2024 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2023-12-17 10:16
Watermelons are a group of plants with large berries. Currently, a huge number of varieties have been bred. One of them is watermelon Kholodok. Description of the variety, photos are presented in this article.
General information
Variety of watermelon Kholodok was bred in the Volgograd region (Russia). The place of breeding work is the Bykovskaya Experimental Station. This culture has a medium-late ripening period, the fruits are stored without changing quality until the New Year itself, which is why it is called winter. It takes three months for a watermelon to grow fully. This large berry has gained popularity with a very high yield - 30 tons per hectare, and from an area of \u200b\u200bone square meter - seven kilograms.
Variety of watermelon Kholodok, the photo of which is presented for review, can be grown on the beds in the field and in the greenhouse. However, when planting, it should be borne in mind that watermelon needs a lot of free space. In the process of growth, the plants branch strongly, forming shoots. The longest stem is five meters long.
A Brief History
Wild watermelons were first discovered by the Egyptians 40 centuries ago. Themthe origin goes deep into history, when the ancient peoples cultivated wild berries and learned how to grow them. Watermelon came to our country from India in the 8th century. At first, its size was small, like that of an orange, and the taste was bitter. After the watermelon has acquired the status of a cultivated plant, its taste has become better, and the size has become larger. Today, this type of plant has a wide variety and distribution. It is grown in almost every country in the world. Breeders from Japan developed a square-shaped watermelon for ease of transportation.
Watermelon variety Chill is recommended for growing in warm climates, although it tolerates frosty winters well. Gives high yields, growing in the Southern Urals, in the Volga region, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions. These regions of the middle zone of our country are considered ideal for the industrial cultivation of Kholodok watermelon.
Variety description
Powerful bushes have many long side shoots that go deep into the ground. The leaves are large and bright green. They are divided into narrow lobes. The fruits are medium in size, from 4 kg. The shape of the berry resembles an elongated ball. The peel is of moderate thickness, green in color with a barely visible mesh on a smooth surface.
Ripe watermelon has a grainy and very juicy flesh with a hint of pink. Its taste is very sweet, and the smell is fragrant, thanks to which the Kholodok watermelon variety has gained recognition in our country among the middle-late cultures of this species. seeds long15 mm are light brown in color, their surface is mottled, rough to the touch.
Sowing seeds
They are planted for two purposes: to obtain seedlings and to grow watermelons immediately in the ground. To obtain seedlings, seeds are placed in containers with soil prepared in advance. The distance between them is 70 cm, and between the rows - 150. If the seedlings are planted in a greenhouse, the seeds for its production are sown in April. The dates are shifted if the seedlings are planned to be planted in open ground. This must be done in May or June. The seedling is ready for further use after three or four leaves appear on it, which takes about a month.
Planting watermelons
In order for the planted plants to quickly take root and form without problems, it is necessary to apply fertilizers containing nitrogen to the ground half a month before planting. Depending on the place of growth, the planting pattern is different. If watermelons are grown in an open-air garden, then they are planted according to the scheme 140x110 cm, if in a greenhouse - 70x70 cm, although the dimensions may be different. Planting can be done by seeds or seedlings. To do this, holes are made 10 cm deep. Seedlings or seeds are placed in them. The pits are dug in with soil and watered.
Growing watermelons
To get a lot of tasty fruits, it is necessary to apply comprehensive measures to care for the culture, which are as follows:
- When the seedlings begin to grow, they should be tied up. This saves space and labor costs.cultivation. At a level of 50 cm from the soil surface, the plants are tied to a trellis. This procedure is necessary for watermelons growing in beds in the garden and in the greenhouse. So each stem, leaf and fruit will have the opportunity to receive more light, which is so necessary for plant growth and fruit formation.
- To get large fruits, you should get rid of extra lashes. Side shoots are usually removed. When new ones are formed, they are pinched. This is done with tied and creeping watermelons.
- You need to get rid of extra ovaries. For further ripening, up to three watermelons are left on the plant.
- If, to save space, the variety of watermelon Kholodok is tied up, then this should be done not only with the stems, but also with the fruits. In this case, they are placed in mesh bags and attached to the trellis. If this is not done, the fruit will break off and break.
- Winter variety of watermelon Kholodok prefers moderate watering. Immediately after planting, water the plants as needed, preventing the soil from drying out. During the procedure, a large amount of water is poured under each bush. This is due to the fact that watermelon takes root very deeply, and it is important that they are hydrated. But when the fruits are already tied, watering is reduced so that the roots do not rot and the fruits do not become watery.
- This variety has strong immunity, but the susceptibility to certain diseases is average. These are anthracnose and powdery mildew. Therefore, it is important to treat plants from diseases and pests in a timely manner, as well as feedto enhance growth.
- If watermelons grow without a garter, then boards or cardboard boxes are placed under the fruits so that there is no contact with the ground, otherwise they will rot.
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