Rare breeds of chickens: names, descriptions of breeds

Rare breeds of chickens: names, descriptions of breeds
Rare breeds of chickens: names, descriptions of breeds

Chicken man began to breed already several millennia ago. Such an economic bird has long been popular in Europe, Asia, and America. Of course, most often, farmers breed chickens of ordinary, widespread breeds - leggorns, roy-alands, Kuchinsky jubilee, etc. But some enthusiasts keep more original decorative or just household birds in their backyards. What interesting rare breeds of chickens exist today in the world? Read about it in our article.

Ga Dong Tao description

In another way, this breed of chickens is called Vietnamese fighting. This bird attracts primarily with its unusual appearance. "Ga" in Russian is translated as "chicken", "Dong Tao" is the name of the Vietnamese village, in which from time immemorial they have been breeding fighting cockerels. In Europe, only a few collectors keep such chickens. Basically, Ga Dong Tao can only be found in Vietnam itself. At the moment, therefore, it is one of the rarest breeds of chickens in the world.

You can distinguish such a bird from any other by:

  • massive and a little loosephysique;
  • nut-shaped red comb;
  • short, close-fitting wings;
  • massive and short neck.

At the same time, the most important characteristic feature of Ga Dong Tao is very thick paws with short, poorly developed fingers. It was on the legs when breeding chickens of this breed in Vietnam that they once paid the most attention. Ga Dong Tao paws are used in this country to prepare a special delicacy.

Ga Dong Tao chickens
Ga Dong Tao chickens

Features of care and maintenance

These rare chickens are very capricious and tender birds. Since this breed was bred in a hot country, the Russian climate does not suit her very well. The farmer who, for the sake of interest, decides to have such chickens will have to build an insulated and heated barn for them. Also, the owner of the farmstead growing Ga Dong Tao is likely to face such a problem as the susceptibility of this bird to various kinds of diseases. Of course, Ga Dong Tao has no immunity to European chicken diseases.

This breed, as already mentioned, belongs to the fighting group. Accordingly, Ga Dong Tao bettas are distinguished by their aggressiveness. In the courtyard, such chickens are kept separately from other poultry. Yes, and the owners themselves have to behave with extreme caution in relation to such cockerels. One sudden movement in the coop can result in some pretty serious injury.

Aggressiveness in males of this breed is really off scale. ButAt the same time, they are very easy to train. Chickens are unusually smart, and under the guidance of an experienced trainer they can literally walk on the line.

Red Hat English

Chickens of this breed belong to the egg direction of productivity. The main distinguishing feature of this agricultural bird is a large pink crest. The breed is very old, but it is still kept by some farmers in the UK. The red-capped chicken was bred in England at the beginning of the 19th century. Farmers then chose the now extinct Yorkshire pheasant, as well as the Lancashire Muni, as parent breeds for her.

In addition to the large scarlet crest from which the breed gets its name, the characteristics of the red-capped English chicken are:

  • light body and high set tail;
  • medium sized neck with elongated plumage;
  • wings tightly pressed to the body;
  • high set tail;

  • small thick head.

Photos of a rare breed of English red-capped chickens can be seen below. The color of this bird in most cases is dark variegated brown. A distinctive feature of this breed, among other things, is the large difference in size between cockerels and hens.

English red-capped
English red-capped

How to care

This breed is famous primarily for its high egg production. It is thanks to this quality that the red-capped chicken still enjoyspopular with some farmers in England. The meat of representatives of this breed is also considered very tasty. It is tender in red-capped chickens, not at all hard and juicy.

The advantages of this breed include, among other things, endurance. English Red-capped chickens tolerate cold well and rarely get sick. Therefore, in Russia, farmers who decide to deal with this breed should not have any special problems with it.

The only drawback of these chickens is that they completely lack maternal instinct. The farmer will have to breed chickens of this breed in an incubator.

The owner of the farmstead, who decides to take care of these chickens, among other things, should keep in mind that they are excellent flyers. For such a bird, among other things, you will have to make a covered courtyard or an aviary with a very high fence.


Representatives of this rare breed of chickens have an unusually attractive appearance. A distinctive feature of the Paduans is a very lush ray-shaped crest that covers the entire head. These chickens have been known to man since ancient times. In Russia, peasants, for example, used Paduans to obtain eggs and meat back in the 18th century. The exact origin of this breed, unfortunately, has not been clarified. However, some researchers believe that for the first time such chickens began to be bred in Italy. In any case, the earliest references to this breed are found among the Romans.

These chickens look very light and graceful. The plumage of representatives of this breed is bright and harmonious. In chickens, the crest looks like a ball, in cockerels itlooks like a mane. The crest of the representatives of this breed is absent. At the same time, the beard of such chickens is very large. This bird also has no earrings.

Padua chickens
Padua chickens

How to properly care

This elite breed of laying hens belongs to the decorative group. They contain padua, like ordinary chickens, in spacious poultry houses. The barn built for them, among other things, needs to be well insulated and heaters installed in it. A thick layer of straw should be laid on the floor in the paduan house. In the enclosure for these chickens, you also need to build a canopy.

Paduans are an omnivorous bird. However, the diet for them, as for any chickens, must be developed carefully. This bird should not be allowed to eat everything. If the paduan pecks at something stale or too greasy, he will definitely get sick. It is believed that dry complete feed is best suited for these chickens.

The food offered to this bird, among other things, needs to be checked for the presence of hormones. Feed containing such components can significantly reduce the immunity of paduans. In addition, when using such food, these chickens begin to lay eggs that are not very high quality. In winter, Paduans are usually given warm food. Most often it is steamed peas, corn, lentils. Greens are also considered very useful for representatives of this breed.

Drinkers for Paduans should definitely be purchased nipple. Water for these chickens cannot be poured into simple containers. Otherwise, the long beard of these birds will constantly get wet and collect dirt.

Feature of chickensThis breed, among other things, is that they are very strongly attached to the owner. Therefore, experienced farmers do not advise purchasing adult paduans for the farmstead. In a new place, such chickens will feel uncomfortable. It is better to buy chickens of this breed for the farm.


Currently one of the rarest dwarf chicken breeds in the world. In another way, these chickens are called kings. Bantams were brought to Europe once from Japan. They came to the Land of the Rising Sun from India, where they were bred for cockfights in ancient times. Once upon a time, these mini-hens were considered a sign of we alth and only we althy people could purchase them. Many researchers consider this beautiful breed to be one of the oldest in the world.

The plumage of bantams can have a different color. But at the same time it is always bright and very catchy. The standards for these one of the rarest chickens in the world allow for white, black, variegated, etc. colors. Also, the characteristic features of such a bird are:

  • thick plumage;
  • small head;
  • long wide wings reaching the ground;
  • graceful uplifted body;
  • short legs.

The crest of bantams can be either leaf-shaped or rose-shaped. Also, some varieties of this rare breed of chickens have a crest.

bantam chickens
bantam chickens

Features of care

These hens are bred in most cases as decorative ones. However, from them it is possibleget a small amount of eggs. Depending on the variety, bantams can carry from 90 to 130 pieces. in year. A feature of the eggs of these chickens is that the yolk inside them cannot move.

For a Russian farmer, a business plan for breeding a rare breed of bentham chickens must necessarily include calculations for the construction of a heated, ventilated barn. Equip a house for benthams in the same way as for representatives of other breeds. The only thing is that the perches for them are set lower and in one tier. In any case, the bantam chicken coop should always be dry and very light. When kept in such a room, their plumage will look as attractive as possible. In addition, with a large number of windows, this bird rushes better.

Representatives of this rare breed of laying hens eat very little. Therefore, the owners of farmsteads have the opportunity to purchase the best and highest quality feed for them. Like other chickens, the basis of the diet of bantams is wet vegetable mash with the addition of bran. Also, such a bird must receive cereals.

Russian Crested

This wonderful breed was obtained by folk selection in the 19th century. When breeding these chickens, Russian peasants focused on their endurance and productivity in terms of meat and eggs. Chickens of this breed look very attractive. Their main distinguishing feature is a large, protruding crest. The standards of this breed, among other things, are:

  • proportional body;
  • abundant,close-fitting plumage;
  • strong massive shins;
  • elongated head;
  • not too long tails.

The crest of these rare chickens is always thrown back. In cockerels, the tail is fluffy and has pigtails. Characteristic features of this breed are also a slightly curved beak at the end and red eyes.

Recently, the Russian crested has begun to enjoy great popularity among domestic collectors. Today, for example, this rare breed of chickens is kept in Kursk, Volgograd, the Moscow region, and even in the Urals and Siberia. And there is nothing surprising in the increased popularity of the Russian crested. After all, the bird is not only quite productive, but also very beautiful.

Features of caring for Russian crested

No special conditions are required for keeping this rare breed of chickens. Such a bird, of course, is very well adapted to the Russian climate. The chicken coop for the Russian crested, of course, should be insulated, but it is not necessary to heat it. Lighting also has almost no effect on the quality of life of these chickens. However, at least one window in the house equipped for them, of course, must be mandatory.

Russian crested chickens
Russian crested chickens

These chickens are fed in the same way as representatives of any other domestic or foreign breed. The only nuance of caring for this bird is that it needs to trim the crest from time to time. Feathers on the head often block the view of these chickens, because of which they can evencan't find a feeder. Sometimes the crest of such a bird is simply tied up.


The formation of this breed began in the 19th century. on the territory of North America. Wyandot is the name of one of the Indian tribes of this continent. Officially, this interesting breed was registered in 1883. It is believed that Leggorns, Orpingtons, Cochinchins, Dorkings and some others became her parents.

The main distinguishing features of Wyandotes are:

  • voluminous fluffy plumage;
  • significant width of feathers;
  • strong body;
  • fluffy not too long tail;
  • small comb on both males and females;
  • strong strong paws of medium size.

The plumage of these chickens can be different - from blue to golden. Silver Wyandot is considered to be the most beautiful. Such chickens have a white feather with a steel sheen with a black edging, giving them a special elegance. Below in the photo, a rare breed of Wyandot chickens is presented to the attention of the reader.

Content Features

This breed, like many other old Russian and European breeds, very quickly adapts to any living conditions. In order for Wyandots to feel comfortable, their poultry house must first of all be well lit. The weight of chickens of this breed is significant. Therefore, perches in the barn are not too high for them.

A feature of this breed, among other things, is sensitivity to dirt in the chicken coop. Changing bedding in the shedwith wyandotes it is necessary at least 1 time per week. They feed chickens of this breed in the same way as any other. That is, they give them mash and grain. It is not recommended to offer too many concentrates to these chickens. Otherwise, they will get fat and will be less likely to rush.

Wyandot chickens
Wyandot chickens

Wyandot hen eggs hatch willingly. Therefore, farmers only incubate them if they want to get more chickens.

Japanese Phoenix

This elite breed of chickens came to Europe from China and Japan. In these countries, it was believed that phoenixes, if settled in the yard, could bring considerable good luck. In the East, representatives of this breed were once even forbidden to eat.

The main feature of phoenixes is a beautiful tail, often reaching a length of 10 m. Because of this “accessory”, males of this breed can hardly walk. Also features of this breed are:

  • dense and smooth plumage;
  • pea or walnut comb;
  • naked, featherless paws.

Photos of rare chickens of this breed are presented below. As you can see, phoenixes actually look very impressive. Japanese scientists managed, among other things, to slow down the tail molting gene of representatives of this breed. Therefore, the feathers in it in phoenixes just gradually change every 5 years.

Rules of care

Keeping chickens of this breed is an unusually difficult task. It is believed that only true professionals can handle it. In addition, the Japanese authorities also bannedbuying/selling phoenixes. Because of this, they are, for the most part, considered one of the rarest breeds of chickens on the planet. The sale of phoenixes is fraught with a large fine for farmers in Japan. Therefore, the German variety of the phoenix has become quite popular in the world, the restrictions on the sale of which do not exist. Breeders in Germany "shortened" the tail of representatives of this breed to 3 m. Phoenixes of the German variety are also quite capricious, but still less whimsical to care for than the Japanese.

Japanese phoenix chickens
Japanese phoenix chickens

A farmer who decides to breed this elite breed of chickens should keep in mind, among other things, that such cockerels will have to be walked at least 3 times a day. With a tail length of more than two meters, such a bird will not be able to walk on its own. The farmer will need to walk with such a cockerel as with a dog. The tail of such a phoenix will have to be pre-wound on a hairpin or laid on a cart.

Phoenix hens, among other things, also completely lack maternal instinct. Therefore, to replenish the herd of such a bird, you will need an incubator.

Farmers add yeast to food for phoenixes. At the same time, barley, oats, beets, carrots, cabbage are included in the menu of such a bird every day. Also, these chickens are given herbal flour. Be sure this bird should also receive mineral supplements.
