2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
Practically every modern person has heard of cockfights. In our country, they have not taken root, but in many countries of the world they are quite popular. But a fighting chicken can be a good addition to a regular household. Of course, for this you need to learn more about this breed, its features and the right content.
History of the breed
Let's start with the fact that the main breed of fighting chickens is called "ingigames". And her homeland is not India, as is commonly believed, but England.

In the eighteenth century, India was a colony of the mighty British Empire. It is not surprising that the soldiers and officers who were born on the shores of foggy Albion became interested in local entertainment - cockfights. Subsequently, the birds used for these purposes were brought to England. It turned out that they do not shine with special power. Therefore, she was crossed with Malay fighting chickens and English. As a result, the bird not only retained its fighting spirit, but also became faster, stronger, and more enduring. This is how the modern fighting chickens or “ingigames” appeared.
Subsequently they were exported to Latin America, where cockfights became very popular. Of course, local breeders set up experiments by crossing fighting roosters with hens of local breeds. So, several dozen more varieties of bird breeds were created.

From here, roosters and hens began to be actively brought back to India, where the descendants of travelers became the best fighters.
What they look like
It is worth noting that fighting breeds of chickens are quite different from ordinary ones, even outwardly.
Their weight is quite large. Chickens weigh about 3 kilograms, but roosters reach 4 and even 5 kilograms! A very good indicator for a farmer who wants to get a lot of quality meat.
The hens themselves are not too tall, but firmly knocked down. Legs set wide apart, very strong. The lower legs and thighs are well developed - many generations of breeders have achieved just such a result.

The back and chest are powerful, slightly rounded. And the neck is thick, short and muscular, thanks to which roosters inflict very powerful blows on opponents during fights.
The head is quite small, which is why it looks very disproportionate against the background of a powerful body. Earrings and comb are small - this is also the result of the purposeful work of the craftsmen.
Tails are fluffy, thick and short.
The plumage is distinguished by its density and unusual color. The most common are white and yellow fighting hens. But sometimes you can also seebrown, white and even blue birds.
A little about character
Before you start fighting chickens and roosters, you should seriously weigh all the advantages and disadvantages. Still, unlike most breeds, they are quite aggressive. No wonder - for centuries this important quality for fighters has been cultivated. Therefore, the content should be very careful. It is advisable to place the roosters of fighting breeds separately from others. Yes, and two roosters in one pen, not to mention a cage, are also not recommended. Otherwise, there will be constant fights, one of which will sooner or later end in the death of a weaker bird.
However, the rooster may also attack the owner. Moreover, this can happen quite unexpectedly - simply because the aggressor will feel that the person poses some kind of danger to him and his family. At best, the case will end in deep scratches.
But Indian fighting chicken cannot boast of high egg production. On average, she brings about 100 eggs for the whole year, but often even less. The eggs are not very large - about 58-60 grams. Shell color cream or white.

As already mentioned, the birds of this breed are very large. However, they grow rather slowly. By about 7–8 months, hens begin to lay eggs, and roosters become fully sexually mature. However, they reach the above weight only by the year with proper, balanced nutrition. Therefore, the wide popularity of fighting chickens in Russiahave not received. Cockfighting as a sport in our country is not very popular. These chickens lay much fewer eggs than other breeds. In addition, not every farmer will want to keep birds, carefully fattening and caring, for a whole year to get meat.
Therefore, if they are turned on, it is usually just out of curiosity and a desire to try something new that goes beyond the usual agriculture.
Suitable diet
One of the main advantages of Indian fighting chickens is their great weight. However, in order for the birds to reach the maximum limit, it is very important to provide them with the right diet. Otherwise, although they will be larger than most breeds, they will still not reach their limit.
To begin with, they should get plenty of protein. In summer, the problem is partially solved by free grazing. Birds are happy to eat worms, beetles, larvae and other insects that they can find. In winter, this need will have to be satisfied completely artificially. It is advisable to use special food additives and compound feed.
Don't forget about minerals and vitamins. Large birds especially need them - otherwise the bones will be too weak, which will lead to frequent injuries and illnesses. Therefore, bone meal will become a reliable assistant in resolving this issue.

And, of course, it is very important to provide birds with clean drinking water. Shamo fighting chickens, like any other chickens, are highly susceptible to infectious diseases. And many diseases are transmittedjust through dirty water. For this reason, it is best to install special drinkers in the chicken coop or pen, from which the birds can always drink clean, fresh water.
How to care for them
Chickens of this breed are amazingly active. Therefore, it is by no means possible to keep them all year round in a chicken coop, or, even more so, in cages. The best choice would be a regular paddock. Here the birds will be able to run and develop actively.
You also need to find suitable feeders - otherwise active hens will constantly knock them over. Drinkers have already been mentioned above.
Fighting breeds of chickens should not be kept with others. On the one hand, this will lead to frequent conflicts. On the other hand, it will definitely result in a loss of genetic purity. However, if your goal is to get a hybrid that will produce a lot of eggs and at the same time have a large mass, then this decision should be reconsidered.

The plumage of the breed is dense, but not too thick. Therefore, chickens do not tolerate cold very well. For the cold season, it is very important to provide a warm, cozy chicken coop in which birds can hide from frost. It is very important to provide reliable protection against drafts. They can harm any bird, and these, bred in mild climates, are sure to be a death sentence in a cold draft.
If it is not possible to keep them in a spacious corral, it is necessary at least to provide daily walks. Even in winter, if the temperature is not too low, chickens stand for at least an hour or twolet out of the chicken coop. Thanks to this, they grow he althier, the muscle frame is strengthened, immunity is significantly improved.
You also need to keep clean. Chickens generally do not like dirt - because of it, various infections and simple parasites can develop that can cause serious harm to the he alth of birds. Therefore, weekly (and if a large number of chickens live in a small area, then almost daily) cleaning should become a familiar part of your schedule.
It's hard to believe, but most of the representatives of the Indian fighting breed of chickens are excellent hens. But there are certain nuances here.
The reader already knows that chickens are quite heavy. Therefore, make sure that the expectant mother does not crush the eggs. To do this, they must have a fairly strong shell. Therefore, at least for the period when the hens will lay eggs from which the chicks are planned to hatch, it is very important to enrich their diet with minerals - primarily calcium.
Also make sure the eggs are fertilized. For this, a simple ovoscope is useful. Unfortunately, some fighting roosters prefer to fight with opponents than to spend time with their many wives. It is not always possible to find a suitable option. Well, laying unfertilized eggs under the chicken, it is foolish to hope for a good offspring.
Finally, it is worth remembering that, unlike other breeds of chickens, representatives of this one do not have too extensive plumage. Therefore, it will not be possible to put many eggs under one hen.
Butwhen she sits on the eggs, you can not worry - she will definitely bring the matter to the end.
Chick care
Unfortunately, the percentage of surviving chickens is not very high - rarely exceeds 70%. The weak die in the first days and even hours of life. The fact is that they are very sensitive to the slightest temperature changes, not to mention drafts.
An additional danger is infection. Therefore, cleanliness must be maintained at the highest level.
In the first days of life, the best food for chickens will be boiled millet and hard-boiled eggs. Gradually, you can introduce finely chopped greens - dandelions, young nettles.
Most Common Diseases
Many breeds have certain genetic deficiencies. And fighting chickens, photos of which are attached to the article, are no exception. Their main disadvantage is poor he alth. Even if we create excellent conditions for them and provide them with high-quality food, a certain percentage of juveniles and even adults will die.
Most of the problems are caused by parasites. For example, ticks and fleas can carry bacterial and viral infections, and at the same time reduce overall immunity. To prevent this from happening, you need to periodically inspect the skin of chickens.

Little-eaters cause a lot of problems, destroying an already thin cover of fluff. Alas, in this case, curing chickens usually does not work. It's easier to put them under the knife - such an attack will not affect the taste of meat in any way.
Another possible illness is asthma. But it usually occursonly under the wrong conditions. For example, if chickens live all their lives in cramped, poorly ventilated and dusty rooms. If you provide good ventilation and clean air, then you can be sure that the chickens will not face such an unpleasant disease.
Pros and cons of the breed
Coming to the end of the article, you should briefly summarize it, highlighting the main strengths and weaknesses of the breed.
The undoubted pluses include the excellent taste of meat. And a large amount of a valuable product in every chicken and rooster is a very serious advantage. An interesting appearance can also be attributed to the advantages of the breed. Finally, the Indian fighting hen has excellent brooding instincts, making breeding easier.
Alas, it does not do without minuses. Among them, not too good immunity stands out, because of which chickens often suffer from viral diseases. It is also worth noting the exactingness of feed - you need to provide birds with a large amount of protein. Finally, high mortality among chickens is also unlikely to please the breeder.
This concludes our article. Now you know more about Indian Fighting Chicken. So, you can decide whether this breed suits you or whether it makes sense to start breeding other, more suitable breeds.
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