Charity organizations in Russia: list, information

Charity organizations in Russia: list, information
Charity organizations in Russia: list, information

There are about one and a half million registered charitable organizations and religious parishes in the United States. Over 2% of this country's GDP is spent on donations. Moreover, 76% of this money is from individuals. And such a public fund sends a fairly significant part of charitable funds abroad.

Statistics of the Russian Federation is much more modest. The lion's share of official donations is made by legal entities, at the same time from the profits from financial and economic activities. There are no exact figures: estimates of annual payments range from 200 million to 1.5 billion US dollars. Many significant donations are provided by the largest Russian companies and banks.

What is a charitable organization?

According to the law, charitable organizations in Russia are non-profit organizations that have specific legal forms (public organizations, foundations and institutions). As for the taxation of charitable organizations, they are similar to other non-profit organizations.(they are exempt from paying income tax on earmarked income and have a number of benefits that apply to both the beneficiary and the benefactor).

public fund
public fund

The birth of charity

The first charitable organizations in Russia are considered to be monasteries, which Prince Vladimir ordered to engage in "contempt for the needy." Such a decree was issued in 988, and Ivan the Terrible created the first almshouse, which is the prototype of the modern charitable foundation. Funds for their activities were allocated from the state treasury. In addition, the we althy members of society had an obligation to give alms. Peter the Great considered charity one of the important areas of public life.

After the revolution of 1917, Russian charitable organizations were abolished, and all their property was transferred to the people. In recent years, charity has been developing at an accelerated pace. Perhaps this is due to the fact that citizens have become more responsive to the problems of others.


A non-profit charitable organization is required to register with the authorities, submit activity reports, and reflect the funds raised and spent, which are not subject to taxation. She should only use donations for charitable purposes.

Russian charitable organizations
Russian charitable organizations

Donation is the most popular way to help. In the Russian Federation, a public aid fund can be financed from fivesources:

  • government aid;
  • grants, donations from individuals;
  • corporate funds of large business entities;
  • funds of municipal authorities and entrepreneurs;
  • Family and private foundations funded exclusively by individuals.

Types of charities

In addition to the method of receiving funds, charitable organizations in Russia differ depending on the target audience:

  • charitable children's foundations created to help various categories of children. They help orphans, the disabled, children from low-income families, children who suffer from various diseases. The foundations also provide grants for the education of gifted children;
  • funds to help the adult population, for example, people with various diseases, refugees, people with disabilities and so on;
  • charitable organizations to help the elderly, veterans, the disabled and the elderly, hospice patients.
public charitable organizations
public charitable organizations

Decided to entrust your money to a charitable foundation, but are not sure that they will go to those in need? A variety of organizations operate in Russia, which are founded by both Russians and foreign investors. There are also charitable social programs of commercial organizations. Below are the stable funds that carry out charitable activities. They have personal websites and regularly submit progress reports.

Maincharitable organizations in Russia

SBOR (Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia) is 15 years of work, half a billion of funds raised, dozens of successful projects and thousands of needy who received assistance from the fund. COLLECT is supported by famous actors, athletes, politicians.

Another major charitable organization is the National Charitable Foundation, which was founded in 1999 on the initiative of President V. V. Putin.

Initially, the fund was called the "National Military Fund" and provided all possible assistance to military personnel of various ministries and departments of Russia, their families, veterans and other persons. In 2002, the fund was categorized as an organization that provides one-time humanitarian assistance.

charity organization
charity organization

Multipurpose Charities

  • One of the largest charitable foundations, the Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia, unites more than two hundred different target areas, including volunteer and public programs. Provides assistance to a wide category of citizens.
  • Also a large fund in the charity market - ROSSPAS. Helps people with serious illnesses. In the area of his attention are migrants, the disabled, orphans, large and low-income families.
  • There are funds that carry out charitable activities for several categories of those in need at once. For example, the national charitable organization "Dobro" provides assistance to large families, children with disabilities, children with variousdiseases, orphans and those who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction.

Charity Organizations Helping Children

non-profit charitable organization
non-profit charitable organization
  • There are exclusively children's charitable organizations, such as "Nastenka", "Children of Mary", "Children's Houses", "Happy Hearts" and many others. They help children who find themselves in a difficult life situation: the loss of parents, orphans, the disabled, patients with serious illnesses, those who suffer from a congenital ailment.
  • The All-Russian Charity-Russia Foundation unites over a million individual entrepreneurs. Plays various grants and scholarships among youth and children, helps nursing homes, hospices and hospitals with public funds, provides assistance to ordinary citizens who apply.

Other funds

  • Serious charitable organization - "Life". Its target audience is children with cancer, blood diseases. Donations are used to buy medicines, consumables, pay for research and diagnostics, chemotherapy courses, surgeries, and provide material assistance to families.
  • Charity organizations in Russia founded by well-known people in the country: politicians, show business stars, businessmen. This is an additional influx of investors and those who wish to make a donation. The most famous fund in this category is "Give Life", which was established by popular actresses D. Korzun andCh. Khamatova. Its purpose is to help those suffering from cancer.
  • Public charitable organizations that help the disabled, the elderly, veterans, people and patients of hospitals and hospices are the aid funds "Faith", "Old Age in Joy", "Collective of Caring People".
  • In Russia, there are also major charitable organizations of the world: the Soros Foundation, the International Women's Organization, the AIDS Foundation and others.
Union of charitable organizations of Russia
Union of charitable organizations of Russia

It's not easy to help, it's very simple! This slogan on the main website of the COLLECTION is the best way to express readiness to accept donations from any caring person. After all, the sooner funds are credited to the account of the charitable foundation, the more chances there are to save someone's life.
