Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant: foundations for successful development

Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant: foundations for successful development
Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant: foundations for successful development

The Urals are said to be the backbone of the State! The fact is that a large number of industrial enterprises are concentrated on its territory. Metallurgical plants have long been an integral part of the Southern Urals. Among them is OJSC Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant. The enterprise occupies a leading position among domestic producers of ferroalloys and is able to fully satisfy the demand for these products throughout the Russian metallurgy.


The main thing about the plant

The company opened in 1929. The ferroalloy furnace was put into operation the following year, and in 1934 an electrode production was opened. One by one, the workshops of the enterprise were put into operation. The first three were connected to work before 1960, the other three were built in the period from the 61st to the 78th years of the last century, after the merger of separate profilefactories into a single Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant. The enterprise received the status of OJSC in 1992. The 2008 statistics put ChEMK in 178th place in the ranking of the largest companies. Today, about 8 thousand people work within the walls of the enterprise. The General Director of the plant is Pavel Yakovlevich Khodorovsky. The owners of the company, Yuri Antipov and Alexander Aristov, are well-known businessmen in the city of Chelyabinsk.

At the ChEMK production site
At the ChEMK production site

Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant annually produces hundreds of thousands of tons of ferroalloys and ore concentrates, 750 and 250 thousand tons respectively. This is 80% of all alloys produced on the Russian market and used in steelmaking. These include alloys of iron with chromium, silicon, manganese and other substances. Export of products brings good profit to the plant. In 2016, for example, the amount of exports amounted to 20 billion rubles.

ChEMK structure

Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant is the production of ferroalloys and electrodes. In total, there are more than fifty divisions in the structure of the enterprise.

In the CHEMK shop
In the CHEMK shop

Working shops:

  • electrode production - 6 units;
  • ferroalloys – 8 divisions;
  • slag processing – 2 buildings;
  • limestone firing;
  • electric substations and networks;
  • rail escort;
  • ATP;
  • leading laboratory of the plant;
  • auxiliary sections and workshops - 30 divisions.

Arc furnaces are used at the enterprise for ferroalloy smelting. There are thirty-three electric furnaces in total, their power range is 3.5 - 33 MVA. The level of electricity consumed at the enterprise for every day is more than nine million kilowatt-hours.

Manufactured products

Waste recycling line launched
Waste recycling line launched

The main production products of the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant are:

  • ferrosilicon;
  • ferromanganese;
  • silicomanganese;
  • silicocalcium;
  • ferrochrome;
  • ferrosilicochrome;
  • electrodes.

The product range of the enterprise is a large number of different ligatures and ferroalloys (125 items) and more than 4 dozen varieties of products of the electrode class.

The waste of the main production is also used. After processing, they are used in various types of construction, agriculture, industry (paint and rubber industry).

Environmental Conscience

For the clean ecology of Chelyabinsk!
For the clean ecology of Chelyabinsk!

The management and owners of Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant JSC continuously monitor the environmental situation around the enterprise. The risks of contamination of territories are high. Chelyabinsk residents associate the ecological troubles of the millionth city with the work of industrial enterprises, including the electrometallurgical plant. Responsible persons of CHEMK treat the situation with understanding and purposefully act:

  • Actively participate in urbanenvironmental events.
  • Announce the launch of major initiatives, such as the recycling of industrial waste. At the same time, dumps located within the city are processed into the necessary building materials (sand, crushed stone, metal concentrates).
  • Care about the recycling of current industrial waste.
  • Reconstructing aspiration systems to reduce dust (since 2011).
  • Install modern filters on melting furnaces.
  • Working on the problem of multi-stage treatment of industrial waters and their effluents into the Miass River.
  • Working on a cleaner production strategy.

Social infrastructure

Autumn holiday for children at the plant
Autumn holiday for children at the plant

The leadership and trade unions of the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant take care of their workers. The enterprise managed to preserve all social infrastructure facilities from the times of the USSR. On the balance sheet of the plant are listed and are fully functioning: the largest swimming pool in Chelyabinsk (free for ChEMK employees), the sports palace, the Akakul summer sports camp, opened in 1936, capable of taking more than two thousand young Chelyabinsk residents for a season. The enterprise has developed a veterans' movement: the Council of Veterans has been operating for half a century, and the Veterans' Social Protection Center provides material assistance to many former employees of ChEMK. The Council of Young Professionals also functions, youth initiatives are supported: professional skills competitions, sports and leisure activities are organized, and social work is carried out. As part ofretaining young personnel, the management of the enterprise purchased one hundred and two apartments for specialists.


Further development of ChEMK is connected with the expansion and consolidation of market positions. Strict control over the quality of raw materials and products, the use of advanced technical processes are the main components of success. And also people! Currently, the website of the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant contains detailed information about vacancies. New employees are offered promising employment, social guarantees and career opportunities.
