Okskoe egg: manufacturer, photos, reviews

Okskoe egg: manufacturer, photos, reviews
Okskoe egg: manufacturer, photos, reviews

Oksky egg is produced in the open spaces of Ryazan in the village of Oksky. It is not difficult to guess that the name comes from the "deposit" of eggs. The poultry farm supplies both the local population and other regions. Let's take a closer look at the history and products of the manufacturer.

Oka egg
Oka egg

Development history

For a better idea of where the Oka egg comes from, we suggest studying the history of the creation of the poultry farm, which has existed for more than 40 years today.

The well-known veterinarian Vasily Andreevich Sidorenko spoke in the person of the first director. The factory started its activity in 1972. Then Okskoe production could provide products only to local residents of the region.

Over the next two years, the factory's hatchery has grown to the million mark. That's how many chickens there were in 1974. The eggs themselves were brought from the B altics.

In 1975 there were changes in the management. Namely, Anatoly Nikolaevich Gurov took the place of Sidorenko. He subsequently served as director for over 10 years. A project was planned that included the creation of 59 new facilities forlaying hens. Also, according to the plan, 270 thousand chickens were supposed to produce an egg turnover of 65 million per year.

By 1982, the Oka egg producer had exceeded its own expectations. The poultry farm has crossed the planned boundary of the project. However, the Okskoye egg, despite its successes, continued to supply the shelves only of local stores in Ryazan and the region. And in 1987, a new manager came in the person of Sergey Konstantinovich Stroykov. The new director was a distinguished agricultural worker.

Stroikov's arrival brought only positive results, despite the difficult years and time, he managed to raise Okka production to a higher level.

Changes with the advent of the "zero" years

Sergey Viktorovich Ratnikov came to the management in 2006. He has done a lot of work on the development and promotion of Okskaya Poultry Farm products.

Several factories with an agricultural bias were merged, namely the Denezhnikovsky feed mill, Pavlovskoye LLC, Aleksandrovsky PPR, the Rybnovskaya poultry farm, the City poultry farm.

Where are the Oka eggs from?
Where are the Oka eggs from?

As a result, Okskaya Poultry Farm is now a full-fledged producer that has its own poultry feed, equipment for transporting products and grain, high-level Italian equipment.


Today the General Director is Oleg Vladimirovich Lyakin, who once decided to expand the hatchery. Therefore, in 2010 Okskaya Poultry Farm started a new project. One of its main participants is Pas ReformHatchery Technology.

This is a Dutch company that manufactures incubation equipment. The project cost was approximately 270 million rubles. To implement the plan, additional funds were needed, which were provided by Sberbank.

About the Hatchery

The conditions of the incubator meet all sanitary and veterinary standards. The hatchery is located away from other production facilities.

If we talk about sanitary conditions, then all the staff in the hatchery, and this is about 60 people, must take a shower before entering the workshop. Shower cabins are located on the territory of the hatchery. Also, the enterprise provides employees with specialized uniforms.

Production process

Here we will consider the process of breeding laying hens, which ultimately provide the Oka producer with an egg.

Egg Okskoe, producer
Egg Okskoe, producer

The process of hatching chickens is quite complicated. All this resembles a conveyor. Initially, Oka eggs (photos of which are presented in the article) are delivered through trays and carts to the disinfection chamber. This room is called the "Fumigation Chamber".

The next step is moving the Oka egg to a specially equipped room, this is necessary in order to bring it to room temperature.

Immediately after reaching the desired temperature, the eggs are transferred to the incubator, where they remain for 18 days. After that, the egg enters the transfer room, and there it is determined with the help of a modern apparatus whether it is fertilizedwhether it.

If the egg is "empty", it is destroyed. Fertilized eggs are transferred to hatchers, in which they are kept for three days. The chicks are then sorted and vaccinated.

Where are the products sold?

Since 1972, the Oka egg producer has made great progress in the wholesale trade. To date, the poultry farm supplies its eggs not only to Ryazan and adjacent areas, but also to the Moscow region.

Signed contracts with such large networks as Perekrestok, Metro, Auchan, Magnit, Dixy, Zelgros can tell about the level of prosperity and the scale of development.

Egg Okskoe, producer
Egg Okskoe, producer

Therefore, those who are interested in purchasing products from the Okka manufacturer can find them in large retail chains.

Where do the "spent" chickens go?

The manufacturer has chosen for himself the development of a narrow specialization, so he is not engaged in meat production. From an interview with commercial director Ivan Grishkov, it is known that chickens that have been retired from production are resold to such production brands as Tsaritsyno and Mikoyan. In the future, their poultry is used for the production of semi-finished products.

What categories of eggs are there?

Eggs are usually classified both by shelf life and by variety. The main indicator of the variety is the mass of one egg. Therefore, the larger the egg, the higher its grade.

Egg Okskoe SV
Egg Okskoe SV

By shelf life, table and diet eggs are distinguished. A feature of dietary eggs is the minimum expiration date. Because of this, they cannot be bought in stores.

Table eggs keep longer. It mainly depends on the temperature in the room. If it is room, then no more than 25 days, and if stored in refrigeration equipment, then 90 days.

As for the mass, the abbreviations indicated on the package should be interpreted as follows:

  1. Highest category - from 75 grams (CB);
  2. Selected - from 65 to 74 grams (С0);
  3. 1 category - from 55 to 64 grams (C1);
  4. 2 category - from 45 to 54 grams (C2);
  5. 3 category - from 35 to 44 grams (C3).

Accordingly, the price category depends on this. Eggs with a mass of 75 grams will have a higher value than eggs of the third category.

What kind of eggs can the Oka producer offer?

The poultry farm is ready to offer the buyer Oka C0 eggs and Oka CB eggs. Also in the assortment of stores you can see eggs marked C1 and C2. The Oksky producer does not release eggs of the third category for retail flow.

Quality Examination

Oka eggs have been tested by Roskontrol. The results of the examination showed that they correspond to the declared parameters. But no less important is the fact that the Oksky egg complies with the standards of GOST. Also successfully tested in SanPiN.

Studies have shown that the Oksky producer does not use drugs to treat his laying hens. Pharmacological groups of antibiotics have not been identified. Manyproducers use tetracycline and chloramphenicol preparations, but this does not apply to the Oka Poultry Farm. The weight of the submitted egg samples exactly met the requirements for their category.

Egg Okskoe С0
Egg Okskoe С0

However, it is necessary to separately announce the advantages and disadvantages that Roscontrol revealed. The pluses include the fact that Oksky eggs are large and he althy. They do not contain harmful substances, including antibiotics.

Of the minuses, cracks were found on a pair of eggs. A total of ten experts are provided. Perhaps this is the result of someone's negligence and the balls just hit.

Product reviews

Products have gained sufficient popularity among consumers, this is confirmed by various forums on the Internet. Basically, people are satisfied and write positive reviews, they evaluate the Ok egg both in terms of taste and in terms of the mass of the product. The comments are actively discussing the yolk, which has a bright yellow color, which quality eggs should have.

Egg Okskoe, reviews
Egg Okskoe, reviews

The quality of the shell is also considered separately, and it is thick and, most importantly, clean in these eggs. It is worth noting that the thickness of the shell indicates the quality of the nutrition of the laying hen.

There are, of course, not very satisfied customers, but it must be remembered that people are different. Accordingly, the views on all are different.
