Large factories of Yaroslavl and the region

Large factories of Yaroslavl and the region
Large factories of Yaroslavl and the region

Yaroslavl factories occupy an important place in the sectoral structure of Central Russia. In a large production center, there are enterprises of mechanical engineering, military-industrial complex, chemical, textile, construction, and food industries. Let's take a look at some of them.

Tire plant (Yaroslavl)

By the end of the 1920s, as the economy grew, an acute shortage of chemical products was created in the country. The civil war stopped the development of industry for a long time. It was urgent to close the gap with other countries. The government decided to create a large center for the production of rubber products and asbestos. Particular emphasis was placed on the production of cord tires.

Tire plant, Yaroslavl
Tire plant, Yaroslavl

In 1932, the grand opening of the plant in Yaroslavl took place. During the Second World War, it was the only enterprise capable of manufacturing tires for cars, trucks, public transport, and military equipment. In 1943, the YaShZ was badly damaged by bombing, and it took months to restore it.

After the war, the plant was modernized. Innovative technologies were actively introduced into production, technical processes were improved. The team is the firstThe USSR mastered the production of tubeless tires.

Today, the tire plant in Yaroslavl remains the leader in the industry. 2,000 highly skilled workers annually produce over 3 million units of products known under the brands Cordiant and Cordiant Professional. Export deliveries are carried out in three dozen countries. Designed for a variety of climatic conditions, tires adequately withstand the tests of Russian roads despite cold and heat, rain and snow. In the production, high-quality materials are used, machines and equipment correspond to the best world analogues. It is no coincidence that YaShZ products are respected by motorists.

Ceramic factory, Yaroslavl
Ceramic factory, Yaroslavl

Norsk factory

Norsky ceramic factory in Yaroslavl is the largest manufacturer of building and facing materials in the region. He was destined to become the first in the Soviet Union, where the technology of automatic production of clay bricks was introduced. For its work, advanced equipment was purchased in England, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France. The ceremonial start of production took place on a warm summer day on July 1, 1977.

Following decades, the Norsk plant in Yaroslavl did not stop developing. At the moment, he remains one of the leaders in the production of building materials in Russia. The productivity reaches 100 million pieces of brick annually. And over 38 years of work, about 3 billion units of high-quality products have been delivered to the country's construction sites. By the way, products from the Volga region were used for the construction and cladding of Olympic facilities in Sochi.

The company's portfolio includes a wide range of types of bricks, stone and other building materials:

  • ceramic porous;
  • single ordinary, with voids, with corrugated edges;
  • Front ivory in various variations;
  • front color "Apricot";
  • front "Brown";
  • face "Beige";
  • front with corrugated outer surface;
  • other products.
Norsk plant, Yaroslavl
Norsk plant, Yaroslavl


One of the largest factories in Yaroslavl, the pride of the region. Better known as the Yaroslavl Motor Plant. Carries out the development, testing and production of a wide range of diesel units for trucks, mining dump trucks "BelAZ", agricultural, military, construction equipment.

YAMZ is a full cycle enterprise. That is, the production of engines is carried out, starting from casting blanks, ending with mechanical assembly and testing work. By the way, power plants for the Topol M strategic nuclear complexes have been created here.

Komatsu Manufacturing Rus
Komatsu Manufacturing Rus

Komatsu Manufacturing Rus

A large machine-building plant in Yaroslavl, specializing in the assembly of mining dump trucks and construction equipment. This is the first production site of the Japanese corporation Komatsu in Russia. The construction of the enterprise began in 2008, and production began in 2010.

Factory area exceeds 50,000 m2. At the same time, the size of the team, thanks tointroduction of automation and robotics is only 500 people. Personnel are trained in their own training center on the basis of YaGTU.

The main products at the moment are HD785 dump trucks and RS series hydraulic excavators. The development of the project was carried out under the patronage of V. V. Putin, who was at that time the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
