CarMoney: reviews, activities, conditions and features

CarMoney: reviews, activities, conditions and features
CarMoney: reviews, activities, conditions and features

CarMoney is a convenient service that is an excellent alternative to a bank loan. A key feature is the provision of a loan secured by a vehicle passport. The advantage for the borrower is that he can use the vehicle for the entire duration of the contract. The company operates on the basis of a certificate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and is also a member of SRO MiR. The company operates within the framework of Federal Law-353 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The company's branches are represented in 56 regions of Russia. In total, there are more than 1,300 service points across the country that you can apply for a loan.

Service Overview

The mark of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation indicates that the site of this IFC will be entered into the state register. On the service, you can select a city and get acquainted with the nearest customer service points. Making a loan in CarMoney has certain features. Among the benefits that customers receive are the following:

  • moderateinterest rates;
  • large credit limit;
  • no additional costs;
  • the maximum limit is 70% of the value of the vehicle;
  • no additional fees;
  • possibility of obtaining a second loan;
  • minimum number of documents for issuing funds;
  • receiving money immediately after applying;
  • wide branch network.

The main disadvantages of applying for a microloan in this organization include the following:

  • no loy alty program for customers;
  • personal presence when receiving a microloan;
  • impossibility of deferred payment;
  • paid repayment of liabilities;

Users can independently calculate the monthly loan payment. The loan term is standard, ranging from 24 to 36 months.

carmoney staff reviews
carmoney staff reviews

In your personal account you can see the payment schedule, which allows you to see the amount of the mandatory payment and the state of the debt. In order to use the services of a personal account, it is enough to go through a simple registration procedure. If the client has any questions, you can go to the "Question and Answers" section.

How to get a loan?

To apply for a loan, it is enough to indicate the phone number and name on the company's website. The specialist will call you back within 5 minutes and clarify the details. The user cannot submit an application on the site, since this requires a personal presence at one of the pointsservice.

Transaction Process
Transaction Process

You must have the originals of the necessary documents with you, including the vehicle passport. Each request is considered for 1 day, and the decision is made in just a couple of hours. If the application is approved, the company concludes a collateral agreement and a loan agreement with the client. Certain restrictions are imposed on the vehicle: the car cannot be exchanged, sold, donated, etc.

Requirements for the borrower

Services are available to persons aged 21 to 65 years. Also, the borrower must have Russian citizenship and permanent registration in the region of residence. IFC CarMoney provides funds not only to individuals, but also to individual entrepreneurs.

carmoney customer reviews
carmoney customer reviews

The vehicle must be owned by the borrower. Cars of categories B, C, D are accepted as collateral. At the same time, a domestic car must be no older than 7 years, and a foreign one no older than 15 years. Also, the vehicle must be technically sound and not pledged to other companies or individuals. To apply for a loan, you must provide the originals of the following documents: an identity card of a citizen, a vehicle passport, a vehicle registration certificate. If necessary, IFC reserves the right to require other documents.

Tariff plan

The service offers the only lending option with a limit of up to 1 million rubles. This amount can be received not only by permanentcustomers, but also newly applied borrowers. The interest rate can vary from 7.35% to 8.25% per month. Based on the total cost of the car, the maximum amount of the limit will be calculated. CarMoney reviews report that the company offers up to 70% of the vehicle's market value. Delay in mandatory payment entails the accrual of a pen alty in the amount of 20% per annum. Please note that the tariff plan does not provide for renewal services.

Debt repayment

Regardless of the term of the loan, borrowers repay the loan by making monthly payments in a certain amount throughout the entire period of the agreement. Customers can use the following payment options:

  • bank card;
  • CONTACT system;
  • bank transfer.

Payment by bank card is made through the CloudPayments service. The borrower will need to indicate the contract number and full name. The commission for this operation is 2% of the total amount of the transfer. The service accepts MIR, MasterCard and Visa cards. In order to make a payment through the CONTACT system, you must have your passport with you. In addition, the operator may require a contract number. Experts recommend making payments on weekdays, since many branches do not work on holidays and weekends.

mfc carmoney
mfc carmoney

The borrower can repay the debt using the Internet bank or at a branch of a credit institution. The client will need to send a transfer to the details of the IFC,which are freely available. It is important to remember that the commission for such an operation is set by the sender. Funds are credited to the organization's account within 3 days.

Debt repayment features

Borrowers can repay the payment ahead of schedule within the first 14 days from the date of signing the contract. In this case, it is not necessary to notify the lender about this. However, already from the 15th day of using the funds, the borrower is released from early repayment of loan obligations without notifying the lender. In this case, the borrower must send this notice at least 30 days before the repayment date. The client can partially repay the loan ahead of schedule on the day provided for by the repayment schedule. In this case, the amount of the mandatory payment is subject to mandatory recalculation, and interest will be charged only on the remaining part of the debt.

Loan repayment
Loan repayment

CarMoney car pawnshop provides customers with the opportunity to receive an additional microloan before the expiration of the current contract. This is a competitive advantage for this institution as other MFCs do not allow borrowers to have more than one active loan. Issuance of a parallel loan is provided on standard terms of the contract.

CarMoney Collaboration

The company's strategy provides for attracting additional investments with a guaranteed income of 20% per annum. This amount of fixed income significantly exceeds the usual bank deposit. The invested funds are secured by collateralclients of this company. Transparent terms of cooperation are an indisputable advantage of this service. Cooperation with CarMoney involves investing in the following areas:

  • car pawnshop;
  • auto insurance;
  • car repair;
  • parts sales.

Potential investors can independently calculate the profitability on the online calculator, indicating the main parameters (term, amount and profit option).

carmoney cooperation
carmoney cooperation

The most profitable option for investors is to make a profit at the end of the contract. The investment period is from one to three years. Cooperation with CarMoney involves investing in car insurance, parts sales, car pawnshop and car repair.

Methods of getting a loan

Funds can be transferred to a bank account or through the CONTACT system. To receive money to a bank account in a Russian bank, you must provide the full name of the credit institution, account number and BIC of the bank. As a rule, funds are received within 5 days. It is important to know that the transfer is carried out without additional commission.

Loan procedure
Loan procedure

The CONTACT system is also a quick and convenient way to receive money. You can get cash at any point of issue, which is located on the territory of Russia. The transfer is sent to the client's passport data, so you must have the original identity card with you. The operator can request a unique code, which is sent to the borrower via SMS. The operation is not subject to an additional commission, and the term for crediting funds is 1 hour.

Public Opinion

In order to form an objective opinion about this service, it is recommended to study customer reviews about CarMoney. Some comments contain information that the company is not responsible for the services provided. Negative reviews about CarMoney report the incompetence of call center employees. Some borrowers are frightened by high interest rates, while others are dissatisfied with the long service. Dissatisfied borrowers call this company a "small-town office" because employees show an irresponsible attitude towards their work duties. Some reviews report that employees check credit history, although the company assures that it does not matter much for obtaining a microloan. Some clients say that in case of late repayment of the debt, the borrower is responsible not only for the mortgaged car, but also for all his property.

carmoney employee reviews
carmoney employee reviews

Positive reviews about CarMoney note the efficient work of managers who are ready to help customers and solve all difficulties. Some of the comments contain information about the fast approval of a microloan and the provision of funds. Other CarMoney reviews report that the service allows you to quickly resolve financial issues.


The responses of employees about the employer will allow you to understand the real state of affairs in this company. Some experts note that the service is quite convenient, because it really allows you to quickly receive money. Other employees report that the terms of the loan are unfavorable for clients, so many go to other MFCs. Some comments contain information that the company's management is aimed only at making a profit, and therefore does not respond to negative feedback from borrowers. Positive feedback from employees about CarMoney indicates that the company is a conscientious employer that provides people with jobs and helps to get out of difficult financial situations.

However, there is also a diametrically opposite opinion, which boils down to the fact that it is better to pay attention to other IFCs. Feedback from employees about CarMoney notes that it is impossible to work under the guidance of people who do not understand the basic principles of the car pawnshop. Many employees say that it is very difficult to work in the company due to the negative psychological climate in the team.
