SRO approval in design. Self-regulatory organization in the field of architectural and construction design. Non-Profit Organizations

SRO approval in design. Self-regulatory organization in the field of architectural and construction design. Non-Profit Organizations
SRO approval in design. Self-regulatory organization in the field of architectural and construction design. Non-Profit Organizations

What is SRO? This is an abbreviation that stands for self-regulatory organization. As a rule, such associations consist of a large number of members and allow entrepreneurs and service providers to take on the controlling role of their activities, which is usually carried out by the state. In such organizations, there are systems of various contributions, both membership and insurance, and the amount of payments will depend on many factors, such as the type of activity, the cost of contracts, the complexity and danger of the work performed, as well as the purpose of the funds contributed.

What types of services require membership in a self-regulatory organization? Often these types of activities require SROs: design, construction, some repair work, maintenance work, etc.

Self-Regulatory Organizations and Licensing: Differences

sro approval in design
sro approval in design

For most activities related to construction, renovation, designetc., special permission from the state is required. But current trends are such that the government has gradually abandoned licensing and transferred some of its powers to self-regulatory organizations. This transition allowed to reduce many different costs, as well as increase the level of security for customers of various works. The mechanism of protectionism is arranged according to a rather simple principle - SRO members make certain membership fees, as well as insurance payments, depending on the type of their activity. In case of unfair performance of work by one of the participants in the organization, the customer is compensated for part of the losses. Compensation comes from the funds of the insurance fund. Contributions go to administrative expenses, support of various Internet resources and similar costs. The state did not bear such responsibility for the license holders, it fell solely on the shoulders of the performer, who is not always able to cover the losses on his own.

SRO designers

get a design permit
get a design permit

In order to carry out most types of work, the executing firm will need to be in a self-regulatory organization. You also need to have SRO approval in design. This is done primarily because of the complexity and responsibility associated with this field of activity. Without membership in such organizations, the execution of most design work will be considered illegal, and administrative levers may be applied to the company fulfilling the contract, up to criminal punishment of those responsible.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons why you should get SRO approval. Design, and other types of work require a responsible approach to business. Therefore, your potential partners and customers are likely to ask if your company has a confirming document that you are a member of the SRO. In addition, self-regulatory organizations in design will be able to provide you with additional support, which will be discussed later.


deadline for designing types of work
deadline for designing types of work

The main criteria for becoming a member of a self-regulatory organization and obtaining an SRO (designing) permit will be the following conditions:

  • Presence of at least three specialists with specialized higher education and work experience of at least three years (or five people with secondary specialized education and work experience of five years or more).
  • Documented confirmation of seniority in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Passing through various trainings and advanced training after having obtained SRO approval in design.

In general, the entry process is regulated by a special expert commission, which is part of a self-regulatory organization. In addition, depending on the type of activity, as well as a specific SRO, the requirements may vary, but in essence they are similar - there are no problems with documents and registration, as well as the availability of the required number of qualified employees within the company.

How much does SRO permit for design cost: introduction and prices

How manythere is a permit for the design
How manythere is a permit for the design

Amounts are different. Depending on the organization you have chosen, the field of activity, the necessary association (SRO-design, construction, etc.), geographical location, as well as other factors, the cost of entry may vary. In addition, there are membership fees, which can also be different.

So, how much does SRO permit for designing cost? On average, an entrepreneur must have from 150,000 to 300,000 rubles to contribute to the compensation fund, and in this case, installments for a year are sometimes provided. There is also an entrance fee, which ranges from 5 to 70 thousand rubles. There may be other payments. For example, the monthly membership fee, it averages 5,000 rubles.

SRO for design: types of work

sro design construction
sro design construction

In general, the list of services for which you will need to be a member of a self-regulatory organization is quite extensive. These are more than ten items of various activities included in the SRO for design. Job types include:

  • Works related to the planning of the land plot (master plans, communication plans, etc.).
  • Architectural surveys.
  • Works related to design or construction schemes.
  • Preparation of documentation on the internal systems of objects (heating, communications, control systems, gas).
  • Plans of external networks (communications, heating, ventilation, etc.).
  • Work on technological solutions (variousconstruction techniques or design and selection of solutions in other areas).
  • Creation of special documentation related to various emergencies, dangerous objects, etc.
  • Inventory of projects related to capital construction, preparation of work for the overhaul or demolition of buildings.
  • Develop projects related to environmental protection.
  • Fire safety related projects.
  • Creation of project documentation.

In addition to the above works, the list of SRO approvals for design may include other activities.

Benefits of joining

list of approvals for design deadlines
list of approvals for design deadlines

Most entrepreneurs try to see the benefit in everything and will surely ask themselves if it is possible to benefit from membership in a self-regulatory organization or if this will create additional red tape and unnecessary burden. Well, without an SRO, you simply won't be able to work legally and also put yourself and your business at risk.

Still, there are real benefits. Today there are a lot of different SROs. There are regional and all-Russian associations, local organizations, as well as those that do not position themselves from a geographical point of view. A well-chosen self-regulatory organization will provide you with support for many years, which will be expressed in quite a few things. You can be granted participation in various competitions and tenders, various public procurements. SROs can also advise their members on general andlegal issues. Or, for example, help resolve conflicts with the customer if his claims are unfounded.

What will happen if you work without joining the SRO

It is strongly not recommended to carry out design work without participation in a self-regulatory organization. The consequences for the owner of the executing firm, as well as for some of its participants, can be extremely unfavorable.

As a rule, the list of potential problems will include not only a damaged reputation and a bunch of fines, but also the possibility of being criminally punished for illegal business, as well as under other articles of the Criminal and Administrative Codes of the Russian Federation. Proceeding from this, it follows that the approval of the SRO in the design can save the enterprise from a lot of undesirable problems.

Responsibility for work without SRO approval

self-regulatory organizations in design
self-regulatory organizations in design

In this case, everything will depend on the specific situation, and the consequences can be much milder than in the case of a complete lack of membership in a self-regulatory organization. Consequences may include the following sanctions:

  • Various fines and administrative pen alties.
  • Broken reputation.
  • Recognition of contracts as invalid, a significant loss of time.
  • The executing organization may be stripped of its membership in a self-regulatory organization or subject to various disciplinary sanctions, depending on the situation.

Based on the above, it doesn't matter if the company is a design firm or does other work. It's better to play it safe - contact a self-regulatory organization and get SRO approval in design.
