Transport tax in Krasnoyarsk: rates, benefits, procedure and terms of payment

Transport tax in Krasnoyarsk: rates, benefits, procedure and terms of payment
Transport tax in Krasnoyarsk: rates, benefits, procedure and terms of payment

If the taxpayer owns a vehicle, he will have to pay tax on it. At the same time, the establishment of tax rates and benefits for the corresponding charge remains for each region separately. Next, we will talk about what kind of transport tax in Krasnoyarsk. The information presented to your attention will help you understand how to calculate and pay the tax charge for transport in 2019. What is recommended for everyone to remember?

How much to pay for a car in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
How much to pay for a car in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Who pays

Who should pay the relevant tax? It is charged, as already mentioned, for finding a car or other vehicle that is subject to registration in authorized services, owned by a person. This means that the owner of the movable property will have to pay.

It does not matter what person the owner is - an individual or a legal entity. Who owns a motor vehicle, therefore must pay in the manner prescribed by law.

Local benefits - full exemption

Is transport tax paidpensioners in the Krasnoyarsk Territory? What about those with many children or others requiring state support? To correctly answer the relevant questions, you need to refer to regional legislation.

Among the local transport tax benefits in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, there are:

  • complete exemption from payment;
  • discount in various sizes.

At the same time, they may not pay in full:

  • veterans and disabled people, their widows;
  • adoptive parents or other legal representatives of disabled children under 18;
  • military or employees of internal organs who were injured in the line of duty;
  • irradiated during accidents at Mayak or Chernobyl, during tests in Semipalatinsk;
  • disabled people (1 or 2 groups);
  • Individual entrepreneurs who are engaged in agricultural trade;
  • manufacturers of products for the disabled, as well as those who sell them;
  • disability organizations;
  • budget organizations financed from the regional budget.

Also, pensioners who own a vehicle up to 100 horsepower can not pay for a car. Who is eligible for the discount?

Taxpayer Discounts

The transport tax in the Krasnoyarsk Territory also provides for the possibility of providing a discount of 90% of the tax charge. But who is eligible for the benefit?

Is it possible to avoid paying vehicle tax?
Is it possible to avoid paying vehicle tax?

Today it is:

  • pensioners with cars up to 150 hp with., motorcycles andscooters - up to 40 liters. with., water transport - up to 100 "horses";
  • citizens and entrepreneurs who bring up and live together with three or more minor children.

There is nothing difficult in remembering this information. However, it is also worth noting that the transport tax in the Krasnoyarsk Territory also provides for federal benefits. What is it about?


The fact is that some vehicles are exempt from taxation, regardless of where they are registered. But not everyone knows when they can use the relevant benefits.

Currently not federally paid for:

  • public transport;
  • vehicles of special services;
  • boats with a motor no more than 5 horsepower;
  • rowing boats;
  • agricultural transport;
  • transport designed to transport goods and passengers;
  • auto owned or used to transport disabled people;
  • cars purchased with the support of social services, if they do not exceed 100 "horses" in power.

Do not provide for taxation of ships that were entered in the register of the Russian Federation. For other vehicles, you have to pay in the manner prescribed by law.

Preparing for counting

We have already studied the transport tax benefits in Krasnoyarsk. A little later we will find out how to arrange them. First you have to understand how to calculate, pay and check the taxon TS.

The formula for calculating car tax in Krasnoyarsk is exactly the same as in other cities of the country. Citizen will need:

  1. Get the quotient of months of vehicle ownership in a year divided by 12.
  2. Multiply the tax rate by engine power, and then - by the quotient obtained in advance according to the principle proposed above.
  3. If necessary, multiply the resulting amount by the vehicle tax increase coefficient. This is a must when it comes to luxury cars.

Perhaps that's all. This formula is used to calculate transport tax in Krasnoyarsk and other regions of the Russian Federation in relation to individuals. Organizations use an improved formula.

Transport tax formula in the Russian Federation
Transport tax formula in the Russian Federation

To do this, the previously obtained figure must be multiplied by the organization's share in the ownership of the movable object, and then, if necessary, subtract benefits.

Payment time

Until what date do you need to pay transport tax in the Krasnoyarsk Territory? Organizations in the relevant region are currently making advance payments. They are produced at the end of each reporting period - 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters. In this case, payments must be made no later than the end of the month following the end of the quarter.

With individuals, everything is much simpler. The thing is that the transport tax in Krasnoyarsk is paid before the first of December. And no later. Already on the next day, the delay in tax accrual will begin.

If you don't pay

What will bethe consequences of the tax arrears? They are case specific.

If the delay in tax is admitted unintentionally, a twenty percent fine threatens, otherwise - forty percent. From the first day of delay on the tax, a pen alty will be charged, and as soon as the amount of debt reaches significant amounts (from three thousand), the case can be transferred to bailiffs. Where will this lead?

Bailiffs can seize and sell the debtor's property for debts (not only taxes), as well as block bank cards. The debtor is also often prohibited from leaving Russia.

Tax rates

Below you can see the transport tax rates in Krasnoyarsk. They are relevant today, but may change at any time.

Transport tax rates in Krasnoyarsk
Transport tax rates in Krasnoyarsk

That is why it is better to clarify the tax rates in the authorized bodies before calculating the tax on the vehicle. Then the probability of making a mistake will be minimal.

Procedure for applying for benefits

You need to know the procedure and terms for paying transport tax in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. But it is also important to remember how to properly apply for vehicle tax benefits. This, with timely preparation, will be a fairly simple task.

To achieve the desired goal, a citizen or organization needs:

  1. Prepare documents for further service.
  2. Fill out the application of the established form for the appointment of the required benefit.
  3. Submit an application to the selected authorized body. We are talking about the Federal Tax Service locallyvehicle registration.
  4. Wait a while.

If everything is done correctly, the applicant will be granted a car tax exemption. Otherwise it will be denied.

Calculator to help

It is better not to carry out self-calculations of transport tax in Krasnoyarsk. The thing is, they can be wrong. For safety net, it is recommended to use special online calculators.

Tax Code of the Russian Federation and transport tax
Tax Code of the Russian Federation and transport tax

The most reliable and reliable service is from the Tax Service of Russia. To use it, you will need to do the following:

  1. Find the Tax Calculator service on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, and then open it.
  2. Select the "Transport tax" option.
  3. Set the values in the appeared form to help calculate the amount due.
  4. Submit request for processing.

Fast, simple and very convenient. This technique will free you from the need to clarify tax rates to calculate the transport tax in the end. The corresponding calculator works in all regions of the country.

Important: the service is free of charge.

About debt verification methods

Transport tax for large families in Krasnoyarsk, as you can see, is missing. But every taxpayer should know how to check whether he has certain debts. And for the car including.

Calculation and payment of car tax
Calculation and payment of car tax

Currently to achievethe corresponding target can be:

  • go to the FSSP, FTS or MFC with a request;
  • use the website of the electronic government of the Russian Federation;
  • use the website "Payment for public services";
  • "break through" the data on the website of the Federal Bailiffs Service;
  • check the information on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (in your account);
  • work with internet banking or electronic payment systems.

It is not recommended to use tax debt check services on third party websites. This is an extremely risky step - you can be left without money and with false data.

How can I pay

You also need to be able to pay taxes. Otherwise, the information offered to attention will lose all meaning - a person will know how much he owes the state, but he will not be able to do anything about it.

You can pay taxes in almost all of the previously listed ways of checking debts. The exception is the FSSP website. You can additionally contribute funds to the state treasury:

  • through cash desks of financial institutions;
  • through payment terminals;
  • via ATM.

Next, consider the process of finding tax debts, as well as their repayment in more detail. This information will be useful not only for residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

"Public services" to help

The web portal "Gosuslugi" is very popular among the population of the Russian Federation. In Krasnoyarsk and other cities of the country, with the help of this site, citizens can receive various municipal and state services. Let's sayregister the vehicle, issue rights and check taxes.

To successfully cope with the relevant tasks, you must first register for the ESIA, and then go through the account activation procedure. We will assume that these conditions have already been met.

Then, to check through the "Gosuslugi" in Krasnoyarsk the debts on the vehicle tax, you will have to:

  1. Login to your account and open the archive of available options.
  2. Find the function "Check your taxes".
  3. Indicate the TIN of the taxpayer.
  4. Click on the button responsible for starting the scan of the FTS database.

Now you need to carefully study the proposed list. We should be interested in blocks labeled "Transport tax".

Checking transport taxes in Krasnoyarsk
Checking transport taxes in Krasnoyarsk

To pay, you need to select it, and then press the "Proceed to payment" button. An electronic form will appear on the screen in which you will have to choose the method of depositing funds into the state treasury, as well as register payment details.

Important: there is no commission for such a payment. The funds will go to the Federal Tax Service within a few days.
