How to withdraw money from the Piggy bank of PrivatBank? "PrivatBank", Ukraine

How to withdraw money from the Piggy bank of PrivatBank? "PrivatBank", Ukraine
How to withdraw money from the Piggy bank of PrivatBank? "PrivatBank", Ukraine

Many of us have thought about saving money for a rainy day, but what is the best way to do it? Money has to work, so keeping it at home under your favorite pillow is not practical. It is most profitable to put free funds on a deposit at a high percentage. And here a problem arises, and even two: in modern realities, how can a person with an average income carve out at least a little money from his meager budget? And who should we give them for storage and increase, because there are many financial institutions, and all of them beckon with beautiful promises and colorful signs?

how to withdraw money from a private bank piggy bank
how to withdraw money from a private bank piggy bank

Advantages of PrivatBank over other banks

The older generation has already learned from bitter experience when all their savings turned into dust in one day, so today many people are wary and distrustful of the various lures of financial institutions. However, it is always necessary to have funds in reserve. Of course, most people live paycheck to paycheck,some are generally mired in loans, but this only indicates the financial illiteracy of the people. You can always set aside at least a small part of the money, for example, giving up a new dress or an extra pack of cigarettes.

However, you need to trust your hard-earned money only to proven and reliable banks, so that later you do not worry about the financial problems of their owners. PrivatBank occupies a leading position among Ukrainian financial institutions. Services at a decent level, has been operating for 22 years, provides a huge number of profitable and relevant banking products, has representative offices abroad, pleases with a wide network of ATMs throughout the country.

privatbank services
privatbank services

How to become a PrivatBank client?

Joining a large and friendly family is very simple, for this you need to become the owner of any bank card. "PrivatBank" (Ukraine) issues credit, pension, salary, settlement cards to open a card account. Each client is offered to use the service of accumulation of funds. "Money box" can be connected both in the branch itself and in an ATM or self-service terminal. It is even easier for Internet users: they should register in the Privat-24 electronic banking system and open a deposit there, setting the amount of monthly deductions.

privatbank ukraine
privatbank ukraine

How to open a Piggy Bank deposit?

If you have a debit card, the Piggy bank service is provided. "PrivatBank" opens a deposit for a period of one year or more. You can save money only in hryvnia, but it pleasesan annual interest rate of 16%. A year later, the client can withdraw the deposit; if funds are not withdrawn, the service is automatically extended for another year. Interest is paid only after 12 months, that is, at the end of the contract. If the deposit remains in the bank, then they are added in monetary terms to the amount of the deposit. Thus, interest is capitalized.

Main deposit replenishment methods

Many clients are interested in questions about how to withdraw money from the “Money Box” of PrivatBank, and how to deposit it there. The financial institution, trying to please everyone, has provided several ways to replenish deposits:

  • You can save money by replenishing the Piggy Bank with change from purchases. To do this, choose the method of rounding expenses to 1, 10 or 100 UAH. For example, with the help of a settlement, salary or pension card (preliminarily connected to the service), the client pays for the purchase for 286 UAH. If rounding up to UAH 10 is selected, then UAH 4 will be credited to the deposit. (UAH 290 will be debited from the card); and if up to 100 - 300 hryvnias will leave the card, and 14 hryvnias. will pick up the Piggy Bank.
  • "PrivatBank 24" can also be involved in the funded process. You can choose the method of crediting a certain amount of money to the Piggy Bank after each debit transaction. If some amount is withdrawn or credited from the payment card, then a part of the funds is transferred to the deposit, the rate can be either fixed or interest.
  • You can set a fixed amount, which on a specific day will be monthly transferred to the Piggy Bank. For example, a person receives a salary on the 2nd, on the same day 200 UAH will be credited. on deposit.
piggy bank privatbank
piggy bank privatbank

money control

PrivatBank pleases with its transparency: the client can check the balance of the deposit at any time, get a statement of accumulation of funds. There are several ways to do this:

  • Directly at a bank branch, self-service terminal or ATM.
  • You can also get a detailed report in the Privat-24 system or using the mobile phone application.
  • Connect SMS-banking in order to receive a statement and balance on your mobile phone using messages.
piggy bank Privatbank 24
piggy bank Privatbank 24

How to withdraw money from PrivatBank Piggy Bank?

It is most profitable to withdraw funds after the expiration of the contract, that is, exactly one year after the opening of the deposit. For example, the deposit was registered on July 12, 2013, which means that the accumulated money, together with interest, can be received on July 12, 2014. On July 13, the contract will automatically be extended for another year. It is very easy to withdraw funds. What options does PrivatBank offer its depositors? The piggy bank (you can withdraw money both in cash and by bank transfer) is emptied as follows:

  • Via mobile app.
  • Via self-service terminal.
  • By going to the Piggy Bank website.
  • By visiting the Privat-24 system.
  • By calling the operator on 3700.
  • By contacting a bank representative at any branch.

So how to removemoney from the "Money box" of "PrivatBank", while not particularly complicating yourself? In the first four options, go to the "My deposits" → "Piggy bank" section. Next, enter your phone number and wait for an SMS message with a password. After entering it, you can view the entire report on the deposit. To withdraw a deposit, you need to enter a certain amount and click on the "Withdraw money" button, after which the funds will be credited to the "linked" card.

How to withdraw money from PrivatBank Piggy Bank in the last two cases? To do this, you need to have a passport with you so that the employee can identify the client. The manager fills out an application and makes an electronic transfer to the specified card.

privatbank piggy bank withdraw money
privatbank piggy bank withdraw money

Can I withdraw my deposit early?

If you need a deposit with complete freedom of action, then there is only one answer - PrivatBank, Piggy Bank. You can withdraw money at any time, even without waiting for the end of the contract. Of course, in this case, the interest will not be paid in full, but only in part. Depending on the term of the deposit, the amount is multiplied by a certain coefficient:

  • up to 3 months – 0, 33;
  • up to six months – 0.5;
  • up to 12 months – 0.67;
  • exactly one year - 1.

It is most advantageous to withdraw the deposit after 12 months, then all accruals will be paid, but none of us is immune from unforeseen circumstances, and it is very pleasant that the bank takes this into account and meets the needs of customers. A person with even a small income can save, the main thing is to want to.
