2024 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2023-12-17 10:16
Have you ever wondered why weeds never get sick? Yes, because no one needs them. And everything that is necessary and good is given with difficulty. Such is the simple philosophy of life. This is a word about how capricious our favorite vegetables are, cucumbers in particular. Just have time to puzzle over when it is better to plant them, in what soil than to feed them, why the ovary crumbles, why cucumber leaves turn yellow around the edges, and so on and so forth. Let's talk about the latter in this article.
Cucumber leaves turn yellow at the edges. What is this signal?
Changing the color of the leaves can indicate several problems at once. First of all, this happens with a lack of trace elements. If yellowing starts from the edges of the leaf, the plant lacks potassium. In gardeners, this is called a marginal burn. The leaves can then take on a domed shape, and the fruits - pear-shaped. Gradually, yellowness flows overveins of the leaf plate to the center and leads to drying. If the veins turn yellow immediately, then it is necessary to assume a lack of magnesium. Each vegetable grower has his own conditions, and he himself knows better what kind of soil he has, whether there was top dressing and when.
Depending on these moments, he must feed his beds. It is only important not to overfeed: from this, too, cucumber leaves often turn yellow around the edges, or even completely. The rate of fertilizer application depends, as already mentioned, on the initial composition of the soil on the site. Potassium nitrate is recommended - it is a well-established nitrogen-potassium fertilizer. And do not forget about watering, with a lack of which the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow. What to do if the plant goes limp and shows the first signs of yellowing? It is good to water with settled water so that the moisture reaches the roots. Otherwise, the bush begins to save and redistribute moisture from the leaves to the roots.
Pests and fungal diseases may be to blame
Leaves of cucumbers turn yellow and crumble along the edges, curl up and dry out during the invasion of pests and the diseases they carry. The main enemies of culture (and not only this one) are aphids, whitefly, sprout fly and spider mite. It is the aphid that destroys plants more than others, which literally sucks the juices out of them. Pests can also carry diseases, such as anthracnose and ascochitosis spores. When the first signs appear, it is urgent to spray the cucumbers with a 1% Bordeaux mixture or phytosporin. Against pests, you will also have to process the plantings, trying to get the lowerparts of the foliage, because it is there that they settle in colonies. Olive and brown spot are also tolerated diseases, and not a reaction to adverse conditions, as it may seem, although they often begin traditionally - cucumber leaves turn yellow at the edges.
How to save cucumbers with folk remedies
If a vegetable grower has his own small vegetable garden, he wants to grow clean products on it using a minimum of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. If the crop has not yet been ruined, you can try to save it on your own. For example, take care in advance of saturating the soil with minerals. In the fall, when harvesting the last harvest, there is no need to rush to throw away the dry tops of tomatoes and potatoes. You can burn it, and scatter the ashes around the site - here you have both nitrogen and potassium. From pests, you can practice spraying with an aqueous infusion of tobacco and laundry soap. If the leaves of the cucumber turn yellow at the edges and threaten to dry out, you need to pour them with a solution of pure wood ash. And a couple more tips. Cucumbers do not like underfilling, but they also cannot stand overflowing. The norm can be calculated by taking a lump of earth from a depth of 10 cm and kneading it in your hand: the earth should not be wet, but moderately moist. Also, cucumbers do not like direct sunlight - because of it, they go limp on hot days and literally get burned. We need to find a way to sometimes shade the plantings. Good harvests!
Why do yellow spots appear on cucumber leaves?
Where does this attack come from and can it be overcome? Let's try to consider the reasons why yellow spots appear on cucumber leaves, and at the same time ways to deal with them
Why does the onion feather turn yellow and how can I deal with it?
The question of why an onion feather turns yellow is of interest to many gardeners, especially those who grow a vegetable for sale, since yellowed feathers mean a poor harvest. Properly established reason - the ability to half get rid of adversity
What to do if the cucumber ovaries turn yellow
Cucumber ovaries turn yellow for many reasons. This may be a lack of moisture, nutrients in the soil, any diseases, etc. Let's talk about how to avoid such a nuisance
Let's figure out why the lower leaves of a tomato turn yellow
Ah, fragrant tomatoes! Their lower leaves turn yellow, but this does not happen with new ones. Should I be worried here? No, you don't have to worry too much about it
Leaves turn yellow on cucumbers: causes and methods of struggle
Cucumber leaves turn yellow with a lack of trace elements, disease (bacteriosis, downy mildew) and pests (aphids and spider mites)