tips and tricks, you can achieve high productivity from chickens and build a profitable breeding business.

This aspect should be given special attention. Feeding chickens should be complete and balanced. Food is given twice a day, mostly at the same time. At the same time, it is desirable that the diet should consist of half grains such as rye, barley and wheat.
Also, the bird is happy to eat the following:
- fresh cut grass;
- legumes;
- fresh vegetables;
- compound feed;
- bran;
- whey;
- wolf beans;
- wet stirrers;
- eggshell;
- chalk;
- shell rock;
- bone meal.
When breeding Kuban laying hens, it is important to take into account one important nuance. They have an increased metabolism, therefore, to prevent the development of beriberi and mineral deficiency, it is imperative to include vitamin and mineral nutritional supplements in the diet. In the spring and summer, be sure to give the chickens fresh grass, and you can store straw for the winter. In the colder months, experts advise pouring nettle decoction into the drinkers to provide the wards with all the important nutrients.
You need to understand that not only a complete diet is of great importance, but also the proper feeding of chickens.
Therefore, the following rules should be followed:
- meals should be 2 in summer and 3 in winter;
- daily feed per adult is 120 grams;
- Give fresh grass between main meals;
- wet mashes are removed from the feeders 30 minutes after the bird stops eating. Otherwise, they will turn sour and can lead to indigestion or the development of other serious diseases that can end in death;
- The water in the drinkers is changed at least once a day so that it does not stagnate.
These are the basic rules for feeding hens of high-yielding breeds. But don't forget about the products themselves. They must be fresh and of good quality.

Kuban red chicken chickens are grown in an incubator. This is a very important condition on whichpoultry productivity. Females themselves are able to hatch offspring, but in this case there is a high probability that they will stop laying. The survival rate of young animals reaches 95 percent. It is better that they hatch naturally, but older laying hens should lay eggs.
Chicks need good care from the first days. As with any other breed, they are placed in a cardboard box or brooder. The latter option is more preferable, since the equipment is equipped with heating elements that allow you to maintain optimal temperature conditions.
Feeding of young animals begins immediately after they dry. As a rule, they give a hard-boiled and finely chopped egg together with an egg shell. In addition, the chicks need crushed cereals, among which wheat and millet are considered the best. To increase survival, you need to regularly change the water in the drinker. It is recommended to add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to it to reduce the risk of intestinal infections. On the second day, dairy products and fresh herbs can be introduced into the menu of young animals.
Heating continues for 20 days after hatching, after which it can be turned off. During this time, the chicks will have time to grow up normally and get stronger. If the offspring was obtained in the summer, then upon reaching two weeks of age, walking in the fresh air is allowed. With the observance of basic tips and recommendations, as well as proper care, young animals grow up he althy and strong. He develops good resistance to negative environmental factors, and he showshigh egg production. How many years chickens live and maintain their productivity has already been described earlier.
After hatching, it is necessary to cull the young. Poor offspring is considered in the presence of the following problems:
- expanded umbilical ring;
- red or swollen joints;
- legs with developmental defects;
- too sparse or thick down.
As practice shows, most often the pathology is associated with mistakes made during the incubation period, for example, non-compliance with the optimal temperature and humidity. Therefore, you must first carefully familiarize yourself with the technological process. It makes no sense to leave chicks with any defects, since they will not grow and gain weight normally.
Diseases and pests
Let's take a closer look at this aspect. The great advantage of the breed, for which many farmers appreciate it, is that the chicks are already born with good immunity. Therefore, an adult bird is very rarely sick. The main he alth problems are caused by parasites, which in most cases appear due to improper maintenance and poor sanitation. Therefore, chickens must be periodically inspected for the presence of harmful insects, and if they are found, the necessary measures should be taken in a timely manner.
As the bird matures, it begins to molt. This is not considered any disease, but is a completely natural process for restoring plumage. Its duration is about 6-8 weeks. It also needs to be taken into accountthat aging negatively affects the productivity of chickens. Every year, the indicators are gradually falling, so many private farmers and industrial farms send individuals for slaughter after 2-3 years and rejuvenate the herd.
As for diseases, they are mainly caused by various infections. If the patients are not isolated in time and treatment is not started, then the entire livestock may die. The most common ailments are:
- avitaminosis;
- pasteurellosis;
- alopecia;
- chicken pox;
- hepatosis;
- bronchial pneumonia.
Avitaminosis is treated by improving the quality of nutrition and introducing vitamin complexes into the diet. Infectious diseases require the assistance of a qualified veterinarian. If the bird is attacked by ticks and fleas, then it should be bathed in ashes. This is one of the most effective pest control methods.
As mentioned earlier, the hybrid was bred relatively recently. But today it is widely bred almost throughout the country. According to numerous reviews, the breed of Kuban red chickens is one of the most productive and egg-laying. At the same time, the bird has strong immunity, and is also distinguished by unpretentiousness and ease of care. Also a big plus is the high survival rate of the new generation. These figures are not exaggerated, but are real. And, of course, many breeders speak very well of good he alth. With proper care, animals very rarely get sick.

Kuban red laying hens are truly the best creation of breeders, behind which stands the future of agriculture. The bird quickly pays off all financial investments and begins to bring a stable profit, which does not decrease throughout the year. Other breeds significantly lose to them in almost all characteristics. Therefore, if you are a novice farmer and do not know which chickens to start with, then Kuban reds will be an excellent choice for you.
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