Flash-bang grenade. Types of stun grenades

Flash-bang grenade. Types of stun grenades
Flash-bang grenade. Types of stun grenades

A flashbang grenade is a type of non-lethal weapon, the main purpose of which is to inflict shrapnel damage or light and sound effects on a person. Such ammunition is in service with all special services, the army, as well as law enforcement agencies. They are mainly used to temporarily incapacitate the enemy by stunning with a loud sound and blinding. Sometimes rubber buckshot is used to damage the soft tissues of the human body.

stun grenade
stun grenade

Design at a glance

All modern stun grenades are equipped with pyrotechnics. The case is most often made of metal. During the explosion, it does not break, therefore, does not form fragments. The body has many small holes for the release of gases. In addition, sometimes flash and sound grenades are made from cardboard and plastic. This material has high kinetic energy and is ideal forsuch ammunition, since, like metal, it does not produce life-threatening fragments. To ensure a traumatic effect, some grenades are equipped with rubber buckshot. After the explosion, the enemy not only blinds and stuns, but also additionally injures. We can say that the stun grenade is used where you need to take the offender alive.

types of grenades
types of grenades

The damaging effect on humans

As noted above, the main effect of flashbang grenades is to stun and blind the enemy. Thus, the offender will not be able to resist for some time. The closer the face was to the center of the explosion, the longer the disorientation effect will last. Conditionally damaging factors can be divided into two types:

  • Psychophysiological. This includes blindness, which lasts in most cases from 20 to 30 seconds. It is also the sound of an explosion that causes complete hearing loss for 3-4 hours.
  • Mechanical effects. Excessive pressure is the main factor that causes damage to the inner ear in humans. However, this happens very rarely: from the total mass - about 1% of cases. If excessive pressure affects children, then the risk of injury is somewhat greater. In addition, it is worth highlighting mechanical injuries and bruises. Often, everything ends with subcutaneous hematomas or soft tissue damage.

About the effect of disorientation and mortality in the explosion

It is impossible not to say a few words about the fact that in addition to blinding and stunning, often the enemycompletely lost in space. In most cases, the offender is lost for a period ranging from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on many factors. For example, the best disorientation effect can be obtained in a dark enclosed space. In addition, if the grenade explodes in the air, for example, between the target and a solid object (wall), then the duration of the effect is increased. The type of ammunition also plays a big role.

smoke grenade
smoke grenade

As for the occurrence of death as a result of a supersonic grenade explosion, it all depends on the circumstances. If there are a large number of small objects (nuts, nails, bolts) in the immediate vicinity of the explosion, then the risk of serious damage increases several times. In addition, some types of grenades are powerful enough that people with a weak heart can't stand it and get a heart attack.

What are the types of grenades?

Light and sound ammunition can be conditionally divided into several large groups:

  • The hand grenade is the most common type of flash and sound ammunition. To activate such a weapon, it is necessary to activate the safety trigger. Then, with the help of a manual throw, the grenade is delivered closer to the offender.
  • Grenade shots. For this kind of shooting, hand-held or underbarrel grenade launchers are most often used. The caliber of the projectile is usually 40-50 mm.
  • Rifle ammunition. They are currently used in Western countries. So, caliber 12 is especially popular.mm and 23x81 mm - "Stars" for the carbine.
  • For civil defense. There are ammunition designed for use in civilian lethal weapons for self-defense purposes.

Zarya flare grenade

When conducting assault operations on the territory of the Russian Federation and a number of other countries, the Zarya grenade, as well as the Zarya-2 modification, are used. The diameter of the product is 64 mm, and the length with a grating fuse is 130 mm. If you use a universal fuse, then the length is 120 mm, and the weight is about 400 grams. The sound pressure in the effective range is 172 dB, and the brightness of the flash is about 30 million candela. As noted above, the Zarya grenade was upgraded to Zarya-2. A grating fuse was replaced, which did not provide the required safety. The striking area is 10 meters. This type of hand ammunition is fireproof. The greatest efficiency is achieved when used in a confined space, a vehicle, etc. In addition, there are no fragments from a grenade, buckshot is not provided.

Zarya stun grenade
Zarya stun grenade

A little about smoke grenades

Hand smoke grenades are used to mask individual firing points, blind the enemy, simulate a fire, etc. The most common on the territory of the Russian Federation are RGD-2, which were created back in the Soviet Union. In most cases, a cardboard case is provided and a fuse - a match. The ignition time of such ammunition is approximately 15 seconds, and the burning time is a little over a minute. OftenA smoke grenade is used to indicate the landing site for helicopters, as well as to indicate the strength of the wind and its direction. Approximately 5-15 seconds after the burn, the device may explode. People within a radius of one meter may be burned. There are modifications with the addition of tear gas to smoke out the enemy.

stun grenade photo
stun grenade photo

Where and when flash and sound grenades are used

Currently, this kind of ammunition is most often used by law enforcement agencies. For example, if you need to disperse a crowd of aggressive individuals, then a flash and sound grenade is the best way to suppress effective resistance. Most of the operations to free the hostages, as well as to take the criminal alive, involve the use of blinding and deafening means. These also include a smoke grenade, which can be used to bring prisoners out of a building, etc. Often, flash grenades are used to create optimal conditions for firing small arms during anti-terrorist operations by special forces.

grenade weapon
grenade weapon


Flash and sound grenades are a very effective weapon, especially if you need to save the enemy's life. To date, several munitions of this type have been developed in the Russian Federation. For example, "Torch" is a 6-element grenade. After the explosion, it throws out 6 elements, the luminous intensity of each of which is 10 million cd at a sound pressure of about 145 dB. The Torch has a fairly large radius of action - 20meters. For example, the Fakel-S modification is completely fireproof and extremely effective in small spaces. Can be used inside a car, airplane or helicopter.

That's all there is to say in general about what a stun grenade is. You can see photos of ammunition in this article.
