Incubator "Blitz": reviews, instructions

Incubator "Blitz": reviews, instructions
Incubator "Blitz": reviews, instructions

Buying chickens on the market these days is quite expensive. Therefore, many homeowners prefer to breed chicks on their own - in an incubator. There are many brands of such equipment on sale. One of the most popular today is the Blitz incubators. Instructions for using them are quite simple, and hatchability is about 98% of all eggs laid.

Varieties of equipment

On the market today you can find several different models of Blitz incubators designed for different numbers of eggs. The choice in this case depends on how many chicks are supposed to be hatched. The Blitz Norma incubator, for example, is designed for 72 chicken eggs. The Base model has a slightly different design. It is designed for laying up to 520 eggs. There are also models marked with numbers: 48, 72, 120. They are designed for the corresponding number of eggs (48, 72, 120). By design, the incubators of these models are similar to the Blitz Norm.

incubator blitz
incubator blitz

How the Blitz incubator worksBase"

Structurally, the unit of this modification resembles a vertical rather wide cabinet. Inside, one above the other, there are five mesh trays. Rotate them 45 degrees. is done automatically. At the bottom, two fans and a sprayer are built into the cabinet. The front door is made of high transparency plastic. Comes with a special bucket and a small pump with a hose.

The Blitz Base incubator is controlled by means of a convenient panel with an indicator of network connection. The digital display shows the temperature and humidity values established inside the cabinet. Special buttons are designed to adjust the microclimate inside the chamber.

Blitz Base assembly instructions

Incubators of this modification are supplied ready-made. All the homeowner needs to do after purchase is to remove the fixing foam plates from under the pallets, reinstall the front door handle, legs and mount the diffuser. You will also need to connect the water supply pump to the chamber.

incubators blitz instruction
incubators blitz instruction

The handle and legs are simply screwed into place with the included self-tapping screws. The diffuser is a thin metal plate bent in the shape of the letter "L". It must be inserted under the bottom tray mounting brackets opposite the fans and spray nozzle at the bottom of the cabinet.

The nozzle of the water supply hose is connected to the sprayer from the rear side of the incubator (into a special hole) and clamped with a special plastic cap. Further attached tothe second end of the hose, the pump is fixed with a pipe to the bucket (outside).

Bookmark Rules

Eggs are laid in the Blitz Base incubator in the usual way. Mesh trays are previously removed from the cabinet. The only condition that must be met is that they should be located with a sharp end down and as tightly as possible. The voids remaining between the eggs should be filled with pieces of foam, cardboard or foam rubber. If this is not done, they may roll out and break during turns. The bookmark is made in the following sequence:

  • The middle tray is installed in the cabinet.
  • Bottom and top are placed.
  • The fourth and second are being installed.

If the incubator is not fully loaded, you can not change the order in any case. Doing so may damage the turning mechanism.

blitz egg incubator
blitz egg incubator

Panel device

The Blitz Base automatic incubator is controlled as follows:

  • To adjust the microclimate inside the cabinet, simultaneously press the two buttons "+" and "-" and hold them for 5 seconds. Temperature and humidity increase by pressing "+", decrease - by pressing "-".
  • The button with a red circle is used to turn off the heating element. It must be pressed and held for 5 s. After turning off the heater, the endpoint will stop flashing on the digital display.
  • Turn on and off with the key located on the left side of the control unit. The right button turns off the alarm that is triggered when the temperature drops below the set parameters.
incubator blitz norm
incubator blitz norm

Blitz incubators: reviews

The owners of household plots have a very good opinion about the equipment of this modification. Blitz Base incubators keep temperature and humidity very well. Adjusting these parameters is quite easy. Many poultry farmers also like the fact that in the event of a power outage, the Blitz incubator automatically switches to battery operation.

incubators blitz reviews
incubators blitz reviews

Some drawback of this model is only the possibility of rolling out eggs in the process of turning the trays. However, these are just design features, which still have more pluses than minuses. With this rotation, the eggs are not subjected to any mechanical impact.

Instructions for using "Blitz Norma"

Incubators of this modification (as well as those marked with numbers 48, 72, 120) are ordinary wooden boxes with foam-insulated walls. Such devices are great for hatching chicks in small household plots. Instructions for using equipment such as the Blitz Norma incubator are as follows:

  • Two long metal trays are placed at the bottom of the box.
  • Water can be poured into them beforehand or after installation through a funnel with an extension hose.
  • Eggs are laid in a 45 degree angle. tray. As in the case"Blitz Base", they should be placed with a sharp end down and as close as possible to each other.
  • After laying, the incubator is closed with a transparent lid and plugged into the network.
  • In this case, the temperature adjustment lever should be set to position “6”. You can change the indicators by switching it to other numbers.
  • The turning mechanism and the heating element can be turned on/off with the buttons next to the lever.
  • Humidity is regulated by a special retractable plate on the back of the box. An indicator scale with divisions is glued above it. By sliding the plate to 40, 55, 65, 85, etc., you can achieve the appropriate humidity inside the chamber.
incubator automatic blitz
incubator automatic blitz

The battery is connected to special terminals located next to the temperature switch on the control unit. The red wire connects to the plus, the black wire to the minus.

The reviews of the Blitz egg incubator of this modification from the owners of household plots also deserved very good ones. Amateur poultry farmers note both the high hatchability in Blitz Norma incubators and the ease of managing them. Many also consider it positive that a special tray for quailing comes with such models. Its sides are not made of mesh, but of planks. Therefore, hatched chicks cannot fall inside the incubator.
