"He althy country" - non-profit foundation: an important role in society

"He althy country" - non-profit foundation: an important role in society
"He althy country" - non-profit foundation: an important role in society

"He althy Country" is a non-profit foundation that has been operating for 12 years. The purpose of the foundation was to provide psychological assistance to citizens. In the future, the organization expanded the scope of its activities.

he althy country non-profit foundation
he althy country non-profit foundation

At the moment, a dozen different social projects have been implemented, more than 36 branches have been opened throughout Russia, hundreds of thousands of people have been helped. Despite such impressive results, the organizers of the fund note that there is still a lot of work to be done.

The organization employs qualified specialists with impressive experience: psychologists, narcologists, doctors of medical sciences, psychotherapists, therapists.

Foundation mission

"He althy Country" is a non-profit foundation whose main mission is to improve the he alth of the nation and return true values. The high-profile name was not chosen by chance: this organization has been justifying its name with its successful activities for many years already.

non-profit foundation he althy countryreviews
non-profit foundation he althy countryreviews

The foundation defines the he alth of the nation by two indicators - social and psychological well-being. In accordance with this, assistance is provided. Despite the rather wide range of services provided, the main directions of the fund are the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction and rehabilitation.

Moreover, the foundation advises and helps not only dependent people, but also their relatives and friends, which plays an important role in the successful recovery of patients.

Consequently, He althy Country is a non-profit foundation providing comprehensive social assistance. The role of this fund cannot be overestimated. There should certainly be more such organizations, because often they help absolutely free of charge.

Tasks and ways to achieve goals

The work of the fund is well coordinated, various social instruments are used to achieve the set goals.

An important success factor is an impeccably selected staff, which includes only professionals in their field. As mentioned earlier, these are psychologists, doctors of medical sciences, psychotherapists, the country's chief narcologist Bryun Evgeny Alekseevich, coordinators and other specialists.

he althy country non-profit foundation staff reviews
he althy country non-profit foundation staff reviews

The foundation also actively encourages volunteering by launching various campaigns that attract young people. It is not uncommon for a patient, after successful rehabilitation, to express a desire to help other people in a similar situation. Foundation psychologists explain this by the fact that forit is very important for a person to share their experience, feeling their own ownership, and helping other people has a positive impact on the final stage of rehabilitation.


Quite often, the He althy Country Foundation holds cultural non-alcoholic events. To the great joy of the organization's employees, such actions resonated in the hearts of young people.

The scaling and expansion of activities also contribute to the promotion of the social fund. At the moment, it has more than 36 branches of "He althy Country" (non-profit foundation). Moscow, of course, is the leader in terms of the number of events and promotions, but the organization plans more projects in other regions of Russia.

Important role in society

The uniqueness of the work of the foundation lies in the fact that the organization is fighting not only with the consequences of drug and alcohol addiction, but also actively working to completely eradicate the problem. In this regard, scientific papers, dissertations are written, the very cause and the emergence of the dependence phenomenon are being studied. The organizers consider it their civic duty to prevent the distribution and promotion of alcohol and drugs.

"He althy Country" is a non-profit foundation that provides assistance not only to dependent people, but also to the elderly. In general, the fund is not limited to working with a particular age group: anyone with any social issues can apply for help.

"He althy Country" actively promotes a he althy lifestyle, in every possible way contributes to the return of the originalvalues such as kindness, love of work, morality, environmental friendliness. The fund also assists in employment and rapid social adaptation.

Feedback and performance of the fund

In recent years, more and more publications appear in the media about the invaluable contribution made by the non-profit foundation "He althy Country". Reviews of people who have undergone rehabilitation in the centers only confirm this fact.

he althy country non-profit fund moscow
he althy country non-profit fund moscow

Relationships improved in many families: spouses learned to find a compromise, unemployed young people who abused alcohol and drugs from idleness managed to get rid of addictions and find a decent job.

Many rehabilitation centers have been opened, the main sponsor of which is the "He althy Country" (non-profit foundation). Feedback from employees on the results of rehabilitation is impressive: the percentage of people who got rid of addiction is very high. The Foundation guarantees 100% results if all requirements are met by relatives.
