Is it profitable to keep pigs for the sale of meat?

Is it profitable to keep pigs for the sale of meat?
Is it profitable to keep pigs for the sale of meat?

In their backyards, some owners of suburban areas keep pigs as well. Animal piglets are not too whimsical, hardy and productive. But is it profitable to keep pigs in our time? It is believed that a profitable farm for breeding piglets can only be done with the right approach to business. The owner of a farm of such specialization will first need to choose the right type of feed for the animals, as well as find markets for meat.

What profitability may depend on

Pork meat in Russia, because it costs less than beef, is very popular. But still, it is believed that raising pigs can be profitable only if it is possible to quickly sell it, for example, to catering establishments, sausage factories, etc. For example, just in the market or even in a rented outlet in our time due to the large competition, such a product, unfortunately, will be quite difficult to sell.

pigs at the trough
pigs at the trough

Also, the profitability of pig farms is largely determined, of course, by the cost, as well as the typeused in the production of animal feed. Experienced farmers advise newcomers these days to keep pigs only if they can get cheap food somewhere nearby.

The profitability of a pig farm these days can also depend on the number of animals fed. Experienced farmers do not advise beginners, if they decide to raise piglets for the sale of meat, to keep a livestock of less than 10 pieces. Otherwise, the farm will be unprofitable.

Is it profitable to keep pigs: productivity indicators

Calculating your future income if you want to open a farm of such specialization is, of course, taking into account, first of all, the prices for meat and fat of these animals in this particular region. The advantages of piglets as farm animals include, first of all, the ability to quickly gain weight and fertility. Pigs are kept on farms until slaughter, usually no longer than 6-7 months. An exception is made only for developmentally lagging piglets. Such pigs are slaughtered most often at 8 months. For 6-8 months. piglets usually gain up to 90-100 kg of weight.

Piglet quarters
Piglet quarters

The ratio of meat and fat in the carcasses of such animals averages 75 to 25%. At the same time, the yield of such products from live weight most often does not exceed 80%. That is, after growing and feeding a pig for up to 6-7 months and gaining a body weight of 100 kg, it will be possible to get about 80-85 kg of meat and fat.

Feeding: what problems can arise

Is it profitable to keep pigs at home? The answer to this question depends to a large extentit depends on whether or not the farmer will be able to find a seller of cheap feed. It is for food for pigs when they are grown in the future that will need to be spent the most. It is believed that within 6-7 months. on farms, about 300 kg of concentrates are consumed per piglet.

Mixed feed in most regions of Russia today, unfortunately, is very expensive. And raising pigs on them is likely to become unprofitable. The cost of meat in this case will greatly increase. And most likely, it will not be possible to sell all the product obtained on the farm at high prices, and especially in conditions of fierce competition.

Alternative foods

As an alternative to expensive concentrates, experienced pig farmers recommend using:

  • food service waste;
  • green bean feed.

If there is a canteen or even several canteens near the farm, there will most likely be more than enough feed for the pigs bred on the farm (provided, of course, that the farm does not contain hundreds of pigs).

The use of bean greens in keeping piglets can also significantly increase the profitability of the farm. It is believed that 5-7 kg of such food for pigs can replace 1 kg of expensive grains.

Fatter on waste

Is it profitable to keep pigs nowadays? Of course, many owners of suburban areas would like to receive an answer to this question. As already mentioned, such a farm can become quite profitable if waste is used as feed.

Fattening on waste
Fattening on waste

Pigs grow up fast enough on such food. You can buy kitchen waste for piglets in the dining room, containing the remains of the first and second courses, fish, bread, vegetables, fruits. Very well, the body of these omnivorous animals also assimilate trimmings after cutting meat: tendons, skin, small bones, films.

It is believed that 3-4 kg of waste in terms of nutritional value for the body of pigs is equal to 1 kg of grain and feed. Not only kitchen waste is good for pigs. You can feed these animals and products left after milk processing. Piglets willingly eat, for example, whey, buttermilk, reverse.

In multipurpose backyards, pigs are often fed with waste left after the slaughter of other farm animals. For example, you can give piglets a skin flap, trimmings, blood, spleen, etc.

Of course, a garden can also be a good help for owners of farmsteads engaged in breeding pigs. Piglets are allowed to feed different types of tops, cabbage leaves, overgrown zucchini and cucumbers, extra pumpkins, small potatoes, carrots and beets, fallen apples and pears.

Depending on the age of the piglet, food waste of various types in his diet should include from 30 to 65%. Of course, it is still not worth excluding grains and compound feeds when using this technology.


So, is it profitable to keep pigs on waste? The answer to this question can thus be given in the affirmative. But such food for piglets, of course, should be given exclusively fresh. Rotten, sour andmoldy waste to pigs is definitely not worth offering. This will certainly cause gastrointestinal upset in animals. Little piglets, after such a meal, may even die.

It is believed that food scraps should be given to pigs immediately on the day of their purchase in the canteen. That is, the owner of the farmstead, who has focused precisely on such feed, among other things, should also provide for a method for their daily delivery to the farm.

Growing on legumes: features

When using such feed, the answer to the question of whether it is profitable to keep pigs for meat will most likely be positive. Green legumes are valued by farmers primarily because they contain a very large amount of protein. Its composition of such food for piglets is from 23 to 45%. For example, peas, spring vetch, sweet lupine, soybeans can be used in the cultivation of pigs. It is allowed, of course, not the entire prescribed norm of cereals to be replaced with such feeds, but only part of it. The fact is that bean greens contain, among other things, a large amount of tannins that can, for obvious reasons, have a negative effect on the body of piglets.

Bean greens for piglets
Bean greens for piglets

Growing on bioadditives and stimulants

Farmers, and especially beginners, are often interested in whether it is profitable to keep pigs in Transbaikalia, Siberia, the Urals or, for example, in the Moscow region. When using stimulants, such a farm can be made profitable in absolutely any region of the country. As experienced owners of farms of this specialization note,biofeed piglets grow literally by leaps and bounds.

Of course, using this technology of growing meat can be obtained, unfortunately, but not of very high quality. But despite the fact that in this case it will be necessary to sell the product at a low price, the profit, judging by the available reviews, can still be obtained significant. It is possible to judge whether it is profitable to keep pigs for sale on stimulants for the sale of meat, already by the fact that farmers often have up to 9,000 rubles from a six-month-old pig using this technology. income (as of 2018).

Feeding on stimulants
Feeding on stimulants

How to grow biofeed

Different kinds of additives that stimulate the rapid growth of pigs are produced today by many companies, both foreign and domestic. For example, piglets can add or sprinkle products manufactured by Trouw Nutrition, ShenPig GP Premium, Shencon, etc. into ordinary food for piglets. BMVD (protein-mineral-vitamin) supplements are considered especially useful for such animals. They are a mixture of a huge number of different ingredients.

Pig growth stimulants, in turn, are divided into conventional and hormonal. The first type of funds can:

  • to ensure the rapid breakdown of feed in the body of pigs and their digestibility;
  • accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

Hormonal stimulants are classified into steroids and anabolics. The most popular remedy of this type among farmers is DES or Sinestrol. When using anytypes of stimulants, the owner of the farmstead should, among other things, keep in mind that by the time the animal is slaughtered, they must be completely removed from his body.

What else a novice farmer needs to know

Properly selected diet and the availability of a market for meat are the main factors affecting the profitability of a farm specializing in raising pigs. Of course, other factors besides the type of food used for them affect the productivity of piglets.

First of all, a farmer who decides to make a profit on the sale of meat should take care of buying actually good thoroughbred young animals. You need to purchase piglets in proven farms that are safe in terms of various infectious diseases.

The cost of feed for pigs
The cost of feed for pigs

Many farmers are interested, for example, in whether it is profitable to keep Vietnamese pigs. This breed has earned very good reviews from Russian farmers. Recently, these pigs in our country are becoming more and more popular. Such pigs are distinguished primarily by precocity. They do not grow too large, but at the same time they can be slaughtered as early as 4 months. Turnover, provided that a significant number of individuals are raised on such a farm, of course, will be large.

Additional factors

Also, pigs on the farm need to be provided with decent living conditions. The pigsty should be clean, light and dry. Premises for piglets need to be cleaned and disinfected in time to prevent epidemics. The answer to the question of whether it is profitable to keepVietnamese pigs, whites, landraces, etc., depends not least on how he althy the animals will be. Serious illnesses of piglets, unfortunately, are known a lot. Any epidemic can nullify literally all the efforts of the farmer to grow livestock.

In a pigsty, among other things, there should be a lot of windows. Also, in the premises for piglets, it is imperative to equip ventilation. Keeping the pigs themselves in the barn is supposed to be in groups by age. Otherwise, the elders will beat the younger ones, which will lead to stress for the latter and may cause illness and death.

Sow with cubs
Sow with cubs

Is it profitable to keep pigs for sale

Of course, the owner of such a farm can receive income not only from the sale of meat. In this case, you can also earn extra money by selling small piglets. Such a living commodity is not too expensive today. But pigs themselves are fertile animals. From one queen, farmers usually get up to 6-8 cubs per farrow. Most likely, the owner of a pig farm should not make the basis of the business of trading young animals in our time. But the sale of piglets can still bring additional income.